Rohan Dighe

Rohan Dighe has rated 0 movies, and has posted 3 comments.

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  • Happy 5th, dear wogma!:

    Happy Birthday!! yeee!!!

    posted 12 years, 10 months ago
  • Happy demise of a bitter-sour partnership:

    I guess this is the time you have been waiting for.. i think you will "NEVER EVER HAVE TO LOOK BACK" now!

    Best of luck and hope you get lots and lots of success and adsense clicks hehe :-)

    where's the party??

    posted 14 years, 2 months ago
  • Do Knot Disturb:

    kya yaar... "Dolly Dolly wala dialogue kitna yo! hai"

    posted 14 years, 9 months ago