
epifinibox has rated 1 movies, and has posted 14 comments.

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  • PK:

    @Anuj You said "...little resemblance barring the manner of walk....". Well, U should have added 'barring the eyes,barring the ears, barring the expressions' etc., etc. Yes, barring all those he is not Bean. For your information, the PK character was definitely Bean, barring Aamir Khan unless of course U r naturally born blind or blinded with admiration for Khan. By the way, you have also failed to explain where did Khan pick his 'manner of walk' in PK(Google 'PK copy of Bean', you will see stunning side by side comparison of Bean and PK). This copy cat, steeped in pseudo -artistic main stream Mumbai cinema obsessed with B-grade mimicry of B-grade western movies an Indian legend?????(Oh god, Don't I hate the word Bollywood??such a stuffy copy of Hollywood) are you in your right mind sir??? Whatever happened to Satyajit Ray or Aadoori Gopal Krishnan. May be they were swept away by the humongous drool spewed out of mouths of Khan's fans agape with admiration for Khan's evolution(or is it mutation??). No???... Khan may please first explain where did he get the idea for Ghajini(or for the antics of PK for that matter), then I will accept he is at least honest if not legggggenddddd.....

    posted 10 years, 2 months ago
  • PK:

    It's amazing it has crossed neither any commenter's mind nor that of the reviewer's mind to mention that Khan was trying to mimic Mr.Bean to a T only to do a bad job of it as usual and you call this guy perfectionist. Perfectionist or not, he surely is a perfect copy cat like he unequivocally proved in his Ghajini(although many tried to make him acknowledge it on Twitter by reminding him of Memento, alas,this guy wouldn't budge). Even a cursory look at Khan's facial makeup and that bumbling walk of Bean Khan imitated in PK confirms that the character is a poor copy of Bean but apparently not to the reviewer and the numerous khan's admirers here. This movie made 500 crore without a single mention of Atkinson anywhere. So much for India and its famous perfectionists....

    posted 10 years, 2 months ago