harish iyer

harish iyer has rated 3 movies, and has posted 3 comments.

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  • Barfi!: Yay! Thumbs Up: am certainly going to watch it.
  • Gangs of Wasseypur 2: Yay! Thumbs Up: Yet Another Foray Into A Forbidden Territory Of The Human Mind - Revenge, Wrath, Lust and Anurag
  • Amen: Yay! Thumbs Up: It's Me.


  • Barfi!:

    my o my.. i am so longing to watch this film. and after this review, even more.

    i feel fallibleness of such a plot is quite high. and it is quite risky to play a part of this kind.

    i had written off Priyanka completely after watching her in practically every advertisement and after that horror called Agneepath. may this film serve as her resuscitation of the bollywood cinema career.

    Illeana is fresh as dew.

    ranbir! god, i go on record to say that he is the only Actor i know who is the only actor i know. he makes me forget him and remember the character. thats the mark of a true actor.

    posted 12 years, 6 months ago
  • Gangs of Wasseypur 2:

    i am soon going to write a full fledged article about the women in anurag kashyap's films.

    they are the ones who drive the story, even if the story has men men and more men, the protagonist in his films is always a woman.

    posted 12 years, 7 months ago
  • Amen:

    hi Mohit, we have just got our censor certificate and will be out with our DVD soon. You could check www.facebook.com/amen2010 for updates. :)

    posted 12 years, 9 months ago