Shrinand Javadekar

Shrinand Javadekar has rated 0 movies, and has posted 3 comments.

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  • Happy demise of a bitter-sour partnership:


    Your new look is good... you look nice and smart :-).

    In Bollywood films, remember, they show a young kid walking... the camera then focuses only on his tiny little feet and after a couple of steps, they show that the feet have made way for big shiny shoes... and when the camera pans out ... there's our "hero"... nice and smart... geared up for the ways of the world :-).

    It might take sometime for people to get used to your new look... but the new theme is nice. Maybe you could use a smaller font so that the main page isn't so long and people don't have to drag down too much. Just my $0.02.


    posted 14 years, 10 months ago