
Arcopol has rated 1 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • The King's Speech:

    Hey Sweta, thanks, you should watch The King's Speech, certainly worth your time and a definite mood-lifter! :)

    About Black Swan, Aronofsky, the Oscar hype and the points you mentioned - I use a simple way to evaluate: Did the film stay long in my head, perhaps even on the morning after, and make it difficult for me to get back to normal life? Black Swan did, as did TSN, Inception. For me, The King's Speech just didn't stay long enough.

    Pardon the next example, but I'll say it anyway: Which film makes me go lost in thought while I'm taking a dump?

    Unfortunately, I didn't go to those lengths to evaluate Nina's character design. I did 'get' the symbolism, and I think it was easy enough for audiences to comprehend. Btw, I also think the hype around Black Swan and Portman, could have been because her verdict was unanimous amongst audiences and critics, and there weren't equally inspiring performances from the other Best Actress nominees.

    posted 14 years ago