Dr Sachin

Dr Sachin has rated 1 movies, and has posted 2 comments.

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  • Golmaal 3: Nay! Thumbs Down: Unmitigated humbug; pretty dumb comedy..


  • Golmaal 3:

    Unmitigated jest and frolic- yes, also unmitigated humbug: it teaches Indians to laugh and mock people with disability for "pure fun"! It apologises to dogs, at the opening- but not to people with disabilities..!!
    That is the limit of insensitivity. Pardonable in 1947- I guess..

    posted 14 years, 4 months ago
  • Golmaal 3:

    Yes a commercial deal- with pathetic attempt to create humor out of people's disabilities. I am sure humor can be more creative, mature and inclusive. In the times and age of movies like "Tare Zamin Par", this movie is retrogressive and irresponsible.
    This movie will only strengthen foolish stereotypes about stammerers and promote teasing of children in schools and discrimination in work place. Is this kind of humor we deserve in 2010?

    posted 14 years, 5 months ago