
Meera has rated 0 movies, and has posted 4 comments.

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  • English Vinglish:

    Have to absolutely watch it, if only to see my favorite actor make a comeback to the big screen. That it is a good movie is such a sweet bonus.

    posted 11 years, 9 months ago
  • Count down to being 5 - Part 2!:

    Was wanting to know.... is what I wanted to say. Thinking faster than my hands can type.

    posted 12 years, 8 months ago
  • Count down to being 5 - Part 2!:


    Have the prize winners been announced? Was wanting who won the big one.... Would love to post a link to the winner's blog on my site, with permission, of course :)

    posted 12 years, 8 months ago
  • Count down to being 5 - Part 2!:

    I am sooo doing this!! You don;t have to ask me twice to espouse my opinions

    posted 12 years, 10 months ago