Kanishka chaudhry

Kanishka chaudhry has rated 1 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • Gold: Nay! Thumbs Down: Uses a fake name of Samrat for our glorious Major Dhyan Chand.its just another money making movie


  • Gold:

    How can they rename the legendary Major Dhyan Chand, captain of the Team by Samrat? Who is this Samrat? Does he resonate with the iconic Dhyan Chand and his patriotism? They have unashamadely used numerous instances like the mention of Beighton Cup final between Calcutta Customs and Jhansi Heroes when asked about the best game played. Then why not correctly name the legend. Why would they want the current and future generation to think that it was someone called Samrat and not Major Dhyan Chand who led us into those victories ?? This is not at all a fitting tribute to those heroes.

    posted 6 years, 6 months ago