Vikram Karve

Vikram Karve has rated 2 movies, and has posted 4 comments.

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  • Kaksparsh:

    A balanced review. We are going to see the movie tomorrow.

    posted 12 years, 2 months ago
  • Julie and Julia:

    An excellent review of one of my favourite movies.

    posted 12 years, 2 months ago
  • About meetu:

    I like your reviews. I do read your review before deciding to see a movie. I find your reviews quite realistic. Keep Writing.

    posted 12 years, 5 months ago
  • Mumbai Pune Mumbai:

    We saw this movie during the weekend and I was pleasantly surprised to see this well balanced review (of a Marathi film).
    I feel that it is the superb acting of Mukta Barve which is the highlight of this movie, apart from the sheer simplicity of the plot and story.

    posted 14 years ago