cine freak

cine freak has rated 0 movies, and has posted 11 comments.

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  • Rocket Singh:

    A good film is very difficult to work with. In my opinion a good film is one that either reasonates emotionally with the audience or makes the audience think or both. This film does not have any of that. It is just an average joe film, there is nothing that you feel connected about either to the characters or to the film as a whole. Eg Chak De with its patriotism, was a completely different ball game, not that I subscribe to it, but yes, it did make for some great emotional moments.
    And what I meant was that since it was the team of Sahni and Amin, a major studio funded it, otherwise the script would have been thrown out on its butt. Possibly the script was grittier and the studio house being what it is eliminated that grittiness. One never knows.

    posted 15 years, 2 months ago