
Raju has rated 1 movies, and has posted 2 comments.

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  • Bahubali: So-So: A dream which lacks creativity in producing fantasy but derives much from memory of western cinema


  • Drishyam:

    Guys if you don not get offended,I want to warn you do watch this movie with lowest expectations,as said by Mr kapil. @meetu:to say or not actually this movie is not about common man vs system and neither Tabu's character is vampish,it is a character of unfortunate circumstances. If by chance if anyone of you do get disappointed, do watch Dennis villeneuve's Prisoners(2013).it is somewhat similar to the former's storyline,I hope you did watched the later. I do apologise if anyone got offended by my comments

    posted 9 years, 7 months ago
  • Bahubali:

    abosolutly right on the money with the review.guys wake up you want call this movie as pride of our country cinema,then what about movies made by satyajit ray,movies like Mother India,Lagaan,Lunch box which have raised the bar of movie making in our country.I come from Andhra pradesh and I know the values of tollywood cinema which produced national award winners like urvashi sharada,directors like bapu,Jyandyala many others.I feel Erra mandaram is the pride of our telugu cinema.I have no problems with Ss Rajamouli and his mentor k raghavender rao vision of movie making because on the end it takes lot of pain to canvas a movie.but that should not judge a movie calibre.it should be it sheer ability to lose ourself in it and enjoying its fragnance at its core.

    posted 9 years, 7 months ago