---Warning: SPOILERS--- Kudos to the team for a great movie and applause to everyone who worked to see it reach Netflix. I loved watching it!
But there were some scenes that were so vague in the movie. [Comment partially deleted because it gives a part of the movie away] Also, there's a mention of a woman in discussion between Jai and Sahil; without even mentioning who she is and what about her. I agree with you that there's no "introduction" to characters whatsoever and one may just have to assume the relationship or dynamics between the three of them.
I finished watching it with more questions than at the beginning.
---Warning: SPOILERS---
Kudos to the team for a great movie and applause to everyone who worked to see it reach Netflix. I loved watching it!
But there were some scenes that were so vague in the movie. [Comment partially deleted because it gives a part of the movie away] Also, there's a mention of a woman in discussion between Jai and Sahil; without even mentioning who she is and what about her. I agree with you that there's no "introduction" to characters whatsoever and one may just have to assume the relationship or dynamics between the three of them.
I finished watching it with more questions than at the beginning.