
amit has rated 0 movies, and has posted 8 comments.

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  • Naqaab:

    ya meetu correct, so doesn't it mean 3.5 to Dot The I rather than 3.5 to Naqaab? How can points be given to the story writer of Naqaab when he has merely done a copying job. I hope you have seen the trailer of Dot The I which i hv put bon my site. Cannn't you see how blatantly Naqaab has been copied.

    I have rented a DVD of Dot The I and will watch it soon. I would reccommend you to do the same.

    posted 17 years ago
  • Naqaab:

    hey 3.5/5 for the story?????? I guess you'll change your mind when you read this
    Also do check my review.

    posted 17 years ago
  • Chain Kulii Ki Main Kulii:

    so finallly u got time out from ur FTII course. anyway howz the course going? helpful?

    posted 17 years, 1 month ago
  • Metro:

    so ur husband also a movie buff. A great jodi u two seem to be.

    posted 17 years, 2 months ago
  • Metro:

    we as in? do u hv a team? hey posted my review yesterday... do bother to check out.

    posted 17 years, 2 months ago
  • Metro:

    by the way meetu who designed your site, it has a "COOL" look. different from the blogs i hv seen around.

    posted 17 years, 2 months ago
  • Waqt:

    hey i sent u a mail again.... hope it didnt go in yor spam. do reply back.

    posted 17 years, 2 months ago
  • Bheja Fry:

    hey meetu nice cool look to the website.....100 times better than the old look :)

    posted 17 years, 3 months ago