Bombay to Goa poster

Bombay to Goa

wogma rating: Don't bother (?)

quick review:

Horrible, terrible, miserable waste of precious film stock.

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Director: Raj Pendurkar
Running time: 145 minutes
Genres: Slapstick
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Drum roll And this year's "Most dedicated to the profession" award goes to.....meetu. drum doesn’t know when to stop rolling. Just like the people involved in the movie did not know when to stop rolling the camera - well, they shouldn't even have started. Had they not made the movie, you would be saved the trouble of reading the following 350+ words. But, that ain't happening, I went, I saw, I wrote. So now, you read.

No-no, I wouldn't claim the award for sitting through the whole movie. That I have immense capacity for - call me a masochist. I deserve it because not only do I have the gall to let the world know that I watched this, I am also spending another few hours writing about it. I deserve something special in return!! Okay, I give my humble self a break. Hopefully my time and energy has earned some respect and you will skip the movie.

Calling this movie slapstick is an offense. Do pee-gases-poop-jokes really make even slapstick-lovers laugh? Are falling people, water fights, mistaken identities so amusing that you can make an entire movie out of it? By they way, did anyone even consider real dialogues versus what the actors seem to have come up with from their own stand-up acts? How I longed for a single song - however bad, however inappropriately placed! Especially if it would have meant taking some screen time from the 15-minute-long people-hiding-in-closets-sequence and another 15-minute passing-the-treasure-game.

We would be fools to expect a story when it took them 45 minutes to just introduce the dozen and a half "characters". Vijay Raaz was the only actor who made an attempt at a performance. The rest were just basking in their own glory of over-acting, oblivious to the world who wanted their ears, their hair, their brains intact.

Of late, in general, even an overall bad movie has good camerawork, editing, sound design. Not here! Close-ups are so close that at least one character has his face chopped off - lower-lip and downward. I noticed at least two cuts mid-sentence when Raju Srivastav was speaking to the camera for some reason or the other. The characters were yelling at the top of their voices for me to be able to even notice the other noises.

Don't worry guys, I realize I haven't been absolutely selfless here. I watched the movie because I have to. I told the world that I watched it because I wanted the award. I wrote this review in such length because one needs an outlet for one's frustration.

- meeta, a part of the audience

6 reviewers(?) - 0 yays 2 so-so 4 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

So-So, by Taran Adarsh, IndiaFM : ...director Raj Pendurkar shows a flair for comedy... full review

So-So, by Ashok Nayak, Now : ...The Great Indian laughter challenge finalists are in form and they make the movie worth a watch... full review

Thumbs down, by Martin D'Souza, : ...As you suffer in silence, you feel sorry for the talented comedians who have been reduced to a joke... full review

Thumbs down, by Smoker Joe, Passion for Cinema : ...well I wont comment on the thriller part, still it’s the most shocking movie of the year... full review

Thumbs down, by Pankaj Shukla, : ...the problem surfaces within first 15 minutes ; it exposes the plot and then remains stagnant for the rest of the time... full review

Thumbs down, by Nikhat Kazmi, Times of India : ...May be, if our stand-up comedians had been left to themselves, minus a bungling director, they would have delivered the gags better.... full review

Twitter reviews for this movie are not available.

5 readers - 1 yays 3 so-so 1 nays

Yay! Thumbs Up, by

So-So, by Glamour.Raafatrola : 90

So-So, by

So-So, by

Nay! Thumbs Down, by Mel : Average

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Plot Summary


What Worked

Yeah, right!!

What did not

Note: This section simply lists the things that I did not like in this movie. This is not the overall impression about this movie. Please read the full review here



This section lists things that I think are not important to the overall impact of the movie. In most cases, it could be explained away by something like, "we noticed the glitch after the scene was shot and there were schedule/budget issues and thus we could not re-shoot it". I like giving the makers the benefit of doubt, but I am amused nevertheless. Hopefully, they will tickle you too.

Keep the dedication award, I'll survive without it, but refuse to spend any more time in listing nitty-gritties here.

Bombay to Goa - Cast, crew, links

Official Sites:
Supporting Cast:
Background Score:
Action Choreography:
Music Director:
Costume Designer:
Art Direction:
Running time:
145 minutes

Comments (7)

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Sounds like horrible one!! just one question ... is there any part by ahsaan?? might just watch that part!!

Well amitscorpio, Ahsaan does have a decent sized role, but there was nothing very special about it. Hardly any funny lines. Same old dialogue delivery style.

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Looks like routine movie.. little bit funny

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