
Poonam has rated 0 movies, and has posted 6 comments.

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  • Happy 5th, dear wogma!:

    Whoa! How did I miss this. Lovely. WOGMA birthday celebrations seem to have been magnificent. Long live WOGMA!

    posted 13 years, 3 months ago
  • Golmaal 3:

    @Joydeep I haven't watched 'Khatta Meetha', but I sure was relieved that movie made me laugh. Which is lot more than I could ever say about Golmaal 2.

    @praneshachar: Thanks so much for your comments here. Yeah, I waited to watch the shooting scenes in end, some of them were hilarious.

    @Wardhaman Thanks for the kind words. Yea, I thought it was a stand comedy show one that could easily be improvised each time without altering/impacting its non-existent plot. :) What did you mean when you said - 'Golmal 3 is a sure laughter medicine despite some scenes' What scenes you found objectionable/irritating?

    @Mallika That's quite some enthusiasm, I am curious to know what you thought of the movie AFTER you watched it. ;)

    @Yakub The stammering fit well in situational comedy and game of rejoinders, that I didn't much notice the irritation it may have caused to some. To each his/her own.

    @Dr. Sachin: I do not remember a single instance where disability per se was being made fun of in a derogatory manner. No character was put down solely because it was mute or stammering, rather laughs happened due to situations/reactions that mute rejoinders/stammered replies created/evoked. Which is not so much different than laughing at gullibility of Vasooli or amnesiac portrayal of Johnny Lever. In truth, we try to make light of even could-have-been-dangerous moments. Don't we jest when even able-people trip or fall or makes similar mistakes. Or, would we prefer a sanctimonious mourning? Not only that, I loved the scene where Tusshar Kapoor's mute character goes to break the secret of their birth to everyone and for once they all (including the step-brothers) understand perfectly without a shred of doubt.
    What would you prefer - differently-abled lead characters that can laugh at themselves and give equally back or morose disabled characters (often part of sub-plots) that only evoke pity? Personally, I would judge a movie/book/comedy based on its intention - and in this case, I didn't think it was insensitive. It's good to laugh on idiosyncrasies that life offers.

    posted 14 years, 3 months ago
  • Happy 4th To You:

    Happy Birthday, to WOGMA, Birthday to you.
    Many more successive years to you.

    No one knows better than (LAZY) me that how much hard work goes in to keep a blog running in a disciplined, consistent and selfless manner. *BOWS*

    Kudos to you and Navin.

    Changes seem exciting, and wah, you'll now collate user reviews and rating. Then WOGMA becomes a 'bigger' one-stop-for-all-reviews (because it is already one, I guide my colleagues to compare reviews here.).

    May WOGMA soar more heights!

    posted 14 years, 5 months ago
  • i'm 3 today!:


    This calls for celebration! :)

    posted 15 years, 5 months ago
  • Love Story 2050:

    Now I am forced to think twice about the movie, I was looking forward to it. :(

    posted 16 years, 8 months ago
  • Johnny Gaddar:

    Meetu, I have just one word for your web site. Fantastic!

    I just watched Johnny Gaddar and just searched it on web in a dazed state. I landed on your web site. Some of your observations I agree with and some I disagree with. But best part is the observations you make about camera angles and cinematography that I can never make when I watch a movie for the first time. I can analyse only in second viewing. But you could do it and put ir comprehensively on your blog deserves a BIG thumbs up!

    Keep on writing, will be a regular now on. :)

    posted 17 years, 1 month ago