Puneet Garg

Puneet Garg has rated 1 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • Anjaana Anjaani: Yay! Thumbs Up: AnjaanaAnjaani is very nicely made movie which leaves an EverlastingImpression on one who watches it


  • Anjaana Anjaani:

    anjaana anjaani is a very nicely made movie which always leave an everlasting impression on one who watches it....i'm fascinated by this movie a lot and its my best movie i have ever watched......especially i was deeply touched by the acting of priyanka & ranbir in this movie....they both have performed very nicely and smoothly according to the situations in the movie.....so i suggest everybody to watch this movie.....

    posted 14 years, 4 months ago