Sudhir Nair

Sudhir Nair has rated 0 movies, and has posted 28 comments.

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  • Housefull:

    Arjun Rampal is easily the best guy suited for comedy. After all he single handedly made a joke of the entire industry by becoming a National Award winning guy.
    Am expecting the movie to be as charming as a migraine, par kya kare aur kuch hai hi nahi dekhne key liye :(

    posted 14 years, 11 months ago
  • Rocket Singh:

    Loved the movie. I didn't find it slow at all. The movie kept my interest throughout. The ragging done by the Coworkers was over the top. The story is implausible, but is well written and nearly convinces u that it could have happened. The background music was awesome as was the acting by the supporting cast as well. Liked the way the romance was not given much focus. Ranbir is extremely lucky with his choice of films.

    posted 15 years, 3 months ago
  • Kidnap:

    Agree with ur thoughts Meetu..Kidnap had a very interesting premise..loved the way Kabir's background was shown in Manga-like animation in the opening credits..
    but the movie had too many unintentionally hilarious sequences which spoiled the the minisha lamba - vidya malavade combo was a big distraction..when we first see them our thoughts are why them as mom daughter..then there's this attempt at an emotional scene between them in the beginning which was another let-down..
    Imran Khan was strictly ok and seemed out of depth in the scenes where Minisha tries to seduce him..
    Overall a project reduced to nothing :(

    posted 16 years, 5 months ago
  • Reviews I enjoyed writing:

    Speaking for myself, i enjoyed writing (read:thrashing) Race n Sarkar Raj :)

    posted 16 years, 6 months ago
  • Movies I enjoyed watching: the last one year i loved Mithya (i know ur not too kicked abt this movie), A Wednesday, MMJ, No Smoking, Jaane Tu..(maybe two yrs down the line i may wonder how i liked this movie).

    Dark Knight's an all time awe-inspiring movie.

    And many many happy returns of the day to WOGMA..may it many more such years !!

    posted 16 years, 6 months ago
  • Singh is Kinng: expected review from u..what surprised me is that reviewers like Mayank Shekar and Raja Sen loved it..Will be watching it tomm myself..will be one of those movies that my wife will love and ill hate :-)

    PS: Why is that u never write Angrezi flicks reviews? It's always done by Anand. Is it because u don't watch those flicks?

    posted 16 years, 7 months ago
  • Mission Istanbul:

    And this year's bravery award goes to Meetu for sitting through Kismat..,Contract, Money hai.. & Mission Instanbul; all in a matter of ONE WEEK.

    And the award is a lifetime supply of RGV's Aag !!!

    posted 16 years, 8 months ago
  • Contract:

    //I promise this is the last time I mention RGV ki aag when I review a RGV product!//

    I know! even I have a tough job avoiding Aag when talking of a Ramu movie.

    U seemed to have liked Contract better than me..
    My take on it:

    posted 16 years, 8 months ago
  • Via Darjeeling:

    // I am just kicked by how the audience is taken for a ride //

    Somehow that line makes me look forward to the film. I saw the rediff review also and it made me feel there's genuinely something hatke..let's see, may catch it.

    And speaking of taking audience for a ride u must watch a Spanish movie called 'Incautos' (Swindled). That movie really takes the audience for a ride and the audience loves it as well !

    posted 16 years, 9 months ago
  • Mere Baap Pehle Aap:

    I am sure this was an experiment by Priyadarshan to see of he could make a really bad movie. The experiment definitely worked !!

    My take on it -

    posted 16 years, 9 months ago
  • Aamir:

    Hey Meetu,

    The background score was brilliant in the movie; a definite highlight. I felt the movie paced just right tho..

    And Iam thanking heavens that they didn't introduce us to his love life while breaking into a song !!

    Definitely a very good debut overall..but, to quote one of my friends,"A good movie, but a commercial disaster." :-(

    posted 16 years, 9 months ago
  • Sarkar Raj:

    A strictly ok and a boring film, which might seem to be great after seeing Aag, but is definitely made as an Ultimate Cure for Insomniacs. The loo-oong speeches made by AB in the climax (??) made my school principal's speeches look like a work of art.

    Good in parts, with a really good twist towards the end, but it's a perfect example of another good story botched by RGV.

    Am waiting for ur take on Aamir :-)

    posted 16 years, 9 months ago
  • Bhoothnath:

    Temper temper Meetu. Why do u give so much space to such irrelevant people.

    Just edit his comment and remove the links from it n he'll get the msg.

    posted 16 years, 10 months ago
  • Mr White Mr Black:

    Poor girl! wouldn't be surprised if u went to a psychiatrist for counselling. Tashan and this movie one after the other! I know ull feel like it, but pl dont do something drastic :)

    posted 16 years, 10 months ago
  • Tashan:

    You know I am tempted to watch the movie so that I can have fun running it down !!

    posted 16 years, 11 months ago
  • U Me Aur Hum:

    Meeta, Without Giving The Movie Away.
    “..Despite all its flaws, U Me Aur Hum touches a tender spot, makes a tear roll, and sets you thinking about what love really means to you...”

    posted 16 years, 11 months ago
  • Krazzy 4:

    Hey..u got Bollywood Czar quote wrong. Allow me to put the correct quote for ur reference.. "The idea of the story came to me almost 8 to 10 years ago…after observing the movie The Dream Team. Jaideep Sen was sitting close to me at time. This happened whilst making Koi…mil gaya and Krrish, I wanted to give him a break as an independent director and decided that he had the right sensibility to copy a movie and would not go over the top telling people that it's a ripped off movie. Hence he's directing Krazzy 4…
    and finally

    "In keeping with the Filmkraft ethos, Krazzy 4, too is not your usual run-of-the-mill film. In fact it's much much worse than that"

    Hope this clears up the matters :)

    posted 16 years, 11 months ago
  • Race:

    Well she loved it..and was cursing the movie analysis of PFCites as well :)

    posted 16 years, 12 months ago
  • Race:

    [..] I was warned by Meetu about Race; but I seem to be an incorrigible glutton for punishment and went to see it [..]

    posted 16 years, 12 months ago
  • Race:

    "boring...monologue by Johnny Lever"

    Boy Johny Lever used to be the only redeeming factor of Abbas-Mastan flick..if he was also boring then the movies' a definite No-No for me..

    Thanks for saving my money !!

    posted 17 years ago
  • Jodhaa Akbar:

    [..In any movie in general, every extra minute beyond the 120-minute mark yields lesser enjoyment than the previous one. Unless, unless … you have an extremely captivating story to tell, or you are telling it in an extremely captivating manner..]

    posted 17 years, 1 month ago