Twitterverse Verdict and Chat with wogma

by meeta | 1 comments | 6,324 views | Add comment

Here's the second roll out of new features at wogma. We have two to announce today and an update on the "Listen to wogma" announced earlier this week

Twitterverse Verdict
Now wogma becomes an even better one-stop shop for Hindi movie reviews. Follow @wogma to make use of this feature. For every film that is reviewed on wogma, I'll go through tweets mentioning the title. I'll mark, every tweet that has an opinion, either with thumbs-up, thumbs-down, or so-so depending on how the film was liked by folks on twitter.

@wogma will send out a consolidated tweet every once in a while, as and how there are enough rated tweets added. For example, the corresponding tweet for Dabangg read -

Twitterverse verdict of Dabangg: 104 thumbs up, 4 thumbs down, 7 so-so. @wogma

The link takes you to a list of tweets rated for this calculation. Also, the rated tweets will be re-tweeted (RT'ed) by @wogmax.

Of course, the attempt is to avoid duplicates and bots. Also, I'm going to try and avoid opinions that have already been included in the External Reviews section. Please feel free to point out any mistakes. That will help the system to learn. There is always the worry of people passing judgment without watching the film. I'll try my best to be alert to that possibility.

So, you know what to do -
Follow @wogma to get a verdict from the twitterverse (and the wogma review, the collection of external reviews and more) and if you are interested in following all tweets on Hindi films that are used for the rating follow @wogmax. Be warned that doing the latter will have an influx of 25-150 tweets at one go.

wogma chat friend
Add [email protected] as your chat friend and get quick reviews right in the chat window. This is how you use the feature -

  • add [email protected] to your google chat/gtalk friends
  • the wogma id should show up in your chat list in a little while
  • once it shows up, you just have to type in the name of a film you want a review of
  • if we have a review for the film, you will get a reply with the review and more

Want easy access to other sections of wogma? Here are the other things this bot can do for you. Type the command according to what you are looking for -

  • external reviews
  • user ratings
  • tweet reviews
  • You can also simply type "external reviews" or "user ratings" or "tweet reviews" (without any movie name) to get corresponding information about the movie in the previous command.
  • You can use "teho" as short for "external reviews", "uratings" as short for "user ratings" and "tweets" as short for "tweet reviews".
  • Type "help" to get this list in the chat window.

Now tell us, what other commands would you like to see?

Of course, there are a few glitches. wogma bot might not be able to catch on to all the spelling mistakes. It tries hard though and is constantly learning. Also, right now it works only on google chat and gtalk. We are working on getting it to work on all IM services. Will let you know when we get there.

Update on Listen to wogma
I've added a few more audio reviews and am in the process of adding all that are on Work in steady progress.

Other features coming up -
facebook - you and me - All links related to one film will be found together on wogma's facebook wall. All you have to do is 'Like' the wogma facebook page and wait-up for the new features. :)

user reviews and ratings - Your opinion always mattered, now you'll have your space on wogma to express it. Along with the comments section, you will soon be able to write youe short review and rate the film.

Design changes - Minor design changes to make wogma more functional. This is also your chance to send in requests for changes. I'll see what is doable.

- meeta, a part of the audience

Comments (1)

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@Seema thank you!! Do try them as often as you can, any and all feedback will be good feedback

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