Hindi DVDs Online

Hindi DVDs Online has rated 0 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • Paa:

    I agree with te most part of it. But the story is thin. It looks like the director woven the story around a few simple lines such as 'child is the father of man'. The political part of the movie looks even more childish with some 'an eye for an eye' sort of absurd revenge of medieval times. If thats what you call dynamic leadership that this country needs, it results in never ending street fights all over India. Its simply not politics. Its some sort of attention seeking overactivity. Children in the movie are much smarter than adults!

    Apart from such glitches, the film fares well in technical departments and Amitabh did a great job as an actor without being Amitabh.

    The movie is a let down for the hype that it generated. It could have been a great movie, given the kind of people worked for it.

    posted 14 years, 11 months ago