
Funky has rated 1 movies, and has posted 3 comments.

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  • Vishwaroop/Vishwaroopam:

    @meetu: thnq for replying. Hope those movies change the caricaterish image of Kamal hassan.

    posted 12 years ago
  • Vishwaroop/Vishwaroopam:

    Yes, there are n number of mother ways of reading this but what the director wanted to tell is the most important.. thats the director's perspective. I like ur interpretation but for me, the most accurate depiction will be as follows:
    "The little boy is ambitious about becoming a Doctor while Omar restricts him to a Jihadi as his brother Mammu. The scene where Wisam (Kamal) swings the little boy and the boy says “I am not a child" and walks away from the swing. But his brother asks Wisam to push the swing and he enjoys the swing by closing his eyes against light, though light falls on him he ignores to accept it by closing his eyes. Proving difference between a matured little boy and un-matured grown up brother. Reason is obvious..."

    You may or may not agree with this, but I am happy with this. I am not a kamal fan at all. But do give some respect to his experience. His Nayakan features in Time's all time world's 100 must watch movies. His Heyram is a multi layered film which is included in a syllabus in a film university in america. His Mahanadhi, for me is the best. There are many movies I can recommend for you, if you want to watch quality movies.

    Yes, the movie is not a great one, with visible logic holes and loosened screenplay. Yes, he could have played more in this platform he laid on the first half. But Kamal scores in subtle nuances, the amount of research he has put for this. And it guarantees repeated viewing. And yes, its your wish to dislike a movie and tell the world that "watch it only if you have nothing to do". I am not questioning it - Its your right!

    posted 12 years ago
  • Vishwaroop/Vishwaroopam:

    I have never ever seen a more ridiculous and attrocious review than this. It seems the reviewer had not even tried/attempted to understand this movie. Yes, I agree the movie is not brilliant but is not blatant. Since this is from tamil origin, she has rubbished this movie. If you dont like tamil movies, dont watch or review them.

    In one comment, she has said she wants to use her brain on watching movies. Just one question for her: Could you please explain that scene in detail where kamal swings the jihadi. Could you please depict the exact description of this scene. Then I would agree you have used your brain on this movie and have understood this movie.

    posted 12 years ago