Lost In Confusion

Lost In Confusion has rated 1 movies, and has posted 4 comments.

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  • Krrish 3:

    A let-downer in all regards. Unlike the reviewer, i was eagerly waiting for this after Krrish and KMG. Unfortunately, this borrowed too much from Hollywood. Hardly anything was original. Besides, the songs were also disappointing. I really don't know why I wasn't able to enjoy it enough - whether it's because I got into Hollywood more after Krrish (and hence started watching them more than ever), or that it simply isn't so entertaining. I hardly enjoy Bollywood movies these years around. Anyways, Happy New Year.

    posted 11 years, 4 months ago
  • Phata Poster Nikhla Hero:

    "Pretty much what you'd expect" Spot on, but for most of Shahid fans and a few of Santoshi's (so as to exclude myself; sadly, the promo was too revealing than appealing), I suppose. Yet I may give it a go when the occasion coincides with me having nothing better to do. And w.r.t the captcha in my earlier comment, I meant that there were digits, not words!!! Apparently, didn't mean it in a critical way; was JK.

    posted 11 years, 6 months ago
  • Phata Poster Nikhla Hero:

    The promos are too amateur, to say the least. Shahid sounds too fit for his role. His dialogue delivery is as good as the dialogues. Hope Santoshi has kept better in store for the audience. Otherwise, if promos represent what I'm supposed to expect from the movie, it's a foregone conclusion.

    "Type the two words"? Are we human? :-p

    posted 11 years, 6 months ago
  • Chennai Express:

    Hi meetu,

    Writing after a long time, but I'd been following the reviews here in the meantime. At least the rating & quick review. Don't tend to comment because for a while, it wasn't functional, and at its comeback, you guys have made it a bit difficult. But I can understand the concern for the spammers. NM.

    I'd expected that you won't recommend this one. BTW, I prefer to watch movies specifically when I've nothing better to do. Otherwise, I can't pay proper attention to it, and no matter how good a movie is, I can't enjoy it as much as I would have otherwise. I'll surely consider your recommendation for this one.

    That's all. Good luck, and mind you that I'll be inspecting the site from time to time ;-)

    posted 11 years, 7 months ago