Gaurav Batla

Gaurav Batla has rated 1 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • Stanley Ka Dabba:

    Stanley ka Dabba: Verrry Tasty
    Stanley ka Dabba is the Taare Zameen Par without the Apologetic Nature of the movie. The movie doesn't make you feel sorry for a 'Different Kid'. It doesn't black mail you anywhere to cry. Its like a breath of fresh air (Excuse the Cliche please). If you have seen 'Children of Heaven' by Majid Majidi you are going to love this one. The movie is sweet, calm, light and makes a point without stressing too much on it. Its one of those movies where you can just go in the cinema hall, immerse yourself in without thinking too much. An absolute recommendation this weekend.

    Full Review:

    posted 13 years, 9 months ago