One By Two

wogma rating: Watch but no rush (?)

quick review:

An attempt at being fun, cute, and philosophical. You wish it were an attempt with more conviction. Yet, a decent TV watch.

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Director: Devika Bhagat
Running time: 140 minutes
Genres: Comedy, Romance
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One By Two - Preview

What would life be like without a new rom-com every once in two months? Even if it is a bad one. It's a bonus then, that One By Two doesn't come across as a bad film, even if not a good one.

There is some quippy dialogue and of course, there is always hope when Abhay Deol has signed a film. Unfortunately, the trailer does make it all look too superficial and/or gimmicky. That aside, such trailers almost always give you the feel that everything good/decent about the film has already been exposed in the trailer. So, you are going to find hardly any thing new, interesting in the film.

Top it off with director, Devika Bhagat's filmography. She has written many a romantic comedies, but none that were made you look again. Maybe, directing what she has written will make for a better film. Or worse?

Interestingly, there are no music reviews out. You do see three songs in the playlist 'pakoed' which is cute, 'kaboom' which is blah and 'khushfehmiya which is appropriately romantic for a rom-com. What caught my attention is that the songs have decent lyrics and that always gives me hope.

Update: Music Review - music aloud: "8/10"

- meeta, a part of the audience

You try to summarize what you felt about a film and you are at a loss. The opening sequence was cool (even if inspired), but the fart jokes were well, fart jokes; but that scene between mother and daughter was pretty well-written for a film of this genre, but the film was not paced well; but the climax was one of the best ever, but the songs are all over the place even though they are nice...And so on. That of course is One By Two. It has a chic, Hollywood rom-com feel to it, except that it is Indianized with songs, etc.

So, like the ping-pong ball between Amit's (Abhay Deol) mom (Rati Agnihotri) and dad (Jayant Kriplani), you move from a well-done thing about the film to something shrug-worthy and back; from a witty line/scene to toilet humor; from Amit's story to Samara's (Preeti Desai).

However, the one big thing that worked for me is the concept. At about minute twenty, I reminded myself to note down when the lead pair would meet. And then, slowly, as the idea started getting clearer, it got interesting. But - there had to be a but, right? - the two individual stories were more or less boring. What is worse is, it comes across as the writers somehow knew it and to cover it up they added lame humor that didn't belong. The only curiosity left then, was how the two stories would intersect, but unfortunately that is not the point of the film.

Samara, a struggling dancer, goes through the regular ups and downs of any story that would have a struggling dancer as a lead character. And yet, its just refreshing to see a woman in a rom-com spend so much on-screen time and energy on something other than a man. Of course, her character could have been written in better detail with all the layers that were exposed to us. Even within the limited scope, her character's relationship with her mother was given one nice, long scene to breathe. If only, it went a little deeper. It doesn't help that Preeti Desai doesn't have a whole range of expressions. This makes your empathy for Samara stand-offish.

Amit's story on the other hand is stuck, just stuck, right from the beginning. But, maybe its intentional. The thing about defining your lead character a boring makes him exactly that - boring. And how long can you stick around with a boring character, let alone root for him. And yet, when Amit does the right thing, you give him a pat on his back. When he vents, you are ready for his character graph to do something that gets your interest, but remember? He is stuck.

Abhay Deol does Amit's crazy venting bit with "pakao-ed" pretty hilariously. But, we didn't really doubt his acting capabilities, did we? What is frustrating is that the entire sequence doesn't fit in the film at all. Amit is never shown as being frustrated with life in general, but suddenly has this outburst. The outburst makes sense, but not that Amit had it.

The side characters do add a little spice to the ongoings, which are bearable to a point. And then they become repetitive. I would like to see more of Preetika Chawla though.

And actually, I don't mind seeing more from Devika Bhagat, in the hope that next time, she'll make every thing about her story and the film crisper and tighter.

- meeta, a part of the audience


37 reviewers(?) - 1 yays 5 so-so 31 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by Subhash K. Jha, Apun Ka Choice : ...Irresistible in parts, "One By Two" never disappoints.... full review

So-So, by aneela.zeb.b, Desi Martini : ... I REALLY want to like this film but its KAboom needs more BOOM! Jigar more trigger.... full review

So-So, by Smita, Desi Martini : ... An unfocussed and meandering plot make this a long and boring watch ... full review

So-So, by K N Gupta, : ...Overall, a worthwhile film since it features a real life couple on screen!... full review

So-So, by Ankita Chaurasia, Star Blockbuster : ...With Valentine’s Day around the corner, a rom-com like One By Two has a fair chance of cashing in on the lack of other movies. Cosying up with your beloved in a theatre doesn’t necessarily need a good script, does it?... full review

So-So, by SUDHISH KAMATH, The Hindu : ...Great characters, quite a few moments of quirk and some good lines let down by shoddy storytelling ... full review

Thumbs down, by Anna MM Vetticad, annavetticadgoes2themovies : ...One By Two is like the farts that Amit dispenses after over-eating his mother’s paneer dish: it’s just so much gas and thin air, but dissipates into the surrounding atmosphere as the memory of this film already has.... full review

Thumbs down, by Bobby Sing, Bobby Talks : ...ONE BY TWO turns out to be the first highly disappointing film delivered by one of the most reliable and dependable actors of Hindi cinema i.e. Abhay Deol. And the actor shouldn’t have really opted for such a useless script at all.... full review

Thumbs down, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...On the whole, an out of the box film like ONE BY TWO has some engaging moments, but they are few and far between. The excessive length and the slow pacing also play a spoilsport. SHARE THIS Add to Favourites BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on digg BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on twitter BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on stumbleupon BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on facebook BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on myspace BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on google BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on technorati BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 BollywoodHungama Movie Music Critic - 1340 share on reddit ... full review

Thumbs down, by Bhagyashr​i Pawar , Bollywood Life : ...It is not all bad. The music of One By Two is fresh, contemporary and pleasant, be it energetic numbers like I’m just pakaoed and Kaboom or the slow Baat kya hain. Abhay Deol is cute. Preeti Desai is hot. Hmmm… Sorry, we can’t think of any other reasons to watch the film.... full review

Thumbs down, Daily Bhaskar : ...It is time to introspect, Abhay. And come back stronger!... full review

Thumbs down, by SOMESH SINHA, Desi Martini : ... Overall, a dreary effort! I am strictly adhering to the title of the movie in giving stars, i.e. 1/2, precisely. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Rony D'costa, Desi Martini : ... A film that had the potential to be a nice rom-com. Alas, the writing and the length lets it down... full review

Thumbs down, by Tushar Joshi, DNA : ...and funny in parts, One by Two needed to double its dosage of humor and drama to come out with flying colors. Unfortuantley it remains a half baked effort to provide any real entertainment. Film ReviewOne By TwoAbhay DeolPreeti DesaiLillete DubeyRati AgnihotriPreetika ChawlaGeetika TyagiDarshan Jariwala Jump to comments by Taboola Sponsored Content We Recommend Nasi Biryani Lembaga Tabung HajiHungryGoWhere Malaysia The Most Shocking Olympic Scandals The Most Outrageous, Perfectly Timed Photos You'll Ever See!Amazingly Timed Photos The last thing a 3-year-old Syrian said before he died: “I’m gonna tell God everyt…World Observer Online 8 of the Worst January Deadline Day Signings Everftbpro Heart Attack: How Your Body Warns You Days BeforeNewsmax Health Iran-Saudi relations: A new Cold War heating up?CNBC World's Source of Curling Stones on by Taboola Promoted Content From The WebFrom DNA India Nasi Biryani Lembaga Tabung Haji (HungryGoWhere Malaysia) The last thing a 3-year-old Syrian said before he died: “I’m gonna tell God everything” (World Observer Online) You Won't Believe Your Eyes With These Perfectly Timed Pictures! (Amazingly Timed Photos) Sochi Solicits Animal Death Squads ( 8 of the Worst January Deadline Day Signings Ever (ftbpro) Leonardo DiCaprio admits 'love' for Kate Winslet - Entertainment - dna Leonardo DiCaprio rarely showers, refuses to use deodorant - Entertainment - dna When Amitabh Bachchan washed Kareena Kapoor's feet! - Entertainment - dna Robert Kubica, Mark Webber and Kimi Raikkonen like Michael Schumacher were involved in accidents aw… Robert Pattinson plans romantic getaway with Dylan Penn - Entertainment - dna ALSO READ Inspired by dad: Shahid Kapoor shaved his... Insane, amazing: Jared Leto on Oscar... Zee Cine Awards: Nominations for Best Film Russell Crowe starrer Noah's new... Varun Dhawan's, 'Main Tera Hero... 'Bade Acche Laggte Hai' goes the... MORE STORIES LATEST VIDEOS Weary Kiev protesters keep up two-month... Full House's Uncle Jesse, Joey and Danny... Shakira and Rihanna sizzle in sexy new music... EDITOR'S PICKS Mumbai Mumbai Mayor Sunil Prabhu presents Rs 70,000 crore plan to finance panel chief Share 2 hours 27 min ago India Hasiba B Amin, the face behind Rahul Gandhi's 'Yuva Shakti' advert under attack on Twitter Share 11 hours 49 min ago One by Two needed to double its dosage of humor and drama to come out with flying colors. Unfortuantley it remains a half baked effort to provide any real entertainment Around the web... full review

Thumbs down, by Deepa Deosthalee, Film Impressions : ...Both the music and the yuppie South Bombay setting are equally superficial—although one ditty, "I am pakaoed", does echo our sentiments quite accurately.... full review

Thumbs down, by Rachit Gupta, Filmfare : ...The leads, Abhay and Preeti do give it their best shot. But neither one looks convincing in their part. Devika Bhagat, the first-time director of One By Two is an under-baked film has a few flashes in the pan. But the final dish is just passé... full review

Thumbs down, by Suprateek Chatterjee, FirstPost : ...One By Two has a few great ideas and can boast of better aesthetics than what Bollywood usually churns out, but it ends up being a victim of its own imagined cleverness.... full review

Thumbs down, by Suprateek Chatterjee, FirstPost : ...Here's what's truly disappointing about the non-masala Bollywood bandwagon that brings out films like One By Two... full review

Thumbs down, by Johnson Thomas, Free Press Journal : ... The story flits between the two somewhat parallel universes, that intersect superficially from time to time and after about two hours plus of unbearably stretched out runtime, comes to a common meeting point. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Martin D'Souza, : ...The music too is soulful, rhythmic as well as loaded with meaningful lyrics. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Anupama Chopra, Hindustan Times : ...The story by writer-director Devika Bhagat isn’t half-bad but these characters whine too much to be interesting company. Devika’s dialogues don’t help either... full review

Thumbs down, by Rajeev Masand, IBN Live : ...One By Two tries hard to break the mold of Bollywood rom-coms, but seldom offers scenarios or characters that are refreshingly original. A feisty young girl whom Amit dates on his mother's insistence steals the film in only a couple of scenes. She's got what the film badly needed - oodles of spunk. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Vinayak Chakravorty, india today : ...Abhay is earnest as ever, smoothly underplaying Amit's confused persona.... full review

Thumbs down, by Shubhra Gupta, indian express : ...You wish that One By Two had been half as much fun.... full review

Thumbs down, Indicine : ...Disappointing! One By Two had a quirky one line idea behind it but the execution of a two hour plus film can’t stand up only by it. It needed more zing and as one character famously says in the movie it needed a lot more “inspiration ki hawa”. It is recommended that you ... full review

Thumbs down, by Mohar Basu, koimoi : ...When it is an Abhay Deol film you go in expecting quality, out-of-the-box endeavor but this time the actor strands you in middle of one heck of a horrible film that suffers from loopy writing. There is a lack of emotion in the story and a lack of heart in the execution which makes the film such a shamefully bland one. I am going with a 1/5 for it. Barring the few songs there is nothing fresh to seek in this insipid affair.... full review

Thumbs down, by Nandini Ramnath, Live Mint : ...The classic rom-com premise—the perfect couple from the same social bubble travels halfway around the world before eventually being united—is stretched beyond permissible limits in Devika Bhagat’s debut feature... full review

Thumbs down, by Rahul Desai, manuscrypts : ...Sameer Arya's cinematography sparkles through most of the low-light stage and party setups, but even Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy's remarkable score cannot stitch together this stilted take on a coming-of-age musical.... full review

Thumbs down, by Divya Solgama, MoviezADDA : ...Well frankly speaking there is not much dum in this boring, confusing, abrupt, lame and pakau film. The makers could have done wonders with this given opportunity and ends up on a disappointing note. 'One By Two' will remind you of all those long and boring algebra classes leading to huge boredom.... full review

Thumbs down, by Saibal Chatterjee, NDTV : ...Alas, they cannot reduce the tedium of the tale for One By Two does not add up to much... full review

Thumbs down, by Noyon Jyoti Parasara, Now : ... Abhay Deol's first film as a producer. We definitely expected better! ... full review

Thumbs down, by Raja Sen, Rediff : ...Like the parents in the film, we deserve better.... full review

Thumbs down, by Sonia Chopra, Sify Movies : ...One bu two cannot keep you interested in either the characters or their lives. Sadly in the end, it turns out to be more clutter-inducing than clutter-breaking... full review

Thumbs down, by Swati Rohatgi, STARDUST : ...To say the list there,s ample beating the bush throughout the flim and by the time it reaches to its main point you are just pakaoed.... full review

Thumbs down, by Madhureeta Mukherjee, Times of India : ...Abhay is good in his part, but after his super performance in 'Raanjhanaa' he's not at his peak here. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Swayamsrestha Kar, Upper Stall : ...All in all, One By Two is disappointing. Massively so... full review

Thumbs down, by Rummana Ahmed, yahoo! India : ...Shankar, Ehsan, Loy’s music provides no reprieve.My one star is for the impressive pieces of choreography performed by Ashley Lobo’s troupe. That was the only sliver of silver lining in the film.... full review


84 tweeters(?) - 8 yays 10 so-so 66 nays

sjiit007: 'Whatever..' to critics review on #onebytwo . Loved the music and great movie .

sabharwalatul: A big middle finger to critics and two thumbs up to #OneByTwo, @devikabhagat and #AbhayDeol

khanna_ujjwal: #OneByTwo story very cosmo @misspreetidesai impressive #abhaydeol as alwaz clean #rati agnihotriji superbbb..grippin 1st half #inoxjaipur

jun6lee: One by Two -- Definitely a story told with absolute finesse, probably the only such Hindi film so far this year. Cutesy story. 3.5/5 from me

HeartOut_Loud: One by Two... 4 stars

firstonfriday: #one by two.. Watch it.. 3.5/ For Abhay. Deol's creeky comedy... Abhay congrats for ur timing fr comedy and as a producer

docvaruna: #OneByTwo was a good movie! Enjoyed it!

Aankhi01: Loved 'One by two'. Gorgeous couple.

vppati: Go and watch #OneByTwo for Abhay Deol's acting. He celebrates subtlety and class through his acting. MY VERDICT: 2.5/5

SaumNo: Also, One By Two is not as bad a film as the reviews say it is. Way better than Gori Tere Pyaar Mein which almost made me commit suicide!

omlakhani: #onebytwo review.. It's like a half portion of Manchow Soup... delicious but incomplete. #moviereview

maximaminima: I thought One by two was quite okay! Don't know why all reviews killed it.

KnightSuty: On the whole, an out of the box film like ONE BY TWO has some engaging moments, but they are few and far between....

incognito_amito: One by Two stars for ‘One By Two’.

girishmallya: #OneByTwo is just about ok, liked the last 1/3, otherwise the movie drags quite a bit. Expected better stuff from Abhay as a producer.

GhoshShivaji: Different yet shallow types. Abhay Deol acts cool, as always. #OneByTwo

erneelkamal: टाइम पास है

addygunners: #OneByTwo what a brilliant performance by Abhay Deol. He knows how to connect with his audience. But then other part was super boring.

yogeshnahar: One by two... A case study on how NOT to make a movie. Lost a lot of respect for Abhay Deol after this trash #bollywood #movies

wasif_mir: Watched #onebytwo yesterday n I guess its the worst movie I hve ever seen

vohrarohit: one by two movie gets 1/2 marks out of 10. Even that are too much from me!

vishalvkumar: One By Two is for Fart Cinema lovers.

vishalgrg45: Abhay Deol's One By Two is his worst file ever #sorry @abhaydeol

VirajPanchal: #ImJustPakaoedBecause I watched One by two ;)

VinitaThakur: One by two is the most pathetic movie of the year...!! Disappointed..!!

Three20kbps: One by two. Biggest mistake of my life

TheJatinChhabra: #OneByTwo ke Reviews maine 2 mahine pehle hi bata diye hai...they r just PAKAOED !! ★/5

TheBigBuddha_: I watched #OneByTwo and I'm mentally scarred for the rest of my life. Please imagine Johnny Lever's face and share this moment with me

sweetygeet: omg! just watched #OneByTwo what a movie..just wondering y abhey wasted his money in this movie..mujhe de deta jayada paise the toh

sunnriya: The'e most stupid movie i hv evr seen'! #onebytwo' eeessshhh' guys plz dont' regret ur pockets' dont watch' for da sake' lol!

sunilganesh: #OneByTwo film : Preeti Desai is hot but she is an average actor and dancer. Expected more from @devikabhagat, better luck next time!

SufiyanaSoul: So #OneByTwo is so bad it makes #JaiHo look good. Who would have thunk!

starkjunk: After a long time I watch a movie first day and it ends up an utter bore! #OneByTwo

sreekanthdass: Mr.Abhay Deol u really thought ur marketing gimmick could save this shit film...OneByTwo...

Sojitra_Deep: 1 star for one by two movie .....

Snehas85: Finally the movie ended. 2 and half hour of torture. #OneByTwo

shetty_vish: in d theatre watchin one by two must say heavent seen such pathetic movie since decades

Saurabh_Vaish: I would like to forget that Abhay Deol did 'One by Two'.. #PaisaWaste

Salilacharya: okk #pakaoooed with #onebytwo ... dnt thinki need that sleeping pill .. gnite folks #yawn

sakshikumar44: Plz one by two nhi dekhiye sirf jai ho dekhiye

sachinchatte: Finished with the Konkani/मराठी film A Rainy Day, it is much better than the Hindi (One By Two) & English (I,Frankenstein) films I saw today

roshya: Please don't watch One By Two Film and suggest your dear ones the same. One of the pakhoed movie ever Bollywood...

RJTapan: One by two Soup chale pan one by two movie na chale .. — feeling pissed

RJADITI: One by two : Total Pakaau film

RishabhChkrvrty: #onebytwo is not a film, it's a 139 minute ad film with horrible acting

ripunj: I would be the first one if protesting outside a cinema hall must be legal asking for the money back. #OneByTwo Totally Pakaoo Movie.

RadhikaBG: #OneByTwo most boring film EVER @AbhayDeol sorry bro very disappointed!!

PureAryanRace: Back to back bad movie weekends #jaiho #OneByTwo #Bollywood

PriyancaBajaj: Kuch bhi karna par One By Two mat dekhna!! Total pakau..

Praveennkl333: One by two Verdict: One minus One!( 1.5 / 5.0 )

PJdiploma: One by two - hey bhagwaan mujhe bachaanaaaa

Pishaachini: Fun activity- count the number of people in theater when One by Two starts and how many left when u decide to move out before the end

niteyshbandil: Sorry to say but biggest dump movie of the year will be "one by two".

mskothari: #onebytwo (facepalm) I'm just pakaoed. Can't believe I even came for this movie.

Moxin1: #JaiHo a total washout ..........but better then one by two

me_Richa_: One by two is bad in one word and don't watch in two. #OneByTwo

marwadichorri: #onebytwo slooooouuuwwww... Boooooring! Skinny babe.. Adorable abhay!

MapsofIndia: One by Two flows meaninglessly in different directions. The story doesn’t seem to be in sync, the actors...

manishchum: Who the fuck made this one by two...

little_Athena: I'M JUST PAKAOED! #OneByTwo

LazyKachua: One by Two. Ratings - 0.5/5

KommmanMan: One By Two is full of shit. Literally and Figuratively, both. #Review #OneByTwo

KislayaDube: One by two is bakwaas movie

KanikaSikka: Dear #Bollywood, I will watch every movie that releases this month. But if even one more film is anything like One by Two, I shall kill you!

kamaalrkhan: #OneByTwo is very expensive gift by Abhey Deol to his girlfriend who will leave him very soon coz film is disaster n washout at Boxoffice.

HWTMovie: #hwtm #OneByTwo #OneByTwoFilm - 1 / 5 not the natural Abhay Deol roles !!

HumanlyAsshole: #ImJustPakaoedBecause i watched One by two.

hsingla: One by Two makes your mind half working by it's irritating dialogues.. Specially by female actors in the movie #OneByTwo

graffy_vibhav: One by two.....waahiyat waste of time :-/

goolmohar: #OneByTwo Disappointed :-\

CrajiMunda: Just watched 'One By Two'. Ek aur zabardast hathoda pad gaya yaar!! :(

copy_pen: Pakaoyedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd !!! #OneByTwo

BollywoodUncut: #OneByTwo Public Review | Worst Movie Of 2014

BlackoutPriest: God... #OneByTwo movie just sucks... Pathetic!!

biswatosh: Seriously didn't understand why Abhay Deol produced film like One By Two. we all expect at least a sensible subject from him. #OneByTwo

AyuqKhatib: #ImJustPakaoedBecause You're making movies like One By Two.

arpitpathak: you got Enemy? Sponsor him for ONE BY TWO at Director's cut / PVR Gold class. You'l be one short of enemy when the movie ends! Enough said!!

apurvnagpal: One By Two : Very Painful

AnkitaMehta2: #OneByTwo is by far the worst Abhay Deol's film....looks like the film is his gift to Gf Preeti Desai...

amit12354: #OneByTwo is super boring and tests your patience at every scene.. Good Concept but lacks a good screenplay, dialogue and direction #review

akashsikdar1: #OneBytwo Will Be a flop :-(

AjayGrover29: If you have plans to watch #onebytwo today then you can sleep for 2.30 hrs instead it would be much better..

abhinav_arvind: #ImJustPakaoedBecause i saw #OneByTwo today.. cant get out of this disaster..

Aarna_Ram: #OneByTwo sucks big tyme!!!

No readers have rated this movie yet.

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: None
  • Language: A few abusive words
  • Nudity & Sexual content: Skimpily clad women. A couple of scenes where a couple is making out.
  • Concept: Love or lack thereof.
  • General Look and Feel: Urban, slick.

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:
Music Director:

One By Two - Cast, crew, links

Official Sites:
Costume Designer:
Running time:
140 minutes

Comments (12)

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Its the first time ever m not getting interest in an Abhay Deol movie,,,,dont know why he want to add this film to his filmography,,,,,,,,cant say anything,,,,just hope......


Going by the reviews and audience reaction on day 1,i guess mega flopstar Abhay Deol is all set to have his 18th consecutive disaster! This ladies & gentlemen is the true value of critics made "brilliant actors" :D


@Anuj really 18 consecutive disaster? or it is solo film? I think he has ZNMD,Sanghai(Average),Dev D(Average not a disaster)and what about oye lucky


@Siddharth:That was pun intended man,why take everything so seriously? :P Shanghai was a flop while Oye Lucky was a box office flop too! As for ZNMD,take Hrithik-Katrina out of that film and lemme see how much it would've earned. Agreed all 3 had equally significant roles but star value was provided only by HR-Kat! As for Dev-D,I hated the film.In Raanjhanaa he was blown away by Dhanush. Point is,he's an over-rated actor and an unreliable box office commodity who does not find favour with the audiences more often than not. His popularity level is not even at par with Hashmi and Imran Khan.


@Anuj i just thought in that way after looking into his filmography were he has done only 14 films.
He is no star and thats why he is trying something different not the some commercial stuff.But I liked Dev D atleast for its climax.
Also dont compare him with Imraan Hashmi :-) i think he too is a star in his own way.


@Siddharth:Discussions and comments on my blog alone :)

@Meeta:Are u sure your rating's accurate for a movie which has an average rating of 1.8/5 and an opening day occupancy of under 10%? :P


Only blog,,,,where the movie have got decent rating,,,,all reviewers have given bad ratings to it,,,,,even yaariyan have good reviews by some reviewers (although very few)........
But i woudnt doubt Deol’s acting capabilities,,,,,flop movies doesnt show that he is a bad actor,,,,,he only doesnt select commercial movies much,,,,and ofcoarse have done some bad movies too,,,,but most of them are good as a movie but not on the commercial basis.....
For Deol and wogma review,,,,m gonna give this movie a try,,,,ofcoarse not in big screen.......Dont want to waste my money


To be precisly i have liked his - socha na tha , honeymoon travels , dev d oye lucky lucky oye , chakravyuh , ZNMD , shanghai , and ranjhana,,,,,......
And he is not at all overated,,,,because an actor’s capability in acting is rated watching how good he had performed his work in the movie,,,,not by giving commercial hits on the basis of popularity and promotion....


Bad promotion , debutant actress , an actor like abhey deol , who can act good but cant pull the audience single handly, below average music reviews ,,,and last but not the list bad movie reviews , what else u need to flop a movie.....Every thing is there in One By Two.....
Biggest benifit will be for Jai Ho to earn some more money in its second week ,, and fir Hansee to fansee which would get any compatition ....... except by not so interesting HEARTLESS

@Anuj, what average rating 1.8? If you are talking about averaging out my department wise rating it is 2.8 for this film. In any case, the whole point of the department wise rating is that the film rating can be completely different from the average because each individual department fares differently. So, the reader gets an idea (if not from the review itself) of which department's job played a role in my like/dislike of a film. Technically, it is possible for a film to score well in all departments but still get a low overall rating because it just didn't work for me as a film.

What does opening day occupancy have to do with how I liked the film?


Average rating of 1.8/5 is what u refer to as external reviews from other critics.

@Anuj But, the external reviews haven't been collated yet.

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