
Rahul has rated 0 movies, and has posted 2 comments.

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  • Jodhaa Akbar:

    O really Meetu,ok will you please explain the public what works for you in movies which stars Malika or Rakhi....u promptly give 5 stars to such cheap movies.... so what if u are a movie critic, even then you are not supposed to give 1 page long ripping review about a movie which touches sentiments of millions of people specially rajasthan. You should learn to be politically correct in some places or u want to land urself in trouble !!!!
    and noone 's going to buy u a shit...leave alone movie ticket.

    posted 17 years, 1 month ago
  • Jodhaa Akbar:

    Mr Khalid mohammad and alike such as Meetu...... How can you insult a movie that potrays indian history in such a magnificient way, that is so fulfilling and captivating and that is getting huge praises from masses all over india.

    KM, you are one of those people who would give 5 stars to the movies such as "kis kis ki kismat" or "buddha mar gaya"
    because you only like those movies which has double meanings and cheap comendy in every scene.
    You do not have any appreciation for a great movie which potrays indian history so beautifully which u can watch with ur whole family.
    Seriously...do you have anything personally against Ashutosh or hritik or Ash. Or you have been paid hefty money by directors of cheap comedies to white such ripping reviews.

    HT , you better give it a thought to retire this reviewer of yours or he will throw you out of business.

    posted 17 years, 1 month ago