Pad Man

wogma rating: Watch but no rush (?)

quick review:

As much a story of tender care, as it is a story of social good and dealing with taboo. Worth a watch – for the avoidable struggle a common man went through because of the many social factors – even if not on the big screen.

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Director: R. Balki
Running time: 140 minutes
Genres: Social
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Pad Man - Preview

When a friend told me of Arunachalam Muruganantham, I remember being in awe. Just the entire concept was as unexpected as it was amazing. Not only was a man trying to figure menstruation out but he was from the interiors of India where most likely touching a menstruating lady is culturally disallowed, let alone discussing periods.

Today, six years later, in an era when a lot of women complain about insensitivity from their men, especially when it comes to menstruation and related issues, Arunachalam truly seems like a superhero. But, his story would have remained in some nook of media, if it weren’t for the star value given to it by Akshay Kumar.

Is Akshay Kumar the best person to play this role? Most likely not. Is it great that he is playing it? I’d say, yes. Anything that brings the subject into public discourse is good. If it is done by a public figure, I won’t complain.

Sure, it is disheartening that a woman’s cause needs a man as a saviour. But, it is a film based on a true story. And it was a man who disrupted the period industry. So, that’s how life played out. I find it befitting that credit be given where it’s due. That leaves the argument that would a woman who took up this cause receive such recognition - should, but most likely wouldn’t. Maybe a filmmaker will see this injustice too and Padman will pave the way for all those women who have taken up great causes but have not seen their work gain momentum.

As far as the movie goes, save for the fact that it is directed by R. Balki, I don’t think it’ll be any better or worse than Toilet – Ek Prem Katha. In fact, there is a slight chance that star power will overshadow the real man’s work and/or the issue at hand. Even so, whether or not I like the film, here’s sending more power to such enablers.

Padman releases on 9 February, 2018.

- meeta, a part of the audience

Of course, Padman is about a man who cared for the well-being of his wife and sisters. But it would be unfair to think of Padman as just a “period” film. It is as much about rural India, superstitious India, an India that finds breaking away from tradition worse than a death sentence. And I am sure this is true of many countries, not just this one. Societies with families that find it difficult to finance basic needs, but spend that and more on faith – must surely exist outside India too. So even as Padman is about changing the way in which women manage their menstrual flow, it’s reach is far beyond the boundary of this country and the topic of menstruation.

I was waiting for Akshay Kumar to burst into a know-it-all, holier-than-thou monologue. But thankfully, they ducked that one.

I am glad that Arunachalam Muruganantham took up the onus of making affordable sanitary napkins. I am certainly glad there are being films made on the man, his zeal, his persistence, and his invention. And I am equally glad that it got star-backing from Akshay Kumar in Padman. Let alone boys and men, if the film changes the attitude of even a handful of girls and women towards menstruation from the “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” to that of, “baah, what’s the big deal”, it is a success – irrespective of box office status. Yes, there are women today who speak about periods much more liberally than when I was growing up. But we are hardly enough. This shocking indicator cannot be repeated enough – only 12% of Indian women use sanitary napkins.

As far as the film goes, you can tell that the writing and direction are trying very hard to keep things light. Be it Laxmikant’s (Akshay Kumar) sense of humor or Sonam Kapoor’s bright smile and breezy presence. If that’s what it takes to reach a larger audience, so be it.

I was caught off-guard by Akshay Kumar’s performance. From the beginning, he just came across as the simple-minded, progressive villager he is supposed to be. Sonam Kapoor as Pari, Laxmikan’t enterprise partner, fit in well too. In contrast though, Radhika Apte (Laxmikant’s wife) looked a little out of place. Her shame, her helplessness, her concern for the family budget all came across as rather functional, if not superficial.

This though is not the actor’s fault. She isn’t the focus of the writing. Neither is Laxmikant. Sure, the other characters are all in relation to him, as in his wife, his partner, his friend, his mother, his sisters, yet he is not the focus. The focus is clearly the story, or to take it a level further – the invention and the social milieu that called for the invention. From financial deprivation to money-and-fame driven attitude, from societal pressure of what’s appropriate and what’s not to a take on faith and religion – everything in Padman revolves around the invention. So, even though the film points at all these issues, it is still a lot about how to make an affordable sanitary napkin, to the extent that at some point I felt like I am taking a repeated, factory tour of a sanitary napkin machine shop. This did get a little repetitive and tedious after a while. And of course, for a film that addresses social taboo around menstruation, it defeated the purpose that “the stain” was still taboo. That’s when you remind yourself that, that’s real life. Despite these issues though, it is good to see this tender, caring, determined man’s road to discovery.

I am not sure the extent to which the film sticks to the events of the true life story, but from this TED talk by Arunachalam Muruganantham, the first half looks like it has largely stuck to actuals. Of course, there is the unfathomable move from Tamil Nadu to Madhya Pradesh. Maybe it was to keep things politically correct, who knows? The love angle is another question mark the film left me with. The especially broken English that Laxmikant delivers his speech in, is another one of those cinematic liberties that the film could have done without. Instead it would have been a nice touch to show how the man was approached for the film. But, I guess that would be called chest-thumping. It’s amusing that a film that revolves around the social fatigue of “what will people say?” can’t show a bit of reality because of “what people will say”.

On the other hand, Padman has refrained from some common Hindi film traps. For instance, from 20 minutes into the film, I was waiting for Akshay Kumar to burst into a know-it-all, holier-than-thou monologue. But thankfully, they ducked that one. I guess, it helps that real life isn’t about preachy speeches.

The focus is clearly the story, or to take it a level further – the invention and the social milieu that called for the invention.

As with many films based on true-lives, especially those that inspire and have a social cause at the core – it is difficult to separate the cause and the personality from the film. And thus comes the inevitable question – is it enough for us to know about such a life? Or has the film been able to take the public discourse a step further? Will my teenage son and daughter talk more openly about periods with each other; with their friends of the opposite gender? Are they more sensitized? Will you and I consider giving our domestic help a pack of the ironically named “Whisper” with their salary? Will we hide the pack as we give it? Does it cross social boundaries if you almost force them to talk about periods uninhibitedly as we would have our kids talk? This last question, I am sure, is for another film.

- meeta, a part of the audience


35 reviewers(?) - 21 yays 13 so-so 1 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by Baradwaj Rangan, Blogical Conclusion, The New Sunday Express : ...And Balki never loses sight of the fact that what he’s making isn’t an Oscar-bait biopic but a rousing audience-pleaser. There are fantastic “mass” moments. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Subhash K Jha, Bolly Spice : ...The film belongs to Akshay Kumar. Make no mistake about that. Playing Laxmikant with a mixture of inbuilt ingenuity and curiosity he makes the man believable and endearing, so compassionate and inspiring. As Laxmikant Chauhan/‎Arunachalam Muruganantham, Akshay Kumar’s rousing speech at the UN is the showreel that will be shown when he gets his first lifetime achievement award. In the meanwhile, do reserve every single acting honour of 2018 for this performance. ... full review

Thumbs up, Bollywood Hungama : ...On the whole, PAD MAN is a brave and an inspirational attempt at creating a commercial cinema out of a taboo topic. The movie scores high on content as well as emotions. At the box office, Akshay Kumar’s mass appeal will surely help to pull in the audiences. It has the potential to grow steadily at the box-office with the positive word-of-mouth. Period. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Tushar P. Joshi, Bollywood Life : ...Pad Man deserves a special mention simply because it got made. A subject that’s hushed up even in urban India got a mainstream treatment by a popular actor-director team. And that itself is a reason why a film like this deserves extra attention. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Smita Vyas Kumar , Desi Martini : ...The cinema was full of men watching the movie and that in itself is a good thing. Change can happen in small doses and if the dose is entertaining its worth your time. Period. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Aashish, Desi Martini : ...PadMan is funny and amusing throughout while it also educates the masses about the importance of menstrual hygiene and women empowerment. The film refers to the elephant in the room without discomforting the viewers as people are still afraid to talk about these topics in the open. R Balki has made a film that not only entertains but also educates the people. It is neither too preachy like Toilet: Ek Prem Katha nor overtly dramatic like PK. The only glitch is the unneeded romantic plot which could have been avoided (won’t spoil it for you). The film is a perfect ode to empowering women which will, in turn, empower India. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Rahul Bharadwaj, Desi Martini : ...Padman is for those who care for good cinema and believe in the positivity of life. Do not miss it. Bollywood has sent in a huge apology for the largely drab January with this one movie to all of us. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Dev Raj Gulati, Desi Martini : ...The outstanding shades ? The theme is socially relevant.Local low cost production of sanitary napkins is the need of the hour.It's door to door sale through the beneficiaries themselves generates employment.One must shun superstitions and instead empower women.Productivity increases ith the use of high quality pads. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Chaya Unnikrishnan, DNA : ...But that doesn't take away from the fact that a film which could have been uncomfortable and embarrassing is anything but that. Go watch it with your family. ... full review

Thumbs up, Free Press Journal : ...Overall, though entertaining, Padman is like a long-drawn public-service film that’s worth your ticket money. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Ananya Bhattacharyal, india today : ...Watch Pad Man. It is a film that deserves to be experienced on the big screen. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Umesh Punwani, koimoi : ...For those who’re thinking if you could connect with the message of Pad Man, trust me you will. Every good thing comes with an expiry date and enjoy this era of Akshay Kumar till it lasts (Hope it’s here for a couple of more decades). The combo of entertainment plus message-driven plot is a rare occurrence and Padman fits the bill. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Mayank Shekhar, MiD DAY : ...This is, in that sense, a very different kinda Balki movie. Pad Man is based on social entrepreneur Arunachalam Muruganantham's life, which has already been made into two feature films that we know of - the unreleased I-Pad, and Phullu (2017) - besides a full-length documentary, Menstrual Man (2013). ... full review

Thumbs up, by Jaidev Hemmady, Movie Talkies : ...All in all, Padman is a commercial entertainer with a strong message to the society…... full review

Thumbs up, by Raja Sen, NDTV : ...The film ends with a grand speech delivered to the United Nations in a peculiar pidgin English, something Lakshmi winningly calls Linglish. It is a smashing speech, given to us in full, and really puts things in perspective as we see how, without an eye on profit or commerce, this inventor soldiered on to make the world a cleaner place. I loved this stretch because, for once, broken English was not played for laughs but for sincerity, and because Kumar handles it masterfully.... full review

Thumbs up, by Shrishti Nagi, : ...Amit Trivedi's composition is soulful and soothing, thanks to his ability to infuse the rich textures and sounds of Indian folk music with drum beats and guitars. Kudos to R Balki for making Akshay Kumar a "superhero" in the true sense. ... full review

Thumbs up, Sify Movies : ...Overall, though entertaining, Padman is like a long-drawn public-service film that's worth your ticket money. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Sharbani Mukherjee, STARDUST : ...A must Watc, take your family n friends along and head to nearest theatre n enjoy the simplicity of this film, which is presented in a lucid at though provioking manner.... full review

Thumbs up, by Renuka Vyavahare, Times of India : ...Known for making films that work towards bridging the age and gender gap, Balki's Padman is an empowering film that gives you the wings, despite the odds. It will free women of their inhibitions and that will be its biggest success. Period! ... full review

Thumbs up, by Rummana, yahoo! India : ...As India hurtles ahead to match the developed world, it is only logical that her cinema follows suit. Thus, we need more films that send out a strong social message and don’t brush perceived taboos such as mental health, feminine hygiene, and sex education under the carpet. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Ritika Handoo, Zee News : ...Go watch it because you must. Period... full review

So-So, by Rohit Bhatnagar, Deccan Chronicle : ...Overall, PadMan is watchable for its exceptional subject. Don’t expect it to be a fancy commercial film but is definitely high on emotions. ... full review

So-So, by Devesh Sharma, Filmfare : ...Akshay Kumar has embodied the spirit of Arunnachalam Murganatham. It's a very sincere effort. His speech towards the end, though long, is straight from the heart. You feel you're watching someone with genuine concern for women and not just an actor going through the paces. ... full review

So-So, by Anna MM Vertticad, FirstPost : ...There is a lot I liked about Padman, but a lot that bothered me about it too. ... full review

So-So, by Josh, : ...But Akshay Kumar grins, weeps and speaks with a feeling that doesn't look like it belongs in this film. There's this one moment where he manages to finally obtain confirmation that he has indeed managed to make a functional sanitary pad, and he's nothing short of lovable there. It is precisely this lovableness that made us breeze through Padman, and will likely ensure that you do, too. ... full review

So-So, by Sweta Kaushal, Hindustan Times : ...While Radhika disappears into the naive, blindfolded woman who believes “auraton ke liye sabse badi beemari hai sharam”, Akshay tries his best to be the superhero he has come to be identified with in his films. Only, Akshay’s accent and tone often fluctuate between those of a villager, a person with the basic knowledge of English and someone who is educated enough to differentiate between American and British accents. Sonam plays a privileged South Delhi girl and fits perfectly into the role. She also gets to mouth some of the best comebacks directed at Akshay in the film. ... full review

So-So, by UDITA JHUNJHUNWALA, Live Mint : ...Padman is sanitised and sweet, and its message is not just to encourage the use of sanitary pads, but that with the right motivation, imagination and a whole lot of patience you can solve problems with ingenuity ... full review

So-So, by Kunal Guha, Mumbai Mirror : ...The film ticks every question it hopes to raise — if every female goes through it, why should it lead to embarrassment or even taint one as 'apavitra'? But it barely alters the squeamish attitude many hold against the routine discomfort biologically assigned to all womankind. And this is where R Balki slips. It was a noble cause for sure, if only the makers would have soaked up some of the melodrama. ... full review

So-So, by Rajeev Masand, : ...In the end PadMan is admirable and has its heart in the right place, but it might have benefited from a less sermonizing tone. I’m going with two-and-a-half out of five. ... full review

So-So, by Manisha Lakhe, Now : ...The film is socially relevant so critics will be careful when offering critique. And even though it has a stellar star cast, this film could go straight to TV to actually reach rural women. But the second half is worth the two and a half stars it has earned. ... full review

So-So, by Sukanya Verma, Rediff : ...For all its worth, PadMan has its premise in place. Now if only it had some wings. ... full review

So-So, by Sreehari Nair, Rediff : ...A movie like PadMan, progressive in its pitch but with nothing else to sustain it, settles the issue of our liberals taking their good taste too seriously. For this is not truly a liberal world if we keep searching for alternatives to regressive ideas in an R Balki film.... full review

So-So, by Nandini Ramnath, : ...In reality, the movie contains no astonishment or surprise. But in proceeding exactly as depicted by the trailer, Pad Man proves that sometimes, the message is far more important than the way in which it has been communicated.... full review

So-So, Times Now : ...PadMan has its heart in its right place, and that, along with its subject, is its biggest USP in winning over the viewers. However, the movie needs to have more than just a 'heart' and a strong subject; and this is where PadMan, overall, falters. But I would still recommend the movie for its frank discussion on what is regarded as a taboo subject in many parts of our country, told in a very conventional (too conventional, I must say) manner. ... full review

Thumbs down, by SUPARNA SHARMA, Deccan Chronicle : ...Someone, anyone, Balki or Twinkle Khanna, whose Muruganantham story inspired the film, should have paid attention to Pari when she says, “Auraton ko karen do auraton ka kaam”, and dialled Gauri Shinde’s number. ... full review


125 tweeters(?) - 120 yays 2 so-so 3 nays

ZohebNS: Padman I salute you...

yoonmindad: padman was so fucking good omfg 11/10 recommend to watch

writeupcafe: Pad Man – Noble intentions can maketh a movie. Almost. . #WriteUpCafe

whomanavmehta: Loved #Padman @mrsfunnybones @akshaykumar @sonamakapoor @radhika_apte

who_abdulwahab: Such a Daring Movie..... A Big Message to all No Need to be Shameful Its Natural!!! . Period #Padman @sonamakapoor…

vj04: Simple but strong, raises so many questions on how disconnected people are from basic requirements in life. I rated…

VishvasSapkal: What a brilliant movie!! #Padman ;

VipinRa44802961: #Padman Awesome movie ... Love you @akshaykumar sir....

vijchdr: #Padman awesome acting /fantastic movie #pad @sonamakapoor @akshaykumar

vdharan4: Padman good work from balki.@SrBachchan Cameo was superb.arunchalam murugunandham story is applause- worthy

vaibs222: Loved the movie #Padman, must be made compulsory viewing across India.

UmeshPrem74273: Super move PADMAN @akshaykumar Love you sir

TRIDEB8: my feedback.awesome movie Padman @akshaykumar

thyagarajan29: #Padman. Some cringeworthy speeches aside, a really funny film with its heart in the right place and great performa…

the_prashant1: #PadMan watched the movie. It's an amazing movie with a social massage not only for our country but also for whole…

ThakorChaitanya: #Padman Suppeer Se Uppeerr...

tathyama: PADMAN Again. Akshay Kumar gave his best . Balki Sahab salute .

Swapnasagar2014: The Revolution which started with #OMG is further continued with #TEPK & now its in peak with #PADMAN. @akshaykumar…

SUMITSINSINWAR: Watch Padman With ur Family and must Share ur experience Great work by Akki ( Akshay Kumar )

stutish74205303: #Padman is an exceptional film. Best one is “Mother strong, sister strong, wife strong so my country strong”. A must watch for indian men.

stfproduction21: Must watch: Bollywood Spirit For pramotion PADMAN & Use of Sanitary Napkins: via @YouTube

Ssumier: What a brilliant story & a movie @PadManTheFilm to make. @akshaykumar as Laxmi Kant oopss Sorry "Can" was the perfe…

srinisankar: #PadMan @PadManTheFilm Very well done.Loyal to the true story.Witty screenplay conveyed the message.#RBalki deliver…

srinidhijayaram: Congratulations Lakshmi on a splendid performance in #Padman .loved every bit of the movie. A must watch for all th…

SoniaUllah: Watched #Padman last night & what an outstanding film it is with a very important social message. @akshaykumar hats…

SNagasubramani: Padman film!! Superb! Fantastic! Every one should watch the film!! Akshay Kumar done a very great job! Very much inspiring!

Shiv_aur_ram: #Padman A wonderful movie. The Hindi setting will increase reach. But a love triangle & only 3 seconds credit to the real guy? Come on!!

shilpafan01: An outstanding movie #Padman

Sharanyashettyy: I loved the movie. Right social message with entertainment.. @akshaykumar @mrsfunnybones have done a fantastic job. #Padman

ShaanAKFan: Sir good morning.. Akki sir.. PADMAN flim jabardast hai.. Yea ek revolution layega.. @akshaykumar

SatyamSinghLov2: Nice work done by akki in padman movie proud on indian actor @akshaykumar

sarnam_sr: We should salute Akshay Kumar and his entire team for making a inspirational and innovative thinking movie PADMAN.…

Salil5555: Must Watch. #Padman

S_kotnala: #PADMAN #MovieReview Request all the women to watch it with males of the family. Let the intent of the movie delive…

Rushikeshvinay3: Padman bahut achi film hai

RichiMunshi: PadMan: Not just menstrual hygiene, Akshay Kumar film champions social entrepreneurship too

ria_xoxo3: An extremely relevant cause told in a completely entertaining way #PadMan. A must watch for all people everywhere -…

RealGebomBasar: Finally watch #Padman with my friends. Amazing amazing ..... @akshaykumar your acting is amazing @sonamakapoor fro…

rajat1589: I am sure we need movies like #PadMan to drive social awareness among the masses. Great initiative by…

raishivam1012: Watched #Padman . Inspiring movie. India should be 100% pad using women country. @akshaykumar @mrsfunnybones

purvasawant: Please watch #PadMan! It’s so good. Brilliant story and performances.

pritisahanipari: ये फिल्म नहीं क्रांति है ☝️ PADMAN is a noble masterpiece

Pritesh95: स्ट्रांग मैसेज देती है 'पैडमैन', जरूर देखनी चाहिए. Proud of @akshaykumar & PADAMN TEAM.***** Great initiative!

prince_goyani: #padman combination of Engineering, Management, Medical, Marketing, Finance, Human development, Production of the n…

premthelove: Movie Review – #PadMan – @akshaykumar delivers an applause worthy film @sonamakapoor...

PrashantGulwade: Padman is best film of year I just watched it it's great film of year must get award and it is super hit all Indian please watch it

Prab_tw: #ArunachalamMuruganantham A man changed the lives of women across India, an inspiring real life tale #Padman #MustWatch #IfYouCareBeAware

njayleno: SUPERHERO SUPERHERO SUPERHERO @PadManTheFilm Take a bow Mr. @akshaykumar and team. Wowed us YET again. Thank you YE…

Nirojgunner: Padman was nicely grafted movie high on emotions considering topic of Women’s menstrual health. I necessarily does…

NavdhaD: I love Akshay kumar! Padman is such a fantastic movie guys plz go watch and take the ladies with you!

mukhopadhyayt: Padman ... brilliantly motivating. Go watch it.

mr_u_day: Dear @akshaykumar i am happy with your @PadManTheFilm this movie is for consciousness about periods. But Poor peopl…

MinahilRana11: Just watched #PadMan. Such a inspiring movie, all women around the world need to see this movie and see how having…

mehrank341: Watched padman what a movie sir wish i could hug u and said thank you for making such a movie brilliant

MehekMahtani: #Padman worth more than a cursory dekho!

maujar_mishra: Bhai Movie ho to aisi padman jaisi. One word superrrrrrrrrrr... @akshaykumar

ManojAgrahari12: #Padman is a very important film for us. @akshaykumar is one of the most special actors we have. @radhika_apte is e…

manoj299992: Lovely movie Padman. This movie will be an eyeopener to use the Pads.@akshaykumar

mallika_dutt1: #padman is must watch for pure subject n @akshaykumar -he is brilliant! @sonamakapoor what a performance!U stole se…

Kumud8763: Sir the movie was good , frankly 1st half was slow and 2nd half was good due to you. Not like Toilet ( Subject + En…

kumar3798: #PadmanReview 4.5/5 ****1/2 :- #IndiaWest (R.Vijayakar) #Padman is RBalki's Finest work Since Paa,Watch it for th…

kritz143: Wow ! Such a brilliant effort by the team #Padman..!! I found it a privilege for myself to watch this movie !

KolkataFans: Man on mission @akshaykumar u r frm another planet. Wt consistency u hv. #Padman is masterpiece & I hv no hesitatio…

jinxshah248: #PadMan Padman is akki best performance till date.. Captivating story line.. And special mention to sonam kapoor and radhika apte#Padman

jaiveer555: Change the taboo. Great Movie Great Message #padman #AkshayKumar #SonamKapoor . Why to feel guilt if you bleed its natural :)

ishanees: #Padman a great movie & amazing work by Akshay Kumar & R Balki for a country that believes in 'paap', 'bhoot-pret',…

imidiot13: Watched #Padman woow what a inspirational movie With Great Message Great Acting By Entire Team @akshaykumar sir nai…

IAmSuhebKhan: Watched #PadMan last night. Such an amazing movie and must watch for everyone.❤ @akshaykumar sir you've killed it a…

iamsharad98: Excellent Movie #Padman @akshaykumar Nailed it.

iams4g4r: Padman is just another mediocre film as all Akki films now a days. Had a potentially great idea but not the executi…

iAmNehaBhatt: Tune into @LycaRadio1458 to find out why I’m giving @PadManTheFilm 4.5 ⭐️ @akshaykumar @radhika_apte @sonamakapoor…

iamKaustubhY: #Padman : what a movie. Exceptional Outstanding

iamaswathh: #PADMAN is a brave and an inspirational attempt at creating a commercial cinema out of a taboo topic. Thank you…

I_m_Abhijit_: Have watched #Padman today. @akshaykumar sir delivered really a wonderful performance. @sonamakapoor was also doing…

HSrivastava186: #Padman is a must must see. @akshaykumar is a superhero. Felt so bad for @sonamakapoor's character Pari

HRMonsoon: Just watched #Padman @akshaykumar is outstanding as usual.Everything in the movie is so perfect,the comic timing,th…

Horcruxy: Watched #Padman.. loved it..could be a little short but nevermind. very motivating. Akshay was excellent, infact S…

hinduputra02: Go watch #Padman this weekend.. This movie is a superb..@akshaykumar sir ..ap hi real hero ho bollywood's am…

hemanth_malavi: Jabardast Movie Akki bhaiya.. @akshaykumar @mrsfunnybones #RBalki @radhika_apte @SonyPicsIndia and the entire t…

Gujju_Amit_Akki: I rated Padman 9/10 on IMDb. Learn more and add it to your Watchlist -

Gourav_Akkian: OUTSTANDING!!! @PadManTheFilm is one of the finest films made on a social issue in recent times. Flawless performan…

gourabkundu: Loved #Padman Brilliantly made. Some melodrama (read Sonam Kapoor) notwithstanding- a must watch! The right education through art

Gautampaul20: padman is very lovely movie @akshaykumar Sir

gaurav_shamaan: The crowd was clapping in cinema theatre after the end of Padman. Second time I watch this after OMG.

GarvitBeriwal: #superhit #movie #padman #thankyousomuch @akshaykumar sir

FadtaleAbhi: Pad Man is twinkling away with all these splendid reviews and gleaming gold stars :) Hurrah! #PadmanReview…

Diwakarchoudha8: Congratulations Akshay Sir on a splendid performance in #Padman...Loved every bit of the movie. A must watch for al…

DilSeRadio: We watched #Padman #London and give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @akshaykumar gives one of his best performances with…

D_AkshayGaikwad: watched #PadMan first day first show...great great great you @akshaykumar sir..

coolpooja88: Must watch #PadMan,inspired and liberated.. Congratulations Team #Padman Superb movie. @akshaykumar @radhika_apte…

Chatterboxerr: Padman. A real life story and a brilliant initiative, with simplicity at helm, amazing acting & implementation.…

CantstopulovinM: #PadMan Review Must watch Awesome work Sir @akshaykumar

BubblyMaggie02: #Padman has more than one message to give! You'll learn multiple things by the end of the film! Very well made.…

Bhushanadhau1: Padman Tomorrow Again 2nd Time

bgmahesh: It may be his lowest opener but he has touched a very important subject

bathparia: Watch Padman, an awesome movie... And the real padman Arunachalam Muruganantham an awesome man....

Babasaheb_l: #Padman ...An outstanding movie. The magical Akshay Kumar lifts the movie on his own and in a very innocent and typ…

ayaans277: On a different note, Padman is an excellent case study for product development. Kudos to @mrsfunnybones for broachi…

ashishRKF: #Padman is BRILLIANT BRILLIANT MOVIE , @akshaykumar ur best

arunmalhotra5: Pad man can go to Oscars

arun92401: #PadMan best film seen ever... @akshaykumar sir you are the best

art_lover_09: #Padman is so entertaining. @akshaykumar

anujsarda: Well done @akshaykumar! @sonamakapoor @radhika_apte @mrsfunnybones #Padman

ankursri97: Watch the movie #PadMan specially with your family Heart touching movie Women strong Country strong @akshaykumar @sonamakapoor

Ankitsri1020: #Padman #PadmanReview awesome movie #AkshayKumar brilliant acting and lesson to society

Ankita_Kochar12: Loved loved loved #Padman @mrsfunnybones @akshaykumar @radhika_apte @sonamakapoor - what performances, what a messa…

AnjanAwasthi: Watch #PadMan. Make others watch. Pay for someone who needs to watch. Powerful stuff. Needs to go beyond cities.

Anjali41336606: #Padman is a wonderful film. @sonamakapoor @akshaykumar sir and @radhika_apte you three just nailed it. More love…

Anilgup52647384: Very nice movie akshay Sir i watched padman this movie is comdey any very nice And robot 2.0 release date Sir this…

Aneesha002: Padman- its not just a movie, it's an emotion. @akshaykumar sir - as always you nailed it this time as well. #padman#truestory#amustwatch

Ali_Abbas24: Pad man is a great movie

AjoyNandi8: Super hero pad man ki jai ho

abhishekv766: #PadMan gains momentum

AbhiramTinku: ‘Padman’ is also a movie inspire social entrepreneurship & StartUp

AbhijeetAkki: I rated Padman 10/10 on IMDb. Learn more and add it to your Watchlist -

AbdulWaris6: Excellent movie and the best performance, @sonamakapoor @radhika_apte #ashkeykumar #padman

1Uttej: Excellent performances by @akshaykumar @sonamakapoor

_swapj: Padman is awesomely inspiring movie. One man's determination can bring change in lives of many.@akshaykumar @sonamakapoor @radhika_apte

_hemantshinde: Very great movie with great content.... Should be watched by each & every one on the country, govt should do it tax…

___ak50___: Just watched #Padman. One of the best movies of @akshaykumar.

GmaGdm: #Padman Film is ok. Not great. Just an informative documentary... Still ok to watch on TV...

AjayBhadoo: Though the treatment could have been better, the subject matter of #Padman is praiseworthy - Menstrual hygiene, wro…

Being_Bharat_: Watched #Padman. Very Disappointing!

AlankitSingh1: Padman is not a master-peace , you just have a Poor taste & Low IQ!

abhirichhariya: Barring @sonamakapoor everything falls into place. Sonam was a let down. #Padman


3 readers - 2 yays 1 so-so 0 nays

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Fan

Yay! Thumbs Up, by TimELiebe : More Light-Hearted Than Reality Was, I Suspect - But Still an Important Story Well-Told

So-So, by King : Very good and great funny movie

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: None
  • Language: Clean.
  • Nudity & Sexual content: None. Unless you consider talk of menstruation as sexual content
  • Concept: Based on the true life of a man who invented a way to produce affordable sanitary napkins.
  • General Look and Feel: Bright and chirpy

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:
Music Director:

Pad Man - Cast, crew, links

Action Choreography:
Music Director:
Costume Designer:
Running time:
140 minutes

Comments (4)

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The movie is more or less a complete depiction of Mr Arunachalam's life, difficulties, passion bordering on obsession, sincerity. Although I felt that the film went through very rapidly on his struggles, and focused more on his resilience and innovation.

The film is not making any effort to preach about the need for hygienic practices during the menstruation period. Yes, it has the required amount to highlight the reason for Mr. Arunachalam's fight to find a solution, but thereafter it doesn't touch or preach on the subject. The film can be categorised as a biography of Mr. Arunachalam.

Performance wise the show is shared equally between Akshay Kumar, Radhika Apte and Sonam Kapoor. Of course Akshay gets the lion's share of the screen time.

There are several joyous moments that overflow via the happy tears. I hope that the money that the film makes is shared with Mr. Arunachalam's cause. As regards improving hygiene for Indian women during their monthly period, I personally believe that there will be no change - firstly because the majority of the audience who will watch this film are not the audience to be evangelized, and secondly because the audience to be evangelized will not receive any particular message on the subject as that doesn't seem to be the director's aim.


The 12% statistics is just that, a statistics. To begin with, it dates at least from 2001 if not before. The film itself makes it clear that we are talking about the 2001 period. Also, the 12% is the percentage of the polled women who replied they used "commercial pads". The total number of polled women= 1000. That is not even representative number for a city, let alone a country of half billion women. Even if we accept 12% of 1000 women who gave this information in 2001 is still the same rate in 2017 and pan-India, it still doesn't mean that 88% of women are using unhygienic means. Thus the statistics are nice for a friendly discussion in a social party with a glass of red wine. Whereas if a real improvement is to be made then one needs to go behind such statistics and decipher the real situation.

Read more for extra awareness.

@Fan I think the more privileged members of audience who do watch the film can take a step and educate the people they encounter in their daily lives to use pads, if they don't or menstrual cups (if that's what they favour).

If the sample size was only 1000, then I would think the number of women who use commercial pads would be even fewer. I have had to use a cloth when I began my period for a couple of years. Similarly, I am sure many others do use cloths even now.

Why a cloth pad is better than a rag, I know not. But washing your period cloth is not pleasant. And any day I wouldn't wish anyone have to do that! Other than the smell and visual, you are in all sorts of pain, you barely want to move and you have to wash a messy cloth where the stains are hard to get off.

In that article, I wonder where the number for sand and ashes at 1% come from. Maybe the same place could give statistics for commercial pad usage.

A line from the article says, ".... since such practices have prevailed for hundreds of years. Obviously if such practices were harmful, people would have let it go a long time ago".
^^ What a privileged place to speak from! I am sure we can make a list of practices that have prevailed for hundreds of year and did not cause any known harm, but we know is not healthy. Open defecation for example. Also how can countering statistics with a "would have" make an argument?

Actually, I would view anything written in that article suspiciously, because 'Red Tent' concept (in the US) is not for menstruating women. As far as I can tell, it is a monthly meeting as per the lunar calendar - a sort-of support group for other problems women face and has nothing to do with "only" periods as such.

The article also says things like, "Imagine the drama of telling our rural women to throw away their piece of menstrual cloth and instead use my packaged version of it, which by the way will also cost them." At the same time it scoffs at how the West is not pushing for menstrual cups in India -
As far as menstrual cups go, I wonder how one will explain sterilizing the menstrual cup in a rural Indian kitchen?

We saw this a few weeks back, and - really liked it. Though I'm sure the Real-Life Mr. Arunachalam isn't really like Akshay Kumar's engaging but determined Holy Fool, the story strikes a chord even here in the USofA, and the surprisingly feminist message for what originally looks like a Male Hero Saves Helpless Women narrative made us both cheer and cry a little.

Congratulations to Kumar's real-life spouse Twinkle Khanna for taking a very serious and powerful topic, and making it entertaining without downplaying its importance.

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