Seema Kapoor

Seema Kapoor has rated 1 movies, and has posted 5 comments.

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  • Shuddh Desi Romance:


    posted 10 years, 10 months ago
  • Shuddh Desi Romance:


    posted 10 years, 10 months ago
  • Shuddh Desi Romance:

    So-So movie. We all live in a Society where nobody can tolerate this kind of relationship at all. Just imagine the situation that Girls are getting pregnant & being aborted in bulk after indulging into this kind of relationship. Does the Director of this movie wants to give the culture of Filthy & Dirty USA where these things are quite common & prevelant everywhere where there is infact no value of husband-wife, mother-father-brother-sister's relationship, they give a dame care about it? Infact I was expecting a happy marriage end of this movie where they do understand & could have learn from their mistakes. But unfortunately it was not like that. So I would say songs r good, some scenes too but not ending with a good social message.

    posted 10 years, 10 months ago