Saurabh Mangal

Saurabh Mangal has rated 3 movies, and has posted 7 comments.

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  • Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan: Not Interested in Watching: Skip if you already support LGBTs; if not, watch and watch again.
  • Dharam Sankat Mein: So-So: Who could have thought that there can be more ways to convey what OMG and PK alreay have...
  • Student of the Year: So-So: Story of a movie :: face of a model. Here, the buildup in the story did not live up to the ending.


  • Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan:

    The movie does not work for a person who thinks of movies as art and not time-pass. Is such a movie welcome? Any movie which raises awareness on LGBT issues is welcome. Is such a movie going to help the cause? Why not, some people only watch such non-serious movies.

    If you already are a supporter of LGBT rights, you can skip the movie. If you like world-class cinema or even simply 'good' cinema (whatever these might mean), you can skip the movie. Show it to your parents though... They might not only like it, they might begin to be more accepting of the gays.

    posted 4 years, 11 months ago
  • Dharam Sankat Mein:

    another great review as usual... But where was the reference to PK? also where did they break the fourth wall? I think all people who believe in God should see the movie... to understand that we have created God and not the other way around...

    posted 9 years, 11 months ago
  • Movie Manners:

    Hi Meetu... Do such people read articles online.. I don't think so... they might go to facebook or such but reading and thinking about these things is not their thing..but good try anyways... what i hate is no. 1: kids and babies {heaven lord, keep your kids at home) and no. 2: mobile/tablet use (please step outside to use them. Damn!!!)


    posted 10 years, 10 months ago
  • Rajdhani Express:

    Too bad. Even theatres are not professional in India... I have seen movies alone in theaters in USA so many times...

    posted 12 years, 2 months ago