Aniket Thakkar

Aniket Thakkar has rated 3 movies, and has posted 7 comments.

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  • Happy 5th, dear wogma!:

    Happy Happy B'day!!! Can't think of a better person than Vinay to share the 5th anniversary cake with (well Navin doesn't count :P). It was super to be part of Wogma for the short while I was. But I'm still - a part of the audience and deeply appreciate the effort you put in to running this place. Hats Off to you. Here's to many more glorious years to come.

    posted 13 years, 6 months ago
  • Red:

    My bad, for forgetting Mr. Dreyfuss. As for the dismissive reviews, I guess they were either expecting too much or expecting something entirely different out of the movie. Like I said, for the sake of the actors, it was fun watching the film for me. I'd first noticed Karl in Bourne Supremacy. He did great there too. (I'm going to ignore Priest)

    Thank you for reading the review and taking time to comment.

    posted 13 years, 7 months ago
  • Transformers Dark of the Moon:

    I loved for the sake of Leonard Nimoy(Good ol' Spock) who gave his voice to Sentinal Prime. He's been lending his voice to Fringe and now Transformers 3 post his retirement from acting. Now, I know they were just trying to cash in on his hard-core fandom among Star Trek fans by showing his clip on TV in one of the shots and then making him say one of the cult dialogues from all times - "The need of the many, outweigh the need of the few" from The Search for Spock; but I loved to hear the words none-the-less. And finding such easter eggs in the movie was fun too.

    I used to wake up at 6 in the morning when I was growing up, to catch the Transformers animated series on Star Plus. So am crazy about the franchise. Sony and star were good in those days with shows like Transformers, Different Strokes, I dream Of Jeanie, Bewitched, Grandiser, TMNT, etc. Good ol' days.

    I don't like the way they've made the Transformer films full of campy cheesy humor, but it always excites me to watch Optimus fight it out on big screen. Who doesn't like cars transforming into giant robots and fighting with swords? I didn't go expecting a story or performance, though Patrick Dempsey of the Grey's Anatomy fame didn't disappoint. I'd given up on that long ago. I wanted to see Prime vs Prime and some good action and I got it. So it didn't disappoint, but I wonder about the possibilities with this franchise.

    Now I wish, someone(how I wish he be Nolan) could reboot it the way they did with the new Star Trek movie, or with X-Men first class. Fingers crossed.

    posted 13 years, 8 months ago
  • Fair Game:

    Though if Fair Game was made here in India, Aamir Khan would have been my first choice to cast. :)

    posted 14 years, 2 months ago
  • Merry Christmas:

    Thanks Arcopol for this review.
    I have a soft-croner for Diane Kruger, so had been meaning to watch this for quite some time. This review has made it leap some places up on my to-watch list. :)

    Just looking at the selection of movies that you review, I can tell you have a very good taste in them.


    posted 14 years, 2 months ago
  • The Social Network:

    @Rahul: Yes, the dialogues were surely the high point of the movie. And I too loved that they managed to keep the technology part right, in the movie. Right down to the part where Mark is always seen using his Vaio and working on a terminal screen.

    @Like Movies: The people who have been working for Facebook from the start are also defending Mark, that though he did make some tough calls that others might not approve, he is nothing like the guy they have portrayed him to be. Mark went on to say as much on his comment on the movie that, apart from the kind of clothes he wears they have portrayed nothing the way it is. And I for one believe after every war, the winner has the right to tell the story. But it still, made up for a good movie though.

    @W2: I'm sorry to have disappointed you. To me the high points of the movie were the screenplay and the performance of Justin Timberlake as Shaun Parker, which I did mention in the review.

    Now, I would have loved to get in details, like the story behind the scene when Shaun asks Mark to go to that meeting in bathrobe. And how they managed to keep the details like the sign of "Use of fireplace, prohibited". But getting into it would give the movie away - which is so against, what WOGMA stands for. So I chose to walk around those corners, and apologize if that resulted in your disappointment.

    posted 14 years, 4 months ago