Happy 4th To You

by meeta | 6 comments | 6,351 views | Add comment

A very happy 4th, my dearest wogma!

You are a big blog now. Navin and I have some big blog gifts for you to share with your increasing readership!! Excited?!

I sure am. happy dance

Here goes the first one -
Listen to wogma Not everyone is interested in reading long text that I am pompous enough to think they are interested in. tsk tsk wipes a tear. But I understand. You readers can now become listeners!

I have recorded over 50 reviews with theindicast.com. Going forward these reviews will also be published here. I'm working on getting the past audio reviews integrated too. Oh the most exciting part is that the signature tune has been made specially by my friend, Shreyas for you. Isn't that like, the coolest thing in this whole wide world!!?!

Your listeners can get the audio reviews right here on wogma (in the quick review box on the review page). Or on theindicast.com. They can also subscribe to the audio feed. AND check this out, they can download the podcast on iTunes!!

I have lots more in store for your readers, wogma. But let's take a breather here.

A day is not enough to celebrate my wogma's birth. I think I might as well make this birth-month with such announcements.

As your readers to keep an eye on this space for the other features coming up! Actually, they can tell me which one's they want first in the comments section here. So, I can focus on those first. The idea is to get at least one out a week. Here's a brief preview -

wogma chat friend - Soon, readers will be able to add you as friend to their chat list. Once they add you, all they have to do is type the name of a film to know what we here, at wogma, think about it.

to each his own tweet - For each movie I'll collate opinions from twitter and figure out how it is being received in twitterverse. So, all you twitter-users following @wogma will soon be a have-to-follow ID.

facebook - you and me - All links related to one film will be found together on your facebook wall. You readers know what they have to do...Like your facebook page and wait-up for the new features. :)

user reviews and ratings - Your readers' opinion always mattered, now they'll have their space to express it. Alongwith the comments section, readers will now also be able to write their short review and rate the film.

Design changes - Minor design changes to make you more functional for your readers. This is also your readers' chance to send in requests for changes. I'll see what is doable.

Wow! I'm thrilled just announcing these, what fun it will be to use them all.

Meanwhile, listen away. And wish us luck :D

- meeta, a part of the audience

Comments (6)

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@Sanjeev thank you!

@lost in confusion, yep it's on the to-do list. Of course no need to apologize for the delay, even if it weren't a bug :D


Thank you Shruti-Shweta

@lost in confusion he he :D


Heartiest congratulations on your 4th WOGMA, we have always read your great reviews and enjoy them a lot. Happy 4th B'day !!

From the team at TVForDesis.com


@Dimpykash Thank you!! Keep coming


Happy Birthday, to WOGMA, Birthday to you.
Many more successive years to you.

No one knows better than (LAZY) me that how much hard work goes in to keep a blog running in a disciplined, consistent and selfless manner. *BOWS*

Kudos to you and Navin.

Changes seem exciting, and wah, you'll now collate user reviews and rating. Then WOGMA becomes a 'bigger' one-stop-for-all-reviews (because it is already one, I guide my colleagues to compare reviews here.).

May WOGMA soar more heights!


Thank you, so much!!

And I wish I weren't half as lazy as I am now. wogma would have had so much more. Anyway, ;slow and steady' is a good mask to wear, i hear...

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