
wogma rating: Watch but no rush (?)

quick review:

The tiny step Bharadwaj takes towards Shakespeare is worth an applause, and a second-viewing too. Even so, the writing though has miles to go.

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Director: Vishal Bharadwaj
Running time: 165 minutes
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Rangoon - Preview

5 years ago, if you would have told me I would look forward to a film because it has Kangna Ranaut in it, without heeding to the fact that it is a Vishal Bharadwaj film that stars Saif Ali Khan too, I would have tried to politely suppress a laughter dying to spurt out. And boy am I glad to be proven wrong, even in this hypothetical situation!

Having said that, the love-war-deceit triangle theme, not to mention the love triangle theme has been played out way too many times to demand any interest. Sure, it has the Vishal Bharadwaj touch and that bit piques your interest. But then, you are reminded that a non-Shakespeare adaptation by the man is only so interesting.

This makes expectations for Rangoon perfectly balanced, ready to be tipped on either side come Febraury 24th.

Music Reviews:
Bollywood Hungama – "3.5/5"
Bollywood Life - "3/5"
Deccan Herald – "3.5/5"
Firstpost - "It may not be as rebellious as his previous soundtracks, but it's familiar in a beautiful way."
Indian Express - "The album is acceptable, just not edgy enough."
Milliblog – a 200-worder that includes, "Vishal at his usual, unorthodox best "
Music Aloud - "4/5"

- meeta, a part of the audience

Boy meets girl. Uninteresting. But that changes quickly if the circumstances they meet under are intriguing. That the boy and girl fall for each other is a given. But their conflicts with the rest of the world can charge things up. Rangoon does this in fits and starts. That too is enough to keep you glued. The house of cards falls though when the story has to be wrapped up. The last 20-25 minutes of Rangoon are a fine example of out-of-characteristically abysmal writing. Something that was meant to break your heart, makes your eyes roll instead with a mind that's crying, “et tu, Bharadwaj?”

considering Rangoon encompasses a love triangle, a war of ideologies and the World War II, it is a lot of time spent on not moving the story forward

A story is supposed to answer a, “What if?” “What if Quentin Tarantino made Inglourious Basterds as a musical.” Rangoon, the film - not its story – tries to answer that question in the first half hour. As intentional as the nod to Tarantino is, this interesting and amusing “what if”, is not one that takes the plot forward. Then there are other musical pieces that remind you of Gulaal. I am not sure if that was intentional. But, the comment on the clash of political ideologies is apparent. And anyway, it doesn't take the story forward.

Now considering Rangoon encompasses a love triangle, a war of ideologies and the World War II, it is a lot of time spent on not moving the story forward.

This is why, the last half hour becomes a little more tedious than it might have been with fewer tangents. However, another way to look at it would be that the three characters who make the triangle are so intriguing that you want to see more of them. Each one of them is strong-headed. Each one of them helpless in love. Each of them grey and complex. Yes, surely we want more of them.

Of course, that wouldn't have worked out had it not been for the actors. Saharsh Shukla to Satoru Kawaguchi to the lead actors Kangna Ranaut, Saif Ali Khan, Shahid Kapoor – all are remarkable. The lead actors specifically make their vulnerabilities transparent to the audience's eye. The actors' eyes showing strength and power to defy that vulnerability even as they succumb to the ones they love. Yet, they are not clones of each other. Even if the intensity with which they love might be the same – if love can be measured at all, that is – the priorities change with time and situation. And because of the way it is played out by the actors, as an audience, you can tell how they are going to react. This has a feeling of being consistent with the character rather than predictable. The chemistry between Shahid Kapoor and Kangna Ranaut is palpable, that between the latter and Saif Ali Khan is appropriately cold or comfortable.

If you were to strip down the tangents, this story is about stunt-woman Julia. Sure, a character of such strength, especially physical, is usually a male in most films. That highlight aside, what made it even more precious is almost everything about the story is about two women – Julia and India.

Ironically, many a love triangle with two men and a woman are more about the men than the woman. Many a film about patriotism are more about the men protecting the country and very little about the country herself. The women on the pedestal are taken rather for granted in the story. A lot of Rangoon is about Julia, her experiences and her reactions to those experiences. There is a psychological undercurrent of her nomadic beginnings leading to an insecurity she hides within. The countries too are given some consideration, through foreign rulers admiring the rich culture, through acts on stage.

Even if the intensity with which they love might be the same – if love can be measured at all, that is – the priorities change with time and situation

Other than that the non-glamorous war and action scenes (barring a few badly done CGI ones), the scenes without a background score, the music when it's there, the songs, the long shots and close-ups all take you into their world. A world strife with war. And yet looks like a beautiful scar on an otherwise untainted body. A war within which love finds vigour. A world where Vishal Bharadwaj tries to enter Shakespearean territory of tragic, complex characters - irrespective of whether or not he succeeds completely.

A world I would certainly visit again. Maybe with a pen in hand, even if imaginary, scratching off parts from the reel that would have made the movie crisper. Maybe coming back home imagining an alternate end for the film.

- meeta, a part of the audience


35 reviewers(?) - 10 yays 16 so-so 9 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...On the whole, RANGOON is an epic love saga with strong emotional quotient, riveting second hour and nail-biting finale. Watch it for its layered plot, serpentine twists, proficient storytelling and bravura performances. A content-driven film that’s worth a recommendation! - See more at: http://www.bollywoodhungama.com/movie/rangoon/critic-review/#sthash.5ozLXmyQ.dpuf... full review

Thumbs up, by Rashma Shetty Bali, Bollywood Life : ...If you are a Vishal Bhardwaj fan, let us warn you that this might not be his best, but we bet you’ll see another kind of a storyteller here. And yes, he does deliver a movie that is embedded with fine performances from the cast and great visuals by cinematographer Pankaj Kumar and that makes the movie deserving of a watch despite its flaws. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Pearl Sahni, Desi Martini : ...Apart from this, another reason for loving this movie is because it is different. It will make you think and keep you interested(2nd half). It will force you to be involved and be very careful of every dialogue being spoken. It speaks about self love and love for the nation. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Rohini Nair, FirstPost : ...But while it lasts, what an experience Rangoon is. Leave aside the mechanics of war and history (on which it scores a few solid points), on love — of the controlling sort, of the dependent sort, of the unfulfilled and forbidden sort — Vishal Bhardwaj’s film is a gem. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Josh, fullhyd.com : ...Bhardwaj fills his film with quirky songs, a bejewelled and possibly enchanted sword, air raids, opium bribes, deep friendships, deeper allegiance to the soil... and they all work! This film is not Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola. It doesn't feel schizophrenic. It doesn't feel incongruous. It flows like a stream down a hill - fast, steady, and convoluted. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Saibal Chatterjee, NDTV : ...Rangoon is wholeheartedly recommended but with a rider: it isn't a stroll in the park because it demands patience and concentration. It definitely helps that the cinematography (by Pankaj Kumar) is so lustrous that you simply cannot take your eyes off the screen. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Raja Sen, Rediff : ...As the credits used to say back in the day at the close of a spectacular film, 'Remember, it's a Vishal Bhardwaj creation.' ... full review

Thumbs up, Sify Movies : ...Overall, Rangoon masterfully weaves a drama that keeps you enraptured till the very end. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Meena Iyer, Times of India : ...There’s a dialogue in the film where Saif tells a British officer, “We’re actors, we know how to convince people.” That isn’t entirely true here. Borrowing Julia’s oft-repeated phrase, “Bloody hell’, one wishes these three had truly dropped their guard. It would’ve certainly added more rang to this movie extravaganza. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Ritika Handoo, Zee News : ...Do watch the film for a cinematic brilliance by the storytelling expert Vishal Bhardwaj. ... full review

So-So, by Anna MM Vertticad, annavetticadgoes2themovies : ...Still, Ranaut is remarkable playing the sort of character no Hindi film leading lady has been given for decades now. A big bow to Bhardwaj for that, and to the actress for choosing a path advocated by Gandhi, being the change she clearly wants to see in Hindi cinema. This action queen deserved a more vibrant film though. ... full review

So-So, by Bobby Sing, Bobby Talks Cinema.com : ...Summing up, RANGOON can only be seen for Kangan Ranaut alone and nothing else to be fair in a costly multiplex. And no it doesn't generate any patriotic feeling at all with a completely filmy finale. I didn’t mind watching the film at a surprising ticket price of just Rs.120 in a leading multiplex of Delhi in the very first show. But anything above than 100-120 for this RANGOON will be a sheer exploitive loot offering much less in return. ... full review

So-So, by Subhash K Jha, Bolly Spice : ...Kangana and Shahid are extraordinarily at-home in expressing the eruption of unpremeditated passion. Their scenes together are magically shot by cinematographer Pankaj Kumar and are elevated further to a level of liberating lyricism by Vishal Bhardwaj’s serene background score. ... full review

So-So, by Rohit Bhatnagar, Deccan Chronicle : ...Rangoon is definitely not avoidable but it is certainly not a Vishal Bhardwaj masterpiece. Watch the film for its performances and if you come to know whether it is a war film or a love story, then please post your comments in the section below. ... full review

So-So, by Bhavini Trikha, Desi Martini : ...At the end You will move out of the hall, with mixed feelings for the movie. ... full review

So-So, by SmitaVKumar , Desi Martini : ...I guess sometimes a creator so falls in love with his own creation that he fails to see its fatal flaws. That may be the case with this film. However, I would say Rangoon is worth a watch for Kangana and the delicious first half. Miss Julia will win you heart, bloody hell! ... full review

So-So, by Samedha Arora, Desi Martini : ...I’ll give a kudos to the Rangoon makers for the exuberant theme, but that topsy turvy narrative could be avoided. Apart from that, there is no reason to avoid Rangoon, it’s a fair deal for a good cinema experience. ... full review

So-So, by Ameet Bhuvan, Desi Martini : ...It is the second half, the climax in particular that the film absolutely derails , meandering labourously to a facile tackily filmed climax that doesn't do justice to either the actors or the directors calibre. Yet this flaw can be overlooked for the rest of the movie is so pitch perfect that one can't but fall in love with it.At a never ending almost three hours, the film drags and indulges beyond need. Yet it is worth the trip to the movie halls for the sheer honesty of the effort. go for it. ... full review

So-So, by Rachit Gupta, Filmfare : ...While the actors give it their best shot, Rangoon just isn’t able to tell its story with consistency. The movie tries to pack in too many set pieces and ideas in one narrative. Its choice of keeping the love triangle with jealousy and sacrifice isn’t the most inspired piece of writing either. Rangoon looks like a beautiful picture but it offers very little soul to support its epic goals. ... full review

So-So, by Yatin Sharma, Glamsham.com : ...A confession : I am trying to remember RANGOON as a Vishal Bhardwaj's film since last night but repeatedly failing to do so. May be you can. ... full review

So-So, Indicine : ...Conclusion: Rangoon is a film that should be applauded more for its intentions rather than its execution. The love triangle, which is the basic plot device of the movie, doesn’t overpower the other proceedings in the movie. Yes, more time should have been delved in the freedom struggle movement. Eventually, Rangoon delivers a crisp second half which almost negates the slow first half of world building. Lovers of serious cinema who want a bit of meat in their movies, should definitely check out Rangoon because movies of this sort are few and far in between. If entertainment is what you seek out of films, then Rangoon isn’t for you. ... full review

So-So, by Mayank Shekhar, MiD DAY : ...This hardly does justice to Julia, whether or not she's based on Fearless Nadia. I actually wanted to know about her; much more. Or I'm probably saying this 'coz Kangy (Kangana) is just so frickin' dandy! ... full review

So-So, by Joginder Tuteja, Movie Talkies : ...Rangoon does deserve an acknowledgment for sure.... full review

So-So, by Kunal Guha, Mumbai Mirror : ...With a runtime of 167 minutes, this saga risked deflating into a snooze fest. But barring parts in the second half, where the film seemed to slip away, it's largely bearable, if not wildly enjoyable. ... full review

So-So, by Sarita A Tanwar, naachgaana.com : ...Rangoon is a mighty effort and worth seeing once. ... full review

So-So, by Rajeev Masand, News18.com : ...In the end, the film is neither entirely satisfying as a compelling romance, nor as a stirring patriotic drama about the role of the Indian National Army in India’s freedom struggle. Vishal makes an ambitious attempt to deliver a sweeping epic, but on a scale of Saat Khoon Maaf to Maqbool, this one sits somewhere in between. I’m going with two and a half out of five. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Johnson Thomas, Free Press Journal : ...Bharadwaj’s direction is off kilter here. There are far too many stand-offs and the logical flow sucks.... full review

Thumbs down, by Rohit Vats, Hindustan Times : ...At 167 minutes, Rangoon isn’t only long but painful. And this isn’t the pain of love. And it doesn’t end in pleasure. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Suhani Singh, india today : ... The overblown and protracted climax, with a touch of Tarantino thrown in, makes one giggle. And no it's not Bhardwaj flashing his sardonic humour card which he does rarely here. The filmmaker does seem short on ideas as evident in how often Julia uses the phrase "Bloody Hell". By the end of Rangoon, viewers are likely to use it to sum up the film. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Surabhi Redkar, koimoi : ...Rangoon is no masterpiece. It fails to rise above Vishal’s imagination of cinema. Lengthy and forced, it is a confused war-love-freedom struggle drama.... full review

Thumbs down, by Manisha Lakhe, Now Running.com : ...I tried, really hard to feel for the star and the soldier and drown in their mooch-filled kisses. But couldn't. Shakespeare must be sighing in his grave, 'This time Vishal Bhardwaj's story is out of joint indeed!' ... full review

Thumbs down, by Sukanya Verma, Rediff : ...Bhardwaj’s exquisite rendering of the Azad Hind Fauj version of Jana Gana Mana, which can also be heard in the charged opening credits of Ashok Kumar’s Samadhi, makes a stirring case for this hasty transformation. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Nandini Ramnath, Scroll.in : ...Rangoon is a fabulously filmed period drama about the intersection of cinema and nationalism, but it remains at the crossroads where other Bhardwaj’s titles can be found. The 167-minute movie is neither wholly satisfying nor capable of being dismissed entirely.... full review

Thumbs down, by Namrata Joshi, The Hindu : ...Ranaut swings between over-the-top and measured. Shahid is dependable and Saif is a revelation despite his intermittent presence. Bhardwaj casts interesting people in bit roles — Pooja Sarup and Atul Kumar as the Hitler-bashing troupe artistes. But then, in embracing a more mainstream narrative he also falls prey to some of its most terrible elements. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Karan Bali, Upper Stall : ...All in all, Rangoon is a dull film that has little going for it considering the talent involved. It also fails as an intended tribute for the brave men and women of the INA. For a time pass film with the INA as a backdrop,... full review


111 tweeters(?) - 57 yays 10 so-so 44 nays

yearning4d_sky: #Rangoon @KanganaRanautFC too good @shahidkapoor too good

ViShNu_SiNgH74: Rangoon : lovely movie..a must watch! Watch it for the acts of Kangana as Julia, Shahid as Nawab.and the Broadway numbers. ✡️✡️✡️

venkatmajji: Good movie #Rangoon #bloodyhell Kangana always rocks !!

varunvarghese: Loved loved loved Rangoon!!! <3

TwITLiKeAKinG: Absolutely loved Rangoon. A tribute to Netaji. Critics who complain about length should make their own movie. I did not want it to end.

TheSoothsayer_: I dunno about you guys, but I liked Rangoon.

TheAnushreeDash: What a cinematic excellence...Effortless performance and storytelling ...All the characters won the piece of art #Rangoon @RangoonTheFilm

tetisheri: Got a little draggy and melodramatic but Rangoon was so powerful. Also now expect half read INA fans on the loose.

srikondaveeti: Rangoon: one of it's rare kind of gems in Indian industry created by bush a Bharadwaj. Kanagana Ranaut made another remarkable performance

sliceofprince: Just saw #Rangoon. What a kickass bollywood movie. Great performances by all three leads. Great direction too. Good plot. Bloody Hell.

shreyaannam: Some really great dialogues and scenes. And the music & choreography were so entertaining to watch! #Rangoon

sharmahemlata5: Rangoon#beautiful script #best work of Kangana

shannu_Dilwali: .@Sanyukta_Mirror did you like #Rangoon ? I absolutely loved it!

Shaima_PC_SK: #Rangoon is the best film of the year so far 10/10 best actor @shahidkapoor and Inshallah national award for this brilliant performance

sanyayayaya: Just watched #Rangoon! What a FREAKING SURPRISE! IT WAS FANTASTIC.

sameer_kamra: Movie review: Rangoon Good movie....good acting...bhari dialogues...

sahneydeepak: Enjoy yr Sunday watch Rangoon for Kagna Ranaut she has done a good job. Only thing I know she does not prove very lucky for her heroes

SaGaRsK94: #Rangoon has some great performances... must watch for cinema… https://t.co/9O0du76bd0

safpsb: Enjoyed the film Rangoon.

rushikeshmagar9: Today #i #saw #the #Rangoon #movie at #solapur #really #nice #movie #Best #movie #by #shahidKapoor #kanganaRanaut And #saifalikhan

rslucky13: #Rangoon : This is what you call a pure cinematic experience.. Brilliant.. Must watch .. Bloody hell .. !!!!

rockiiaddicts: #Rangoon A worth watch

RJ_RedneckJedi: Chinese buffet tonight, yum! Crab rangoon never disappoints.

RaniArora95: I really liked #Rangoon, however the beginning was a bit slow but the cast was bang on. First good movie of 2017 and the first I watched.

RamitHanda: Rangoon is both Hollywoodesque Bollywood and bollywoodesque Hollywood . What a supreme achievement in epicstorytelling . Thank you Vishal

RajeshThakursyd: Watch #Rangoon for the brilliance of Vishal Bhardwaj An epic Saga. Acting, story,direction,music everything Out of… https://t.co/v9JEK4RyhC

PradyotNandi: Hats off!!!! Rangoon. Exemplary acting, direction, cinematography, music.

pediatriks: Watched #rangoon and quite liked it. #bloodyHell

nutties89: Rangoon is a must watch .. but kindly ignore last 20 minutes as it was meant for ....

MubbasharaLatif: Rangoon movie is superb

mpmainka: Enjoyed #Rangoon. Intriguing plot. Shahid was wonderfully restrained. Highly underrated he's. Kangana & Saif- effortless act. Good use of

Me_Archana27: Just watched #Rangoon .. What a fabulous movie..It's @shahidkapoor 's best film..what a performance

mathurshagun1: Loved Rangoon.. Power packed performances of Shahid, Kangana and Saif!!! Take away .. Bloody Hell!!!!

manojsharma1579: what a movie #rangoon awesome performances by saif ,shahid and kangana and superb direction by visha ji ✌✌✌

kismatandkarma: Rangoon review!! #bloodyhell #mustwatch https://t.co/Pl7aewBt4w

kathyfgibson: The new Hindi WWII drama RANGOON slows down after a strong start, but it's worth a watch. My review: https://t.co/EcUgCfVYt0

IrishFrappe: Rangoon was soooooooo gooood aaaaaa

imGsandhu: Bloody nice movie/work @shahidkapoor @saif #rangoon

I_me_amit: What a fabulous Movie #Rangoon @shahidkapoor @KanganaRanautFC #SaifAliKhan brilliant . Good story #Superhit @RangoonTheFilm

Govind_Vishnu: #Rangoon -Ambitious large canvas war-romance film not quite becoming the epic it attempts 2be,I would watch & complain than not watch at all

gm_fanboy11: achi movies support kar Rangoon achi movie doobra agar mou kula toh tere tattay kaat kar tujhe hi kela do ga

giveawaybrixe: Rangoon movie is superboverall story is good specially character of Julia is very interesting & loving

DuskySprngfield: I liked RANGOON #bollyfam https://t.co/H0ZricQgeT

Davita_Kd: What a powerful performance from #KanganaRanaut and what an intense movie #Rangoon

BleedWilliamson: Watched #Rangoon Insane mega blockbuster Royal Saif's performance is brilliant Shahid ok Kangana Gud @SaifWoww @SaifManager @Saifwowwarrior

atishj7: Heading again to watch #Rangoon for the 2nd time

atish_ease: #Rangoon is masterpiece.

ashgedara: Not an Indian, nor understands Hindi.! But absolutely loved #Rangoon amazing acting by @shahidkapoor n Kangana. Thank You subtitles

arunangshupaul: #Rangoon. I liked Rangoon. That should be the first thing I should say about the movie. Because in spite of some... https://t.co/FpiTstbwMt


ankur79: #Rangoon so good till the miserable end.

AnkitaTanti: #Rangoon so many awards are on your way. @shahidkapoor and #KanganaRanaut nailed it! #Vishalbhardwaj thanks for such awsum movie!

AnjumMir3: Hapy burday @shahidkapoor my first n last crush ❤️.saw Rangoon last night n it was osum super duper hit inshaAllah keep rocking lv u olwys

AishwaryaPinch1: #Rangoon owns some brilliant performances, @shahidkapoor you still stand peerless in terms of versatility! Saif and kangana

aishatax: #Rangoon Saif is as usual good, Kangana steals the show but @shahidkapoor is waaooow and hot! Period

ACEKHAN_FAN: finally watched #Rangoon , i really enjoyed it , all 3 were in top form esp. ##kangana , only issue cud hav been shrter by 15 mins easily

aamir__71: https://t.co/q6kPhQhjeh all #Shanatics @shahidkapoor #fans here's d best #review #Rangoon on #youtube 4/5 star share as much as possible

Tarun_Khannaa: Rangoon dsnt fall n d category f gud or bad film. It's n experiment wd subjectve reasoning. Mst b celebratd. @rekha_bhardwaj enthrals agn.

souravi: Rangoon: Kangna- the only one who made the movie sensible enough to watch.

muditkh: Fine direction Good Music. Great acting. Story.. oops.. Error 404. Not found #Rangoon

Muchonwalihansa: #Rangoon is basically poor man's "1942 A Love Story". Excellent acting, but weak screenplay and editing

ishtkam: In Rangoon, Vishal Bhardwaj strives to pull off what may well be his most ambitious film yet. https://t.co/vl0GQi7wiS

i_Prathit: #Rangoon the filmmaking style was more like Hollywood. It's grandeur and fascinating. Wish the script was more convincing.

hkhaja02: War movie like "RANGOON" has made a good effort but cannot Compete with War Movies of Hollywood which creates Terrific impact.#Bollywood

Hearthinksforme: Watch it for Kangana - Rangoon: At Best Watchable https://t.co/CaFUKy4qsr

Arvind_jkt: #Rangoon surely Kangana's film. Very well acted by her but slow at times. Bit of a drag. I think Vishal Bhardwaj could have done better.

009pk11: BLOODY HELL 2 much expecting is bad too .watched #Rangoon. nice movie bt is missing the brilliance like previous movies of VB @iamSahilSin

zubair_asra: Think twice if you have plans to watch #Rangoon this weekend. Such a mood spoiler.

YKMagus: #Rangoon has one of the worst endings in Hindi cinema. Probably the most forgettable movie of Vishal Bhardwaj.Good cast is wasted!

VancityRan: #Rangoon Boring is an understatement.

TradeTrivia: Despite a stellar cast and good performances, #Rangoon fails to deliver. All credit goes to #Vishalbhardwaj Rating - 1/5 Stars.

syedhussain_: #Rangoon के एक गाने की बोल है "ब्लडी हेल", फ़िल्म भी है "ब्लडी हेल"... — feeling bored

Sweetunishi: #Rangoon is not much worthy to watch though acting parameters was nice ,my rating 1.2/5

svhvjb: Vishal Bhardwaj is at his best when he's adapting Shakespeare. Rangoon was a swing and a miss.

SushantBSinha: #Rangoon देख कर मुँह से निकलता है 'Bloody Hell' क्यों बर्बाद किए पैसे ख़ैर,फ़िल्म में देखने लायक सिर्फ़ कंगना की एक्टिंग है Superb once agn

sunilmalani: Saw Rangoon yesterday .Very disappointing movie.poor script ,story ,direction.painful to watch and very avoidable .

secularrahu8: Actually #Rangoon has achieved the impossible it has made #Raees and #bombayvelvet look like classics

Santhan_Raj6: 15) #Rangoon - Walked Out

sambit_dash: Haven't watched a more terrible second half like #Rangoon in recent times. Industry stalwarts like Bhardwaj shouldn't be doing this.

Ritikajain09: Shocked beyond words! Such a bad film with such fantastic cast and that too from #Vishalbhardwaj #Rangoon disappoints and how! :(

rasikv: #Rangoon beats #Raees for Worst movie of 2017 title! #Vishalbhardwaj movie wastes talent of actors and of course money of audience!

princy_arora: Brilliant idea have gone wrong. Bad movie. #Rangoon

Princess_Pathak: #RangoonReview - Despite a stellar cast and Good Performances, #Rangoon fails to deliver. Credit goes to #Vishalbhardwaj Rating -1*/5 Stars

pragyankumar: #Rangoon - great movie makers also fail ..or get carried away !

pawansrd: A good story gets spoilt while trying to narrate 2 many things #Rangoon is a victim despite best performances @shahidkapoor #Vishalbhardwaj

parekhm: #Rangoon is pathetic - does not engage you for even 10 minutes in the entire 3 hours. There is no sign of Vishal Bharadwaj in the film!

Pallavisms: Despite having a brilliant plot as its subject: Bose's INA's fight for Indian independence, Rangoon is a disaster of a movie! Such a letdown

onebirdsnest: Movie success is credited to publicity. No worthy substance = TRASH #rangoon what a waste of talent, money and time.

namanpandit6: #Rangoon mat dekhna is a small thing Bhai issey dekhne ki sochna bhi mat justifies the total review

nagpal_varun_: #Rangoon is a major let down.

murrrmz: Why did my cousins think it was okay to go watch Rangoon it was so horrible

mehtagaurav36: #Vishalbhardwaj your movie #Rangoon is shit as yours...don't waste the tym of your fans and audience by making so boring movie

lazyassedknight: What a misfire Rangoon is. I did not expect this from VB at all

Kedar08b: Rangoon ... total torture! विशाल भारद्वाज इतका वाईट रंगुन (रंगवु) शकतो

kaul_vivek: To wipe off the sins of Rangoon had to watch Jigarthanda in Tamizh. What a movie...

jeshudinkar: #Rangoon good location but bad acting.

ihrithiksLion: Agar apki kisi se dushmani hai aur agar kisi ko dil se nafrat karte ho to usko #Rangoon ki tickets gift kar do.

HrithiksAvenger: #Rangoon Disaster

HrithiksAvenger: But #Rangoon has disappointed whole world Epic Disaster

giveawaytugz: In debate with a friend yesterday, I realised that people confuse the intention of making good cinema as a good cinema, #Rangoon was bad!!

farhaadaarif: Rangoon Movie Review: It's Overlong, Indulgent to the Point of Exhaustion https://t.co/cnQmWB8rM8

company_bahadur: Waahiyaat! #Rangoon

cheema_g: inteha ki bakwas movie ha "Rangoon"

Captainsagar: While #Haider cud still b debated (I personally hated it), #Rangoon is an epic fail..Good actors and good camera don't make a good film

BoxOfficeHub: #Rangoon is disaster of epic proportions. Bad luck #Rangoon Team!!

BeingYuvi: #Yeishqhai timing promises much, but #Rangoon nosedives henceforth. Fine performances and locales don't add up.

bakwasblog: #2017Bakwas Rangoon

ashpalep: #Rangoon such a slow and badly directed movie,#mohenjodaro has tough competition for the badly made movies awards. Don't even watch on TV.

alertpune: Do not forget to carry 4 tablets of ASPIRIN before you go to watch movie Rangoon.

accidentlwriter: Watched Rangoon last night. Apart from them performances, there's nothing to write home about. Mediocre screenplay. Meandering plot.

_abhinavnarayan: U cn watch #Rangoon, bt u'll leave d theatre wid a feeling of hving gone thru sm sort of mental trauma. Cinematography is d only solace.


3 readers - 1 yays 1 so-so 1 nays

Not Interested in Watching, by Anuj

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Profilesign

So-So, by MD Morsed : Hi its nice Move

Nay! Thumbs Down, by fanofcfc8 : You could give this a miss

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Plot Summary

A love story set in the midst of World War II and India's struggle for freedom

What Worked

  • The role of the bottle of opium in disclosing the secret: very Shakesperean
  • The mixing of border on the world map in the stage act

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: A war film, so loads of it.
  • Language: Some abusive Hindi words spoken with a foreign accent making them almost unrecognisable.
  • Nudity & Sexual content: A few making out scenes, liplocks and lip-to-lips included.
  • Concept: A love story set in the midst of World War II and India's struggle for freedom
  • General Look and Feel: The 40s done well. Gritty war scenes.

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:
Music Director:

Rangoon - Cast, crew, links

Music Director:
Costume Designer:
Running time:
165 minutes

Comments (5)

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skipped it since quite a lot of viewer reviews on BMS mentioned it makes for a tedious watch..now with ur review, think i'll give it a chance.

Did you watch "Hidden figures" ??? ...or Split ? or "Hero" ....If u got time only for one, i'd say "Hidden figures"...a predictable feel good movie but Taraji is in her elements and that makes it worth your time, but the standout performer of the week would be James Mcvoy in Split...just brilliant ! ..not gripping enough in terms of plot or script though. 5 movies in the space of 3 days..people think i am going mad :D

@fanofcfc8 Do let me know what you think. 5 movies in 3 days. Sounds like a mini-film festival of your own. Let people think what they think, kuchh toh log kahenge, logo ka kaam hai kehna, right?


DISASTER right from the word go! Right from the dull promos to the uninspiring music, RANGOON is a catastrophe of magnanimous proportions. Even psycho pseudo feminist queen's black magic cannot save this turkey. I still wonder why producers are interested in making magnamopous films worth 100's of crores with over rated disastrous film makers like Vishal Bharadwaj & Anurag Kashyap whose films never sell more than 50 Lakh tickets in the best case scenario, irrespective of the movie's cast, genre and content.

Disappointed! Really a boring movie which cannot be watched in theatres.


Apart from the moments involving shahid n Kangana, i was bored...The lavish sets or cinematography kind of make it difficult for me to relate or emotionally connect with its characters..Just like you point out in many of your reviews, i just couldn't see past the stars that they are...it was shahid, saif and kangana for as long as i watched

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