Jism 2

wogma rating: Don't bother (?)

quick review:

Jism 2 does nothing to you. It has no material to invoke any kind of emotion from you. Except maybe for a few unintentional laughs.

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Director: Pooja Bhatt
Running time: 130 minutes
Genres: Crime, Romance, Thriller
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Jism 2 - Preview

Sunny Leone - ahem ahemm;
Sunny Leone saying, "I am a porn star" - snicker snicker;
Some shoo-shaa about Sunny Leone, her serving the country by hooking up with an international terrorist – ha ha ha.
I guess even pornography needs some story. From the trailers Jism 2 does promise to be a decent, glorified sex film at the very least.

But, as with many films that fall in this bracket there is a high chance of a fake bait in the trailer for the people looking for sex in the film and being served only the regular story with good-looking people.

The beauty is good-looking people they can't take away. The threesome, Sunny Leone, Arunoday Singh and Randeep Hooda do look good and are in the three main roles, so that's not going anywhere.

So, it is mighty clear how I see this film. A promise of steamy scenes that's not going to be fulfilled. But, I do have this little hope of some old spark of a story from the Bhatt camp. Yes, I admit that hope is 'very' little.

Good thing though, the music is doing well. Let's hope at least that will keep us entertained in the theater. Though right now all of them look pretty much the same in the song promos.

Music Reviews:
Milliblog - "Arko and Mithoon elevate Jism 2 to an appealing level."
Music Aloud – "5.5/10"
dunkdaft - "pales in terms of mysterious, seductive tracks that first part had."
Bollywood Hungama – "3.5/5"
Bollyspice – "3.5/5"
Apun Ka Choice – "4/5"

- meeta, a part of the audience

One of the most annoying things about films that aren't working for you is the genre switch they tend to make through out the film. Did the writer/director want to make a romantic film? Or was it a thriller they were shooting for? Or was it a psycho's story they were trying to narrate? Or did they wish to comment about the system that we are a part of, which is rotting from the very insides? Or was their intention to have steamy scenes featuring a real-life porn star, trying to see how far they could push the envelope?

Jism 2's jerkily shifts from one to another without any attempt at keeping a smooth flow. And this is no directorial/editorial experiment we are talking about. The movie goes about narrating whatever little content it has, with all the time in the world and there is no fast-paced, quirky cuts. It is slow and it is mostly boring.

The romance is laden with some mumbo-jumbo philosophy. The thriller doesn't manage to engage you too much despite the potential that a Robin Hood-ish protagonist has. His psychopathic inclinations seem out-of-place because we are not entertained to his life experiences, motivations or perception. A monologue at the end of the film is hardly something to suddenly get us interested. And as far at the steamy scenes go, you've seen pretty much all, if you've seen the trailers.

Unless you call heavy-duty heaving a part of body language which contributes to acting, Sunny Leone can't act. She barely has any screen presence in terms of captivating our attention by her presence on screen. Arunoday Singh and Randeep Hooda try their best to emote, but this is just the wrong film. And whatever they do ultimately feels like they are overdoing it. Everything in frame looks just so fake and forced. The emotions, the relationships, the connections, the attractions, the power, the anger, the helplessness.

Then you are left with hollow dialogue to fill you in with what might be happening. And that is exactly what the words sound like even they seem like they are trying to make some profound sense. At other times it is just inane.

On the other hand, I wasn't expecting much from the film either, so it was just a question of sitting through it and waiting for the slow proceeds to be done with.

- meeta, a part of the audience

33 reviewers(?) - 3 yays 6 so-so 24 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, Buzz in Town : ...The passion-play is underpinned by a whole lot of evocative background songs and on-screen poetic utterances that remind us of the close relationship between violence and art. What segregates the outcast from the messiah is the way the talent of self-expression is channelised.... full review

Thumbs up, by Roshni Devi, koimoi : ...Pooja Bhatt has done a very good job as the director (even with this hackneyed plot). The movie looks good and doesn’t disappoint those who’ve come to watch Sunny. Vicky Goswami, Arko Pravo Mukherjee and Mithun Sharmav’s music is excellent.... full review

Thumbs up, Movie Talkies : ...Jism 2 is a visual treat that is a must-see, high on both drama and erotica, and in the end analysis, it is a thriller with a heart-wrenching love story at its core. ... full review

So-So, by Aashi Gahlot, Bolly Spice : ...Despite it being shot beautifully with stunning views of Sri Lanka, Jism 2 does stretch on and begins to feel too long. Both the story and the fight sequences feel clichéd and there isn’t anything about the story that leaves you surprised. ... full review

So-So, by Aakanksha Naval-Shetye, DNA : ...What is wow here though is the cinematography, whether it’s capturing erotic Sunny or exotic Sri Lanka, it makes for a great visual appeal. Overall, not bad for a one time watch, if you have nothing else to do... full review

So-So, by Saibal Chatterjee, NDTV : ...The film has several other bright spots: Nigam Bomzan’s outstanding camerawork, the songs composed by debutant Arko Provo Mukherjee and the restrained yet supercharged star turn by the ever-reliable Hooda. ... full review

So-So, by Swati Rohatgi, STARDUST : ...Jism 2 may get its audience only courtesy Sunny Leone’s presence and the film remains worth a watch only for her. If you’re looking for a good story and a well made film, this isn’t the right choice for you. ... full review

So-So, by Srijana Mitra Das, Times of India : ...It's pleasingly aesthetic, all its sensuousness clad in spa-like serenity, its lighting - golden gossamer, dusty hazes, cool, pale moonlight - actually its sexiest asset.... full review

So-So, by Resham Sengar, Zee News : ...The story maybe a bit obscure but the screenplay is quite well-written... full review

Thumbs down, by Anna M.M.Vetticad, annavetticadgoes2themovies : ...Limp, flaccid, lifeless … I can think of a number of adjectives to describe this yawn-worthy film.... full review

Thumbs down, by Bobby Sing, Bobby Talks Cinema.com : ...JISM 2 is surely one of the weakest movies from the Bhatt camp and maybe the most silly one too.... full review

Thumbs down, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...On the whole, JISM 2 has Sunny Leone as its USP, but the lackluster screenplay and the sluggish pace act as deterrents.... full review

Thumbs down, by Smita, Desi Martini : ...Poor storylie and stulted action make this a boring watch in spite of Sunny Leone... full review

Thumbs down, by Rony Dcosta, Desi Martini : ...is a mix of unintentional humor, dialogues that belong in a Deepak Chopra book and bad acting at its worst. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Kshitij, Desi Martini : ...1 star for music. Please dont watch.... full review

Thumbs down, by Blessy Chettiar, DNA : ...The show stealer remains Randeep Hooda, who broods, shoots and makes love, in that order. He lends seriousness to an otherwise flimsy story of a porn star and her many rendezvous... full review

Thumbs down, by Aniruddha Guha, DNA : ...A sort of B-grade sex thriller meets patriotic drama meets intense love story meets spoof. The film is all of the above and none of them. It also falls under a category much cherished by film lovers – the So Bad It’s Good variety.... full review

Thumbs down, by Devesh Sharma, Filmfare : ...provides lots of unintentional laughter and nothing more -- not even cheap thrills... ... full review

Thumbs down, by Kritika Deval, fullhyd.com : ...is a 2 1/2 hour long advertisement of Sunny Leone's wondrous gravity-defying, hyperventilating bosom. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Martin D'Souza, Glamsham.com : ...jism 2 is flawed from the word go. All that director Pooja Bhatt is able to see is the 'Sunny' side of the female lead and goes overboard in getting the busty babe thrust her cleavage... full review

Thumbs down, by Divya Solgama, Gomolo.in : ...The movie is around 2.15 hours plus but due to its slow pace and weak script looks dragging and stretched at times. A strict editing was required at many places. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Anupama Chopra, Hindustan Times : ...The film is an anti-climactic let-down... full review

Thumbs down, by Rajeev Masand, IBN Live : ...Jism 2 has some clumsy lovemaking scenes, but none of the sizzling chemistry likely to satisfy anyone seeking more than just cheap titillation. Neither does it have that edge-of-the-seat-tension you expect in a juicy suspense story.... full review

Thumbs down, by Fatema H. Kagalwala, India Entertainment : ...There is a certain theatricality and exaggerated-ness about every aspect of the film that points to quite a skewed sense of story-telling. Actors over-react as though categorically told not to act well, all the while mouthing lines which when are not unintentionally hilarious, are simply an example of language abuse.... full review

Thumbs down, by Vinayak Chakravorty, india today : ...Jism 2 has been billed as an erotic thriller. Sift through the Sunny hype, and the film is neither erotic nor thrilling... full review

Thumbs down, by Sanjukta Sharma, Live Mint : ...Jism 2 - about a porn star and her two lovers, is poor in every aspect of film-making—and there’s not much sex in it either... full review

Thumbs down, by Janhavi Samant, MiD DAY : ...there is not even a modicum of logic in this plot.... full review

Thumbs down, by Karan Anshuman, Mumbai Mirror : ...A slow, oversimplified and boring film with minimal action (of either kind)... full review

Thumbs down, by Mansha Rastogi, Now Running.com : ...Jism 2 despite a cliched storyline could've worked wonders had it been written intelligently and executed with finesse. In its present state it comes across as a disappointing fare... full review

Thumbs down, by Sukanya Verma, Rediff : ...It's like Sunny Leone's assets are the script, screenplay and sole purpose of Jism 2 and everyone outside that is obliged to wag their tongues with thrill... full review

Thumbs down, Roochster : ...avoid... full review

Thumbs down, by Sonia Chopra, Sify Movies : ...Forget about details of the story - it's too convoluted and perhaps better suited for a comedy. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Kunal Guha, yahoo! India : ...this film is more erratic than erotic is because it only borders on extremes. Neither of the actors can tread the line between screaming their heads off and being so subtle that they resemble the contents of a washing machine in action.... full review

45 tweeters(?) - 16 yays 0 so-so 29 nays

vishalkumbhar93: Jism 2 is very nice film.....sunny leon so looking beautiful nd hot.sunny leons 1st film in indea.watch today in cinema hall.

SharmeenTaiyebi: Jism 2 was actually a nice movie.

SalooriaBoy: Jism 2 is good

sabzywajid: sunny leone in jism 2 so pretty the best check out da movie.

RazzManish: Jism 2 best sexy movie in the bollywod

kritiyadav5: jism 2 nice movie for lovers

InvestmentRICH: friends jism 2 must watch movie.... Its an awesome ....

hi5_kolkata: Jism 2 Ekdam Faadu Movie Like Gangster..!!

hautesaief: You should see Jism 2 for it's cinematography.. and location. Kickass!

AshishS19: Juss saw jism 2 .it proves that @RandeepHooda has got something which was hidden,but time taking it's cumng out really well..good work kabir

anuja_keluskar: Watched jism 2 ystrday.. Luvd randeep hooda :)

amit10112: jism 2.....osummm......macha di......sunny rocks ....osummmm

ajit_ab: jism 2 rocks

aarshiya06: Busy day !! Jism 2 was nice muvie...some parts were a bit boring...Sunny Leone looked absolutely beautiful throughout :)

98686748: Jism 2!!! OSUM MOVIEEE!!!!

2010Puri: Jism 2 is incredible movie..

YearOfRat: Hey Bhatts, if you had the money to make Jism 3, why didn't you hire an actual scriptwriter for Jism 2's plot?

tonymon4u: JISM-2 ~ six words "sunny leone's worst movie till date"

ThisThat_Etc: Jism 2 is such a disaster!

sweetcutie_pie: jism 2 super flop movie. disaster seriously

SumanSharma: Horrible movie this Jism-2, bad dialogues, bad acting, bad story.. yuck

Snipergunner: I would like to personally strangle the guy who wrote Jism 2 screenplay @vivid_details @chinz13 #FML

SitaOrMargarita: 'To love her is to die'. To watch her film will do the same. Sunny Leone in Jism 2.

saikatrahaman: JISM 2 ................full bakwas movie .............ya without sunny leone nothing to see

sahil_chraya: Jism 2... -ve 3 stars... Maha bekaar movie...;@

PurijaGUN: Jism-2. 1/5 !! Dat one is for locations...else O !!!

parikshit810: Plz dont watch Jism 2.Made by a psychotic Pooja Bhat,far fetched story,excellent actors looking like buffons.Sunny L keeps heaving her c ...

nikhil7488: Jism 2 is verry bed and third class moovie don't go for that

Nandini_RT: Jism 2 is a 'not-to-watch-even-once' movie..all my time wasted n there's hell lot of shit in it! trust me! spare yur lives n DO NOT watch it

MofoMunkay: jism 2 was so bad! i cant even point out what was good in that movie. I'm speechless. Its the shittiest movie i've ever seen.

MihirBijur: Jism 2 - "To watch this, is to die" #CorrectTagline

mandeepmalhi: jism 2 movie not too gudd

LoveRct: Just watched jism 2, the worst film of sunny leone, isse pahle jitni film dekhi he sunny wo sab isse better he ;)

lionking2278: Jism 2 is the worst movie of the year. UKP Pooja Bhatt.

kumarpramod815: Jism 2 is the bakwas movie totaly waste the time #jism2

k_nayan2005: jism 2 sucks...:-(

ishanc: Arunoday Singh & Randeep Hooda act with an expression as if they are constipated! Most garbage movie of the year! Jism - 2!

diwakarp007: Jism 2 worst movie ever i have watched :(

debanjan071088: Jism 2 is really awful...

dasdeepak: jism 2 ... Bilkul faltu movie he..

bohrarohit: Jism 2 such a pathetic movie that even my laptop is denying to play it. #fact

Ashwinsadana: Horrible movie-Jism-2..Bad dialogues, bad acting, bad story.. Yuck

ApurvKamal: Jism 2 bekar movie hain jinko sabko bakwas cheezo mein intrust h go and watch

anilkumar98111: JISM 2 jo banaya hai wo CHUTIYA HAI nd public ko chutiya banane ke liye YE movie banaya hai

amit001tweets: Jism 2 is nothing but marketing ... Poorest movie ever by Bhatts ... Over simplistic story and poor acting.

7 readers - 3 yays 1 so-so 3 nays

Not Interested in Watching, by Maria Aman : What has gone wrong with Pooja Bhatt mind?

Want to Watch, by LindaReidy

Yay! Thumbs Up, by annuraag : 80

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Manuel Neuer : Very nice video

Yay! Thumbs Up, by shiva : 20

So-So, by Sanya : 70

Nay! Thumbs Down, by Anusha : An Abysmal Attempt at a Romantic Thriller. The songs are the only thing you can look forward to.

Nay! Thumbs Down, by Filmystan : How can a pornstar exist in India? Isn't porn illegal?

Nay! Thumbs Down, by Suman

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Plot Summary

A terrorist is on the loose. The only way to get to him is to have his ex-girlfriend reach out to him and get vital information from him. Whatever.

What Worked

  • The way Aayan (Arunoday Singh) hugs Izna (Sunny Leone)
  • The dark blue interiors of Kabir's (Randeep Hooda) house. Even though the slick, crisp look doesn't seem the most appropriate for a terrorist in hiding. It's just convenient

What did not

Note: This section simply lists the things that I did not like in this movie. This is not the overall impression about this movie. Please read the full review here

  • Sunny Leone's wardrobe. Seemed ill-fitting at most times.
  • A whole list of other things which are just way too long to be listed here. You can pretty much say everything else about the film didn't work.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: Gun shots, people killing each other or threatening to.
  • Language: Profanity used a few times.
  • Nudity & Sexual content: Lots of making out, liplocks and skin show.
  • Concept: True love. Disillusionment with your own belief system.
  • General Look and Feel: Crisp. Dark at many times.

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:
Music Director:

Jism 2 - Cast, crew, links

Supporting Cast:
Running time:
130 minutes

Comments (8)

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bad movie with no story, poor casting and definitely not suitable for children. for more details visit www.bollywood4family.com

A pathetic excuse for a movie.


The movie was not that bad! I sorta liked! That's natural! Sunny Leone doesn't know the ABC of acting. So, how can we expect to perform extra-ordinary!? I watched it at Wave Cinemas, Ludhiana and the audio system was quite cool!

@Filmystan :)

@Sanya yeah, but because the expectations are low can't make me like non-acting. :)


Direction: 0
Story: 0
Lead Actors: 2
Character Artists: 0

Dialogues: 0
Screenplay: 0
Music Director: 1
Lyrics: 1


The movie did nothing at all for me and Sunny Leone's expressions couldn't get any impassive. And at times when the dialogues were actually supposed to be sounding dark, i seriously ended up in fits of laughter. Hooda and arunoday singh did quite a decent job though.

It has no material to invoke any kind of emotion from you. Except maybe for a few unintentional laughs.

yes, yes, yes @Suman @Anusha and @Rina

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