Shuddh desi Bhartiya

Shuddh desi Bhartiya has rated 1 movies, and has posted 2 comments.

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  • Shuddh Desi Romance:

    YRF is just in the business of making fast buck, no matter how low they have to stoop.

    This is not a question of moral policing.

    YRFs constant stereotyping of modern Indian women just increases the misconception that modern Indian girls are of low morals, readily available, are sexually active towards anybody, etc. Modern Indian women can do lots of good things other than kissing and making out with any Tom Dick Harry.

    posted 11 years, 6 months ago
  • Shuddh Desi Romance:

    The title of the film is grossly misleading. And for a film of such unIndian culture, such a misleading name could put several family audiences through a massively cringing fest during 2+ hours.

    Shame on YRF for misleading people on such a matter.

    As usual, a garbage product from the top production house. Not at all for families. And not at all for youngsters neither.

    posted 11 years, 6 months ago