tripurari sharan

tripurari sharan has rated 0 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • About meetu:

    Meetu, are you still active on this blog. Wanted to get in touch with you on your email. I happened to browse through your post some , maybe, ten years ago. This had popped up when i was looking through something related to FTII, Pune and I saw your post about the Film Appreciation Course. I was a little dismayed by the cavalier comments you had made about me. I was the director of the institute at that time. I saw it , felt a twitch of sadness for having evoked such strong negative reaction in someone attending the course but then I moved on. All these years later I happened to stumble on your post again in the course of searching something related to me. I am sure you too have moved on far in your life. Just that I am revisiting some of my experiences at the institute to put it together in a book and I felt almost hounded by this ghost from my past. Hence this email. Could we exchange notes on the exact motive emotions that led to these strong reactions? On an email, not on this blog. Would be grateful. I am just curious and assure you that i will restrict it to purpose of my own understanding. I am sure you too have moved on sufficiently to be dispassionate and objective about it.
    Tripurari Sharan

    posted 6 years, 9 months ago