dr hemant a sant

dr hemant a sant has rated 1 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • Killa: Yay! Thumbs Up: How to face changes and challenges of the Life despite all


  • Killa:

    Watch KILLA if you want to relive the fears trials tribulations and the sheer Joy of being a eleven year std 7 th child, a bloy with gang of Boys to deal with and Life whatever it throws to you and your family.Go watch the greens rains seas and beaches of Maharashtra at its pristine self alive even in silence.One is surrounded by symbolic Fortifications ,our doubts our ears our pre concieved notions.One is cowed down by circumstances and lack of material and Human support.Still one finds ones way even f one has a single Mother and few friends that too memories of them .Life teaches you to adapt and come out of the tunnel to see light at end of which your bright future and friends loved ones are waiting.So get up shake out all your webs and slack to walk the talk,climb up the steps of the staircase a ladder of life which looks difficult to you before you just Begin with a right frame of mind,attitude.All of us face the fire before we come up well.So be it young men..Go see the film to relive yours or recharge your 11 year old son or daughter or an Orphan like a Bandya!Contribute to some needy ones growth then.

    posted 9 years, 8 months ago