App sabka jstar

App sabka jstar has rated 1 movies, and has posted 1 comments.

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  • Ekk Deewana Tha: Yay! Thumbs Up: i loved this movie too much and specialy amy jackson my favourite


  • Ekk Deewana Tha:

    whoever have worte this matter i just want to slap him/her for writing such thing
    How can thewriter say this thing about awful makeup or dubbing a girl have came to set her flim carrier in bollywood industry from england and we are not supposed to write such awful reviewabout girl or women if any say about the writers family relative who is a girl about her makeover clothes she wear how will he feel
    my concern is that nobody should write such an awfup coment
    i only want to slap and kick on ass of this writer

    posted 10 years, 3 months ago