
Mudit has rated 4 movies, and has posted 6 comments.

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  • Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola: So-So: Akal badi ki gulabi bhains?? Bhains na? Na ji na...akal hi badi ho gayi is baar bhi!
  • Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana: So-So: Undercooked...or it's probably because I'm a Vegetarian!
  • Hugo: Yay! Thumbs Up: One of the few movies which have depth of meaning with economy of expression!
  • Agneepath: So-So: I won't be able to re-visit the movie ever again.


  • Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola:

    This is probably one of the few times (these few are now turning into many actually) that I have exactly the same thoughts as you about the film...why didn't he go all the way? Stanley Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove" was the way Vishal could've gone about it..but then VB is VB...there were moments which were brilliant..but then the in-between connecting sequences were taking away the satire...I suspect the title of the film in the not-so-sober state was "Akal badi ki gulabi bhains" which, in a sober state was changed to what it is...agar peeke hi banayi hoti to nasha kucch aur hi nashe mein kai din tak jhoomne ka mazaa kucch aur hi hota! Yahan to "akal" badi ho gayi phir se!

    posted 12 years, 2 months ago
  • Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana:

    Meeta...remember Kung fu Panda for the missing ingredient? Anyway, even I felt LSTCK was undercooked!!

    posted 12 years, 4 months ago
  • Hugo:

    For those who have found the movie exciting as well as those who found it boring, my impressions of Hugo are captured here after a second viewing, I have decided to append this post by another one shortly.

    posted 12 years, 10 months ago
  • Agneepath:

    I believe any re-creation of a previous work as a tribute to it is guided by the fact that the original work is considered as a great work/classic/epic. A classic is a classic because the story being told and the way it's been told is eternal and still inspires artists and audience alike. Most of us would agree that we do not remember more than the baritone delivering "Vijay Deenanath Chauhan" and possibly the lines from HRB's poem. So in my opinion, the original film was in itself never an epic/classic 'coz if it had been, most of us would be motivated to watch it again every time it came on TV (which happened till a few years ago. Meeta I'm sure you would have made an active attempt to watch it again before comparing with the new one). And I would somehow relate to Anuj's comparison with Deewar by saying that it actually was a reflection of all the revenge stories (with mostly AB in it) that existed during the late 70s & whole of 80s but were clearly reaching their fag end in the early 90s. So, the relevance of the style of storytelling and the story itself, even for that era, is debatable. So, here you're trying to re-create, by and large, a non-epic, that too with the same style of storytelling, (I'd agree some irrelevant portions have been kept at bay), which to me doesn't lend too much to appreciate. I wonder, if the same story could be re-created keeping current sensibilities in mind and thereby taking the story and the characters to an altogether different platform where a larger audience would be able to engage with it. Paying tribute to a certain kind of storytelling technique would be attractive if it is able to generate the same magic as it originally created.

    posted 13 years, 2 months ago