
Anup has rated 108 movies, and has posted 437 comments.

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  • Tubelight:

    had seen the original LITTLE BOY , a day before watching Tubelight , didn't find it worth remaking. Infact American critics totally crashed that movie with critism , also was a box office flop. Don't know whose idea it was to remake it.
    I have to agree that Tubelight was improvement on LITTLE BOY. But still they didn't elevate much. Story is still bad. Message is still manipulative. And turning a 1hr49min movie into 2hr30min movie with longer scenes and songs is a really bad idea.
    Still I would say z I didn't thought that Indian critics will dislike it so much. Little shocking for me.

    posted 7 years, 9 months ago
  • Jolly LLB 2:

    Anuj - Entertaining - Yes. Good Courtroom Drama - No.
    And yes , i also find Salmaan and SRK monotonous , since many years now. But i didnt had that problem with Akshay , its only after BABY (which was his last film i liked) he felt like monotonous.. Its like he can play only two characters 1. The serious one (Baby , Special 26 , Rustam) , or the Mockery One (Jolly Llb , Housefull series , Welcome , Singh is Kind and Bling)..
    But again thankfuly his movies are not monotonous as his expressions.
    There comes very few movies like OMG where i find something new in his acting.
    He is good in all the above mentioned movies , but not something which he havent shown earlier..

    posted 8 years, 1 month ago
  • Jolly LLB 2:

    Anuj - Entertaining - Yes. Good Courtroom Drama - No.
    And yes , i also find Salmaan and SRK monotonous , since many years now. But i didnt had

    posted 8 years, 1 month ago
  • Jolly LLB 2:

    There was a dialogue in the very first few minutes of the movie when AKSHAY say to another man , "SAARI PADHAYI AAJ HI KAREGA KYA" ? And the tone with which AKSHAY says it , was as same as he said the famous dialogue 20 years ego "BACHE KI JAAN LEGA KYA"? What i want to say is that i agree AKSHAY is a very good actor , but somehow it started to feel like he has very limited amount of way to play a character , and he is not doing anything new. And m not talking about the theme of the movies he select(which i think are great except crap comedies) , rather m talking about thw characters he is playing.
    in his last film RUSTOM , AKSHAY has had made the Joke out of one of the most Landmark case in the history of Indian Judiciary System. And although JOLLY LL2 is better then RUSTOM still the irrelevant jokes (not intrinsic like JOLLY LLB 1, rather forcefully added) take over the main plot which was not much of an interesting thing. I went to watch a good court room drama made engaging through nice investigation and down to earth humor , rather i get a half hearted murder case suger coated with a lot of good but irrelevant jokes .

    posted 8 years, 1 month ago
  • Kaabil:

    Dont agree actually.
    Nothing seems exceptional.
    Even on paper its so predictable , i dont understand why RAkesh decided to produce it , with Hritik in lead and Sanjay Gupta s director.
    i was literally saying the dialogues before actors opening their mouth.
    [comment deleted partially because it gives the movie away]
    so many plot holes.

    posted 8 years, 1 month ago
  • Ok Jaanu:

    Meetu has reach her limit for watching this kind of tried and tested formula movies. but anybody who havnt reached their limits , its a feel good time pass nit even trying to breaking any grounds. ..

    posted 8 years, 2 months ago
  • Dangal:

    Anuj - Thats it then. There was nothing to discuss. U asked me to tell u my best 10. i mentioned them , the conversation must have been ended their , because i didn't questioned when you mentioned your top ten..

    posted 8 years, 2 months ago
  • Dangal:

    Anuj - Ok , now i agree Wazir is not a flop , yet Wazir earned 7 crore profit with 35 crore budget , and Udta Punjab earned 20crore profit with 40 crore budget. With better reviews from critics and more rating on IMDB , its a clean win over WAZIR.
    As for AIRLIFT , again i dont know why i have to like every movie which Urban Audience like. People cannhave different tastes. U have the same discussion with FAN , and he also mention that he didnt liked AIRLIFT also as much as you. And remember neither me or FAN said that we disliked AIRLIFT , we just find it Above Average. Thats my personal choice. U dont have to defend AIRLIFT everybody knows it did a good boxoffice run , but then again , many movie earn money which i dont like..

    posted 8 years, 2 months ago
  • Dangal:

    Anuj - sorry i m not getting the data you are providing.. . i am getting the data , it Cost 45 crore and earned 35.18 crores domestically in its lifetime , so can you provide any link from wherever you are getting the data..? So i guess case is not closed yet..
    And for AIRLIFT i never questioned its box office performance , i just said that i cant understand how it earned so much....

    posted 8 years, 2 months ago
  • Dangal:

    Anuj- Didnt liked Airlift. Didnt understand why people liked it so much. Havent met anyone in my know who have said that he liked it alot. Pretty workman like movie. Didnt raises the excitement level ever in the total movie. Its highly overrated. And we have already discussed it on Airlift's review.
    And i guess if u can mention Flops like Wazir and Kahani 2 , i have pretty much Authority to mention ADHM UDTA PUNJAB AND RR 2.0
    Everyone have their own choice. Its good thing that 7 of out movies match , and only three of them differ.

    posted 8 years, 2 months ago
  • Dangal:

    My favorite films of 2016 -
    3.KAPOOR and SONS
    9.RAMAN RAGHAV 2.0
    P S - havnt seen yet - PARCHED , FORCE 2 , KAHAANI 2 and AKIRA..

    posted 8 years, 2 months ago
  • Dear Zindagi:

    The movie had a lot of conversation , which is not exactly a bad thing. I myself is a big fan of BEFORE TRILOGY (before sunrise , before sunset and before midnight) . But those conversations should have to be interesting.
    Why English Winglish was such a good film is that it was most relatable to life. But all the Therapy talks in Dear Zindagi were either unrelatable or things which anybody already knows. Its not atall a must watch film . Not even at home. Can be use for burning time. Not even worth for SRK fans. FAN was better then this. May be a little bit for Alia Fans.
    This movie can neither satisfy the Intellectual audience neither the commercial audience.
    Only persons who can relate to this movie are those who are frustrated with their life and don't know what else to do..

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Dear Zindagi:

    @meeta- "In fact, for most parts you look at him and hear him as Jehangir Khan"
    didnt find anything special with SRK'S performance. He acted same as he reacts in shows like KOFFEE WITH KARAN or KAPIL SHARMA SHOW. Infact the way he scratch his beard , reminded me of his interview , the only diff was that , he was the person asking question this time..

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    @meeta cant help it. have to talk about what others are discussing. although i try to change the topic

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Anuj - m not saying that m against the discussion about box office , m saying that the content of the movie is more important thing to discuss..Which doesnt happen here anymore. There were numerous times i find you duscussing about the movies business without even mentioning whether you by ur self has liked the movie or not.
    Nobody watches movies so they become hit , nobody watches movie so they can spread good word of mouth or bad word of mouth , people watch movies for their own satisfaction , and that's the most important thing to discuss..Like i said before , what business a movie did is only secondary to it..
    And yes , the ROI discussion by me was about the business verdict not about whether people like that movie or not..or how long a movie ran in the theater or how good the word of mouth was.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Anuj - for me ROI is the best judgement of a movies success (as much as business prospects go). A good movie is a movie which knows its target audience and made on a budget that could guarantee a hit according to that target audience. A movie which is seen by more people but didnt get much on ROI due to its high budget is a less successful film (yes m pointing at MSD).
    AS once Ajay Devgan gave a very nice comment on movie business "MOVIES NEVER FAIL, ITS THE BUDGET WHICH FAILS"

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Such an irony , when i started reading reviews in this forum few years back , it was all about quality of movies was discussed , but now a days its just about money what is discussed.
    People even start mentioning what a movie is earning , without even watching the movie by themselves . Doesnt make sense , does the audience gets the money a movie earn. No. Rather they get a quality movie , doesnt matter it earned or not , and for the audience thats important. Yes ofcoarse we dont want our Fav movies to be flop , but thats only secondary.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Fan - Befikre is on 9tth Dec .
    I was talking about money too. Isnt Pink and Neerja are superhit with their budget. Dhoni earned 125cr with over 100 crs budget.
    And i thought we are here to discuss about the movies and not the personal life of actors , if thats the criteria , then Salmaan should be the last person who should be mentioned here.
    And yes obviously , nobody discuss on this forum if any actor do something good , rather they only discuss if something bad happens that too with their own personal choices.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Infact Pink made almost 250% of its budget and Neerja even more then 250%. Only other movie which compete with these two on ROI basis is Sultan.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Fan - u seems pretty pessimist for the upcoming lineup. its almost like u want those movies to be bad.
    Yes Dear Zindagi seems average. Force 2 has a nice trailer , Kahani 2 seems interesting , without much giving away , Befikre seems just a fun movie nothing more but i have hopes on Aditya Chopda's direction. Really liked Dangal's trailer , the way Amir's character has been sidelined to his daughter's character. Much better then Sultan and yes its first song's video is very entertaining too.
    For the movies already released , my Fav are NEERJA , KAPOOR AND SONS , UDTA PUNJAB and PINK (best of this year , a 10/10 for me) . And all 4 didnt come on your comment but i guess better you didn't mention them then criticizing them.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Fan - its hard to discuss it without giving it away. But the way it had been handle , didn't seem realistic (and became too much melodramatic - fault of the director). May be could have worked in any other film , but when u are already bored of a film because of its length and want to leave the theater , extended climaxes are the worst things. EVEN LORD OF THE RINGS 3 made me bore with its extended climaxes.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Anuj - like i said , nothing new with the storyline. It has been taken from , YJHD , ROCKSTAR and WAKE UP SID , but what elevates it , is the screenplay , acting and direction. What differentiate this movie from other KARAN JOHAR directorial films is totally eradicating the Melodrama (which is the Forte if Dharma and YRF) . Most tragic scenes have been converted into light hearted one in the movie. The way Karan directed it , is more close to his produced movies like Kapoor and Sons and Hasee to Phasse then his earlier directorial ventures.
    In simple words i can summarised that Shivaay tried to show something new (which i totally appreciate) and succeed to some extent .
    While ADHM tried to show the same story in a different way. and succeeded more.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Shivaay:

    Hope its not too late to enter into the discussion .
    Anuj - agreed what u said - "world class action choreography, brilliant camerawork and stunts performed by action man Ajay Devgn himself" , but you left the other things. "Average direction , not so good emotional scenes , Below average performance by both leading lady , editor must be sleeping in his working hours , and that extended climax after the last fight almost made me angry thinking when the hell this movie will end. My friend has been sleeping throughout the film and i have to woke him again and again for the action scenes. Shivaay is those kind of Hollywood movies which people like to see in fast forward mode just for action scenes. Yes its technical department has done a brilliant job , but it never compensate for good drama.
    As compared to this ADHM is a much more mature work , Superb direction , not a single acting flaws , a very interesting screenplay (inspite of not so new storyline which is the only average thing in the movie) and alot of laugh out moments (& yes pretty nice cinematography as far as bollywood live stories go).
    Both of these movies are for different audience. I am just presenting my views. Many frnds of mine have disliked SHIVAAY and liked ADHM and there is also the case of Vice Versa. Any person who doesnt mind boring drama in between superb action scenes will definitely enjoy Shivaay , for others (including me)ADHM is a better film..
    Anybody saying Shivaay is another run of the mile Masala film is wrong , its not. But anybody who is saying ADHM is just another YRF/DHARMA eye candy love story with just good songs in it is very wrong too.
    As far as boxoffice performance goes upto now , i guess ADHM has crossed its budget , but Shivaay is still behind it.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Ae Dil Hai Mushkil:

    Its a total transformation of Karan Johar. The way of direction is nowhere close to old Karan Johar , he totally ignored the melodrama , even the most tragic scenes were turned into entertaining. Karan Johar is a very good director , the only thing needed that he would mold himself for the current generation of audience (which Yash Ji was not able to do in his last film) , and he did it. I guess producing movies like LUNCHBOX and KAPOOR & SONS have a positive effect on Karan.
    I find this movie totally fresh (not tried and tasted). Yes the story is not new , but the screenplay is awesome , direction and acting at its best , Anushka is the best thing about the film , but not a single actor disappoints , not even Lisa Haydon in her small role.
    Anybody who is judging it , without watching it that its just another Karan Johar usual film , is very very wrong.

    posted 8 years, 4 months ago
  • Mirzya:

    Fan - that may be the case , but as a audience , we definitely don't want the movies of the directors we like to be flop..
    And when it comes to Hollywood i can name three directors who have in a long run , havnt given a single flop..and m not seeing any flops fron all three of them in near future.
    CHRISTOPHER NOLAN (9 movies in 16 years)
    DAVID FINCHER (10 movies in 12 years)
    James Cameron (7 movies in 25 years)..

    posted 8 years, 5 months ago
  • Mirzya:

    Fan - seems like you are curiously waiting (and wanting) for Raju Hirani to fail..

    posted 8 years, 5 months ago
  • Mirzya:

    Anuj - talking about writers add GULZAR to that list..Reviews clearly disclose that its the most boring (and may be the only boring) screenplay written by him ..

    posted 8 years, 5 months ago
  • M. S. Dhoni - The Untold Story:

    Anuj - couldnt watch it , some injury problem i have.
    Not saying that Neeraj Is not a good director , anybody who made A Wednesday is a craftman , but unlike Shoojit whom i find better and better with every film , i find Neeraj Going down with everyone of his films..

    posted 8 years, 5 months ago
  • M. S. Dhoni - The Untold Story:

    Anuj - havnt seen the movie..But definitely got confused of your comments. So please clarify.
    The movies was brilliant on screenplay, story telling & direction , then a full marks to Neeraj Pandey (which you give to all his movies so you are a fan no doubt like anybody can be any bodies fan and defend him , but tye fact is that you dont like it when someone defends a person whom you byyourself dont like) and then you say the Movie has a Boring and Prolonged 2nd half. How can a movie having brilliant screenplay and director having full marks can have a boring 2 nd half.
    Quite contrary of thoughts by a same person.

    posted 8 years, 5 months ago
  • Rustom:

    And yes it has been made on a really low budget as compared to equally average film but higher on cost MOHENJO-DARO DARO. But the fact is that at least Mohenjo Daro doesn't look cheap..

    posted 8 years, 7 months ago
  • Rustom:

    When the trailer shows in CAPITAL BOLD LETTERS THT THE MOVIE IS ABOUT - THE CASE WHICH REMOVED THE JURY SYSTEM FROM INDIAN COURTS i supposed it want to show why and how Jury system has been removed. But the movie never touches that part of the story. Infact the movie didnt even touched half the story of the CASE on which it has been based. And we get a movie which almost felt like a comedy movie with a whole lot of jokes (which i agree were good and crowed pleasing and i myself was angry for the treatment the movie has been given but also couldn't stop myself from laughing on the jokes) with some serious talks and twist plot as a side story..
    I could have enjoyed it more , if only the trailers had not made me fool and if only i had put my expectations in the right basket.

    posted 8 years, 7 months ago
  • Mohenjo Daro:

    seems like HR just made the movie for working with Ashutosh Gowariker. orherwise there was nothing to choose this oversimplified and over saturated script. Not a single criteria to recommend this to anyone. even for the die hard fans its not worth of spending money..

    posted 8 years, 7 months ago
  • Udta Punjab:

    Its a very good movie.. Best of this year along with Kapoors And Sons and Neerja. Glad that all the three movies have earned their profit as well as good reviews and will also fetch some awards. I don't think any other criteria left for their judgment. Dont want to say anything else.

    posted 8 years, 8 months ago
  • Baaghi: A Rebel For Love:

    Fan - thts the thing m saying..
    There will come a time when he has to do some different kind of movie where he will not get the chance to show his action skills..Unless he improves his acting skills it will be really difficult for him..

    posted 8 years, 10 months ago
  • Baaghi: A Rebel For Love:

    Anuj - ohh , i dont have any problem with his looks..i have problem with his acting skills..I dont know if you have seen Heropanti or not..But Tiger was atleast decent in that. He emoted badly in Baaghi.. But its good to see that he has a fan base who are expecting something else and getting it..I think if he can maintain this Fan Base , he could get enough time to improve his acting skills..
    also when i try to think in different way , and consider newcomers like Aditya Pancholi and etc , i find Tiger Shroff more then decent in comparison to them..

    posted 8 years, 10 months ago
  • Baaghi: A Rebel For Love:

    Anuj - movie was pretty well was clear that opening will be good..And with tight budget (and also the fact that nobody is watching FAN anymore)it will easily be a profitable movie..I will still want to know how the word of mouth goes..and how far this genuine superstar can go with just stunt and dancing skills , unless otherwise he improves his acting capabilities..

    posted 8 years, 10 months ago
  • Baaghi: A Rebel For Love:

    The Trailer of the movie is 3 min long , out of which 2mn and 30sc have
    been shown as action sequences . And rest just 30sc as romance. Movie was supposed to be a mixture of VARSHAM (that old not so interesting south indian movie from which it has been copied) and RAID REDEMPTION (one of the best action film ever made from which the climax action sequence has been copied like the trailers showed us). I was just expecting that BAAGHI must be more of RAID REDEMPTION and less of VARSHAM . But i was wrong.. Its just the last 20 min of RAID REDEMPTION and the rest was VARSHAM (which is by the way has been dubbed as BAARISH - THE SEASON OF LOVE in case you have seen it on CABLE). Tiger Shroff really cant act. Every time the
    camera changes its angle Tiger changes his emotions..Its like he use to
    forget what his emotions were when he was shooting the same scene before
    the director says CUT to change the angle..And he just keep repeating

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    I Dont think there will be any date available for single release unless otherwise someone do a favour to SRK like he did to Salmaan by removing Raaes from Idd release..It has to clash definitely.

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    Anuj - Quite an elaborate presentation .

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    FAN - The article itself says , lack of songs and romantic track, jungle book , IPL , mixed reviews , and also the bad climax together become the reason of bad performance of the movie..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    Anuj - i dont think anyone disliked WAZIR's climax..Who ever has thought about it , it was a master stock.. But the path to that climax was pretty flat , and also some (not much) plot holes..I so much wanted that same climax to be in a better movie..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    Anuj - I personally categorize MYSTERY and THRILLER to be different genre obviously the combination of both is the best one but yes there can be thrills in a movie without any mystery..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    I never quite find DARR better then a average movie , a good story with bad characterisation handle by a director who is good but not totally in his comfort zone when it comes to Thriller..Neither YasH chopra was not famous for thrillers nor YRF itself..Not saying that he couldnt had made a giid thriller , infact there were enough of them including one of his best Deewar in his filmography..but DARR was not one of them..The character of SRK was totally childish , unaware of what exactly he wants to do , blindly aiming in the whole movie. Cant forget the song JADUU TERI NAZAR poping again and again in the whole movie without any situation.. Yes it was 90s but seriously cant you recognise a voice on telephone threatening you if you have met him so many times in person ? And yes , how can we forget the KKKKIRAN thing . DEEWAR and GAJNI two movies for two different generation are far noth higher then DARR. as far as SRK'S own movies go i find BAAZIGAR better then DARR with more focus storyline , better characterization of Lead actor and yes The director duo who have made their carrier on remaking HOLLYWOOD THRILLERS and being quite successful in it ignoring RACE 2 , PLAYERS and NAQAAB..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    That i would agree that his fan following is diminishing with every bad movie..DILWALE being flop (i was quite happy when it flopped) was the biggest evidence..Yes was released with Bajirao but it was Holiday season..enough room for both of them..
    i personally know many of my frnds who are angry after watching Chennai Express , HNY and Dilwale ,(they personally never agree that its a bad movie but some how you can judge that they are not happy with it) .. FAN is definitely a relief for them and they are overwhelmed of this movie but not to the neutral viewers..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    Fan - If IPL is the reason then how can Jungle Book earned 113 cr which released just two day before IPL stared.. and also 32 crs in 4 days of its 2nd week..
    May be its the mixture of all the factors..Mixed reviews , Competition from both IPL and JUNGLE BOOK ..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    Anuj - Did i said Airlift or Baby are bad or disliked them..I dont remember . Did i said tht it havnt been liked by the audience..I dont remember that either..Unlike you m not representing the whole country here.. M just presenting my personal views..And i give reasons for why i think a movie is just above average..Anybody contradict is welcome to discuss..But m not here at all for criticizing everybody with my bad temper..
    Because you know if you have the FACTS (which i think and i guess everybody will agree that you always have , and m saying this as a compliment) then m more then happy to be proved wrong..But no need of showing your bad temper for that..Just FACTS would be enough..This is not competition and it seems like you are alone running for the first prize and would do anything to win it.. So calm down..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    Anuj - There again your aggressive comments star again..
    Not a single time i have said that FAN is a movie which deserves better earning , nor i have said that it is better then AIRLIFT or something like that.. M just saying you have always ypur reason to back up the movies you like..And you dont do the same for the movies you dont like..Just that..
    I have said WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER IF YOU HAVE ADDED..I dont think there was anything rude on that .. It was like a request (obviously i dont know how your mind works) ..
    You can stop using words like SULKING and RUBBING SALT INTO YOUR WOUND..otherwise it would be meaningless to talk to a person like you..Its my 2nd request to keep it healthy..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    Sry by 4TH DAY i meant IN 4 DAYS

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    On the 2nd week of Jungle Book , it has earned 32 cores in 4th day , its definitely hampering the earning of FAN..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago
  • Fan:

    Anuj - Would have been better if you have added the STIFF competition FAN is facing against JUNGLE BOOK , which was not a case for Airlift..
    It would be good if you present all the fact while claiming something for all the movies not just for the movies you like (for example you always mention Baby was not a bigger hit because of lack of promotion not because it was just an above average film [which i think to be true] )..Just mentioning..

    posted 8 years, 11 months ago