Krishna Lakhia

Krishna Lakhia has rated 1 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • Listen...Amaya:

    I just managed to see this film and only because my wife insisted that I see it with her on DVD. She of course has been scanning the internet for the past 4 months because the film did not release in Hyderabad at all and she was desperate to see it.

    I was very pleasantly surprised at how good the film was, because my threshold for Hindi films is set very low. It was refreshing to see a film that was sensitive, well directed and beautifully acted. I did hate the first song though and almost got up to go read, but I'm glad I stayed to watch it to the end.

    Of all the other reviews on IMDB, yours seems to be one of the very few which speaks highly of this film! That itself is mildly disturbing and more than a little disconcerting.

    I hope films like this continue to get produced, because I've just become an enthusiastic fan of the makers of this one.

    posted 11 years, 8 months ago