wogma rating: Beg or borrow, but do watch (?)
In Greek mythology, Prometheus is known as a cultural hero – one who stole fire from the gods for the benefit of mankind. He was sentenced to a life of torture by Zeus, where an eagle was to feed on his liver everyday while Prometheus was bound to a rock. At the centre of this myth lies the essence of humanity, a topic that even the film is trying to explore. Ofcourse, Prometheus becomes infinitely watchable with the grand visuals and action sequences. Don’t miss it!
Read moreThese alternate universes are making it more and more difficult to deal with reality. Ofcourse, then some of you will argue about how you can tell what is real. But before we can go there, let me warn you that watching Prometheus in 3D IMAX will leave you with an abyss of questions and discussions about the possibilities of the human existence. What’s new about that? Believe me, you can never have enough of speculation, and Ridley Scott works on that exact sentiment, playing with your mind with every second of Prometheus.
An epic-size prequel to the 1979 Alien, three decades later, Prometheus is a grand film. It’s all about the visuals, jaw-dropping and mesmerizing as they are, making the art direction and VFX near flawless. You can’t take your eyes of the grandeur, but you are forced to once you move ahead to try and answer the questions the film poses.
The film begins in 2093, when archeologists Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway (Noomi Rapace and Logan Marshall-Green) are convinced of the existence of extra-terrestrial beings courtesy ancient cave paintings.They then set out on an expedition to reach the home planet of these beings on a ship called Prometheus, along with the Crew Commander Meredith Vickers (an icy Charlize Theron), a cheeky Captain Jenek (Idris Elba), the creepy, straight-faced android David (Michael Fassbender) and a bunch of geologists and technicians. Their mission to find these beings and their universe is funded by multi-billionaire Peter Wayland (Guy Pearce, whose casting quite doesn’t make any sense).
Every moment of the film after they land on the planet is gripping, leaving you with not even a moment to catch a breath. What stays with you for many hours after the film is the arresting imagery of the film. It’s a combination of break-taking visuals, haunting sound design and smooth cinematography that finally give off a sense of calm surprise.
Where Prometheus lacks is in its theoretical questions - the answers of which are hinted at in the future sequel. Having brought up the regular Science versus Faith debate, it doesn’t take it’s time to establish both sides but rather, conveniently places its ideological stance. On one hand, Scott raises relevant questions about human creation and the basis of our existence; he had immense scope to toy around with the idea and leave you at a peak. However, the film quickly moves to showing a spectacular picture instead and leaves the audience confused.
It’s not a confusion of questions (because who doesn’t like that) but a confusion of choice – why was a particular situation chosen to be portrayed in this manner? The answers are made to seem like they are irrelevant, trivial or worse, patched up with a fast-paced following scene. As a viewer, one hopes it’ll all be rounded in the sequel, but that is a lot of pressure on one film, especially since its finale was made 30 years ago.
Prometheus’ true star is Michael Fassbender as the uncanny android David. His character keeps you on tenterhooks through the film and continues to wow you inevery frame. Following which, each character is well cast. CharlizeTheron plays the icy ship manager, and Noomi Rapace, as a believing, alert protagonist – the kind that every viewer likes to lead a film. Scott’s story-telling technique is extremely vivid. You can see how every shot was elaborately planned and bound, and the effort shows on screen.
The 3D was subtle, and yet you could see how it enhanced your viewing experience. For the visuals alone, watch Prometheus. To say that it will blow your mind is a given. The movie however, will stay with you for many days after you see it – you’ll be burdened with questions, some even nagging. You deserve the experience.
This review is by guest reviewer Swetha Ramakrishnan. Swetha Ramakrishnan is currently living and working in Mumbai. She's a self-confessed film enthusiast and can most likely be found talking to anyone and everyone about popular cinema and her love for SRK. Swetha Ramakrishnan also blogs at http://swetharamakrishnan.blogspot.com/.
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Comments (1)
@g-10 not slight. that's a big one. Thanks for pointing it out. Can't rectify the URL now, but will fix the title immediately.
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