
vinay has rated 1 movies, and has posted 8 comments.

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  • English Vinglish:

    idlebrain jeevi says:: If you are a kind of guy who like films like Cheeni Kum and Paa, you will end up loving English Vinglish. A homemaker is the most neglected person in Indian scenario. This film is about how a homemaker proves her mettle and creates a sense of pride and self-esteem for herself. At the same time, she doesn=E2=80=99t hurt the system and people around her. On a whole, English Vinglish is a sweet, progressive and an entertaining film. A must watch!!!

    posted 12 years, 4 months ago
  • Pyaar Impossible:

    idle jeevi says:First half of the movie is uninteresting and boing. The director doesn’t get audiences interested in his story telling. Movie gets better towards the climax. Pyaar Impossible takes the Hollywood route in terms of storytelling where hero joins as nanny to heroine’s daughter to impress heroine to fall in love with him. It is more like a chick flick. On a whole, Pyaar Impossible is a disappointment.

    posted 15 years, 1 month ago