Jahan Bakshi

Jahan Bakshi has rated 0 movies, and has posted 4 comments.

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  • Rock On:

    Exactly- that's why I feel I got carried away by other reactions to the film. I was pretty bored through the first half, and though it turned out to be decent by the end, I wasn't exactly elated, which is perhaps the emotion I should have felt. Still, it's a good effort and has some good and subtle detailing, so, well...

    posted 16 years, 6 months ago
  • Rock On:

    Indulgent *** star rating aside, I still think it's so-so... didn't like it that much, too flat in too many places, and then there were those cliches. Ah. Another case of overrated hysteria for a film, a la TZP.

    posted 16 years, 6 months ago
  • Om Shanti Om:

    Hi Meetu- totally agree with you on Salaam E Ishq was definitely a spoof and actually quite nice but overlong- I though it was unnecerssarily and excessively criticised for no reason. Mostly agree on OSO, however loved Deepika and though Shahrukh was pathetic otherwise, he gets full marks from me for the Quick Gun Murugan bit- HILARIOUS! Lo love your reviews- keep them coming!

    posted 17 years, 4 months ago