I, Me Aur Main

wogma rating: Don't bother (?)

quick review:

I, Me Aur Myself takes being full of oneself to a new level. Sure, we know enough people around us who are full of themselves, but doesn't make watching them in a film any more interesting.

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Director: Kapil Sharma
Running time: 105 minutes
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I, Me Aur Main - Preview

I, Me Aur Main looks like it will be the perfect fix for the chick-flick starved me. But, John Abraham as a romantic lead has never struck as the best deal in town. The way his face contorts when he tries to emote love, is a put-off rather than inspiring aaawwww. However, the theme, that of a casanova, narcissist, vain guy seems to suit him well. So, overall I, Me Aur Main strikes like a film that can entertain.

While we are pretty aware of the set-up from the trailer, it will all depend on where the movie goes from there. I certainly hope it doesn't boil down to the protagonist mending his ways. That would be unreal. We all know a self-centered person like him to know better than that.

The women though seem to be playing brave rather than being brave. I am curious to know what that is all about. We've seen both of them do pretty much the same thing earlier - standing up for themselves, trying to be resilient.

The music too seems to be received well even if the reviewers aren't ecstatic. That and all the above - enough reason to get a tad excited about I, Me Aur Main?

Music Reviews:
Bollyspice - "3/5"
Bollywood Hungama - "3/5"
dunkdaft - "Sachin-Jigar, giving out surprises album after album. Making their own space in the music scene, I Me aur Main is no exception with some really addictive tunes."
glamsham - "3/5"
Milliblog - "Sachin Jigar help the soundtrack stand out!"
MTV - "This album is not here to change the face of music as we know it, nor is it going to make us admire the undiscovered talents of the musicians. However, it is definitely going to get you to grab a partner and head out to watch the setting sun, as the party lights come to life."

- meeta, a part of the audience

It's bad enough that life has its share of people who can't stop talking about themselves and how cool they are. Why would I want to watch these characters on screen? Especially when they are being superficial about being full of themselves.

I, Me Aur Main is too plain vanilla a story despite being different in that it is modern in its take on relationships, at least in a very broad stroke. It suffers from the usual complaint of not having a single character who you can root for. Even though there is Anushka (Chitrangda Singh) who is obviously in the right, you don't know enough about her to root for her.

It doesn't help that Chitrangda Singh is getting worse at emoting with every film. Wide eyes and pointed lips make for a lovely face to look at, but they don't once convince you about anything they are saying. Especially, with a put-on accent that makes the entire act seem even more fake.

Prachi Desai on the other hand is vibrant and you want to know her character, Gauri more. But, of course, you aren't let in except for the token scenes featuring her flamboyant and confident nature. John Abraham plays his wooden self, except for a couple of scenes where he makes you really believe how oblivious he is to other people's existence, his character, Ishaan is.

The situations themselves are hardly connected. They are a series of supposedly fun and not-so-fun events stringed together. Yet, there are a couple of scenes that are done well. I especially liked the awkward moment created for Anushka at Ishaan's sister's house.

Thematically, the modern solution found by a couple who doesn't get along with each other but wants to be together for one reason or other is pretty mature, especially when found in a film that has not much mature about it otherwise. It is almost like the writer hit upon this idea he wanted to convey and worked backwards to form a story towards that end.

Another aspect of today's life that I, Me Aur Main touches upon is the mandatory relationship that the 60+ generation finds itself in. This is a generation who doesn't see separation or divorce as an option. This is a generation that hasn't necessarily experienced love in the romantic sense of the word. I understand I, Me Aur Main is hardly about this facet of life, but since it broached the subject, I would have loved to see more of it.

Another interesting decision in terms of film-making was the one of having just the one lip-sync song. Considering Ishaan is a producer of singing stars, there was certainly room for more. Yet, the lack of songs is not sufficient either to make a good film now, is it?

With quite a few, small things going in the right direction for I, Me Aur Main, the film in its entirety still feels like too shallow a take at relationships. Quite in sync with its title protagonist, but not good enough a metaphor to take it through being even a half-decent watch.

- meeta, a part of the audience

40 reviewers(?) - 3 yays 18 so-so 19 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by Nikhil Arora, Desi Martini : ... a progressive (anti)romantic comedy... full review

Thumbs up, by Alisha Coelho, In.com : ...'I, Me Aur Main' isn't perfect, but it IS a pleasant surprise... full review

Thumbs up, by Sudhish Kamath, The Hindu : ...Any film with SIX women characters who actually have names, automatically qualifies for better than average fare. ... full review

So-So, by Naresh Kumar Deoshi, Apun Ka Choice : ...John Abraham shines in a mediocre film... full review

So-So, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...has several worthy of note sequences... full review

So-So, by Prathmesh Jadhav, Bollywood Life : ...Though the screenplay and the overall treatment are easy on the eye, it is the immaturity with which the lead characters are dealt with that makes the result look disjointed.... full review

So-So, Buzz in Town : ...Dwelling in the domain of surface-level emotions, 'I Me Aur Main' tickles our fancy in just that proportion where we do not a walk away with a sense of betrayal.... full review

So-So, by Ankur Pathak, Desi Martini : ... not as bad as the title would like you to believe... full review

So-So, by Smita, Desi Martini : ...I me saw, you yourself avoid... full review

So-So, by Tushar Joshi, DNA : ...Thankfully the dialogues are light and breezy, keeping the conversations seem real... full review

So-So, by Rachit Gupta, Filmfare : ...Good story ruined by featherweight emotions and uninspiring direction... full review

So-So, by Ravina Rawal, FirstPost : ...But there’s so much time to get distracted during this film that it was bound to happen, and I will generously forgive myself.... full review

So-So, by Nupur Barua, fullhyd.com : ...The biggest drawback in this otherwise interesting movie is the lack of a proper script.... full review

So-So, by Gaurav Malani, indiatimes : ...The film is essentially unexciting because the characters don't seem to have any well-defined conflicts for a long time and the proceedings just keep going on and on pointlessly. ... full review

So-So, by Joginder Tuteja, Indicine : ...He gets the whole man-child persona right though, and as mentined earlier, his transition is abrupt... full review

So-So, Movie Talkies : ...could be termed as a one-time watch, there is nothing great about it either.... full review

So-So, by Mansha Rastogi, Now Running.com : ...uninspiring romantic story that only scores pointers for its climax. ... full review

So-So, by Nishi Tiwari, Rediff : ...has its moments but falters badly with its plot.... full review

So-So, by Shilpa Jamkhandikar, Reuters : ...Sharma’s film has the germ of a great idea and scriptwriter Devika Bhagat certainly seems to have set out to make the modern Indian rom-com... full review

So-So, by Srijana Mitra Das, Times of India : ...an interesting plot and a progressive message.... full review

So-So, by Ananya Bhattacharya, Zee News : ...John Abraham, who has spent a lot of his acting career hearing critics call him “wooden”, can finally flash that famous half smile of his.... full review

Thumbs down, by Anna Vetticad, annavetticadgoes2themovies : ...And why is a lovely actress like Raima Sen made to behave in such a moronic fashion in her role as Ishaan’s new boss?!... full review

Thumbs down, by Mayank Shekhar, Daily Bhaskar : ...It’s difficult to gauge if this fellow is clinically imbecile or just acting like some low IQ duffer with a major inferiority complex.... full review

Thumbs down, by Ameetbhuvan, Desi Martini : ...John is definitely the biggest casting blunder ever, Toy Boy, Hunk without clothes, dimpled chin and thats it. He cannot act to save his life... full review

Thumbs down, by Rubina A Khan, FirstPost : ...shallow screenplay short-changes audience... full review

Thumbs down, by Martin D'Souza, Glamsham.com : ...a movie that has come 15 years too late. It also has a wrong casting. Every character is flawed.... full review

Thumbs down, by Rajeev Masand, IBN Live : ...The film, ultimately, rushes towards its hasty, unpredictable resolution that feels unconventional merely for the sake of it.... full review

Thumbs down, by Vinayak Chakravorty, india today : ...John Abraham does well with his author-backed role, mixing dash and dilemma. Chitrangada and Prachi are too stereotyped in their casting - it's almost as if you would expect these actresses to play out the roles they get. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Shubhra Gupta, indian express : ...But the women are still all right. It is the man, ironically, who is the weakest link.... full review

Thumbs down, by Mohar Basu, koimoi : ...Everything that is related to the cinematic aspect of the film, a doomed script and cluttered screenplay is painful.... full review

Thumbs down, by Sanjukta Sharma, Live Mint : ...An insipid romcom involving a boy growing up... full review

Thumbs down, by Shaheen Parkar, MiD DAY : ...The actress had claimed to have prepared extensively for the role and even apparently chopped women’s hair as part of the promotions. Was it all snipped out or her character was simply shorn off it? ... full review

Thumbs down, by Divya Solgama, MoviezADDA : ...Camera work is good and gives the wanted style and gloss required in such films. Editing is good in first half, but towards the end gets messy.... full review

Thumbs down, by Karan Anshuman, Mumbai Mirror : ...It’s as if the actors have been left to their own devices to interpret scenes and given a free hand to perform in any manner they are comfortable with. Ironically, this only creates more awkwardness between them... full review

Thumbs down, by Saibal Chatterjee, NDTV : ...The performances are, however, generally earnest and manage to attain an even quality. John Abraham, hot but not always happening, wisely stays firmly within his limits. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Sonia Chopra, Sify Movies : ...Shallow and indulgent... full review

Thumbs down, by Narendra Gupta, Star Blockbuster : ...The film lacks entertainment quotient.... full review

Thumbs down, by Swati Rohatgi, STARDUST : ...luggish, humdrum affair that only has a great end as its saving grace... full review

Thumbs down, by Pratim D Gupta, The Telegraph : ...Both Chitrangda and Prachi seem to have gone completely undirected. They have been so much better in other outings that to see them just beautify the frame is infuriating... full review

Thumbs down, by Rummana Ahmed, yahoo! India : ...John Abraham is convincing as a man in love with himself but his character is too linear. ... full review

103 tweeters(?) - 29 yays 10 so-so 64 nays

x_sanabutt_x: I, Me aur Main... 90 mins of good entertainment! Love @1Prachidesai!! #classic

vishu_ishtaar: Na Jaane Kahaan Se Aaya Hain ~ John aka Ishaan in I Me aur Main .... Kinda soft - rom typo movie .... Good for your weekend !

VickyBakaya: I, Me Aur Main............Finally a rom-com wid a nyc end.....

THEESAKSHIGOPAL: the ending was just perfect for I ME AUR MAIN ishaan finally realised his responsibility n holding back gauri @The_JohnAbraham grt concept

SweetZub: i , me aur mein , nyc muvi ...... tels tat its nt tat u need to hold on to neone by force !! ... actually reality of todays generation

ShreyankaM: Watched I, Me aur Main. Sweet movie. Our bong beauty @raimasen looks prettier than both the other ladies combined!

sameerasen: "I, Me Aur Main" is a breezy watch. John Abraham is absolutely gorgeous in it. Prachi's so cute. Chitrangada's a bit of a let-down!

RSP7_: Totally loved # I Me aur Main....Easily John Abraham's best performance to date....#RECOMMENDED

rishiltalks: I,me aur mein.... @The_JohnAbraham u nailed it man...awesome...!!

poo_kiddo: I, Me aur main... Cute one !!

NischayGoel: amazaing movie i,me aur mai

NikitaKacker: I, Me aur Mein... I liked it cuz it was short and realistic!!

MUGHALNAILA: Just watched "I Me Aur Main" John you rocked as alwaz, really enjoyed the Film. Congrats... @The_JohnAbraham

Mohsinalpak: I me aur main nice movie

Manyukan: I, Me aur Main is a good film! Prachi Desai is too sweet and cute in it! #IMeAurMain #PrachiDesai @1Prachidesai

maaria1234: 'I Me aur Main' what a movie :D loved it! John Abraham mmmmmm #nomnom

MaaNey: "I me aur main" was actually pretty good! I liked it. Urban, fast, fun! @The_JohnAbraham was fantastic!! Go watch it this sunday!!!

KaavyTigress: I,Me aur Main :)Good movie.Loved the simple treatment for a strong story line.Scripted well.Finally,bollywood... http://www.facebook.com/IKaavy/posts/465015153553543

jtoor27: Sorrryy meesha! I went out to watch a movie! I me aur mein! Hahahaha awesome movieeee! (:

ItsRichaPicha: I could look at @The_JohnAbraham his abs, those cute dimples, and that gorgeous smile for hours. Enjoyed I, Me, Aur Main.

itsananthu: I Me Aur Mein ....Is Quite a gud One :-) Eventhough Ending Cud've Been done Better :-)

HarshalBhandare: I me aur mai : movie is short n sweet. Splendid perform by @ichitrangda. Excellent efforts put by her for her role. John was avg..cont..

gopalmohan03: I me and main nice movie. Quiet refreshing

DJSUN001: I Me Aur Mein.... Nice Movie :) #IMeAurMein #Nice @1Prachidesai

dhaivatraval: Watched I , Me aur Mai ... Very Good movie , Go & Watch !!

Chocoholic_pri: I,Me aur mein <3<3 @JohnAbrahamCLUB muuaawh.. Gud muvi

cablewala: I me aur main is a nice short entertainer. John is good, Chitrangada looks pretty & Prachi peppy..beats me why critics are giving 2 stars.

bhavik_999v: I , me aur main is outstanding , prachi has done awesome job , movie was watchable , enjoyed a lot .

12ScarsApart: I, Me Aur Mein. Nice movie.

vishudani: I, me aur main not a bad one.....

tweet_minua: I, Me Aur Main : Recommended one-time watch.

SharmeenTaiyebi: Ok, don't watch "I, Me aur Main" on the big screen. Dvd pe dekhlena :p

RealMohitBumb: I, Me aur Main boring movie but one time watch

RamuKakaOnline: I Me Aur Main - a strictly average watch. Chitrangda is just right. Prachi doesn't suit the role but tries hard. John is wooden.

NewsNationTV: I, Me Aur Main- Worth a watch if you don’t go in with too many expectations For more details click on:... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=136079823232187&l=510dce1f2f

jafc_john: By Zoom TV Omar Qureshi gives 'I, Me Aur Main' - 3 Stars, 'The Attacks Of 26/11' - 2.5 Stars and 'Jack The Giant... https://www.facebook.com/JaFc007/posts/424341044317322

CAHemantMundhra: I Me aur Mein may not be a movie of great script & editing but the opinion it sets in is practical.Today's man-woman relationship's solution

bycoslive: Critics' review: I, Me Aur Main is flaky but one-time watch - http://bycos.com/2013/critics-review-i-me-aur-main-is-flaky-but-one-time-watch/ http://twitter.com/bycoslive/status/307520945592094721/photo/1

BrandNBuzz: I Me Aur Main...One time watch, not bad!

xerxes_piyush: I, Me aur Mein! sala bakwass movie yaar! seriously!! chadke bhanda pani kabaad!

Wazwanzee: I, Me aur Main is a stellar movie, if you're into bad acting and old wine, new bottle type of scripts.

Vyaszee: Feeling like vomiting? Watch I Me Aur Mai you surely will.. :p

vik5222: i me aur main #fail

veeersandeep: I Me Aur Main.....full too..time vest...or money vest........ghatiya story........:(.......aabto jhon se refund mangna hi padega.....:P

Umar_Khan10: I, me aur Main - Ghattiya tareen film. Mere paisay wapis kero!

TextFunPK: I, Me aur Main: Let down by inconsistencies http://www.samaa.tv/newsdetail.aspx?ID=62434&CID=4#sthash.WgSf6PgA.uxfs [http://SendSMS.pk]

tayallrahul: Kyu banate hai I me aur main jaisi movies yaar :(

SutliBam: Did you know there's a movie called 'I,me&myself'? I witnessed that piece of crap today. Somebody please get the chullu bhar paani for me!

SUNNYBOSS: bokas movie.... I Me Aur Mein. at rave moti kanpur

sumith1990: I, Me Aur Main bundle movie :p total dabba

smkoneru: I, Me Aur Main is a big bore..I'll go watch 26/11 again tmrw..I may walk out after the first half but just that part is worth the 150 bucks

shriyanreddevil: I me aur main is a movie which has a combo of a bad directing crew nd a bad acting crew

showdecider: I, Me Aur Main is patchily written and performed, and often feels contrived. - http://www.showdecider.com/i-me-aur-main http://twitter.com/showdecider/status/307903885874442242/photo/1

ShortcutSam: Must watch... I, Me, Myself ...*Why Should I Be The Only One To Suffer*

shivom_oza: Last thought - I'm hardly dismissive about any film. Apart from 15 mins. in the second half, cringed through every scene. I, Me Aur Main.

shachitapiawala: I me aur main- wohi ghisa pita concept! #movies #bollywood

Sanchitakabra: WARNING :I, me aur main sucks.. You are welcome :)

sameermaktedar: Plz don't watch "I me aur Mein"

Ruchira_roy: I,Me aur mai- dear John abraham, the movie is so bad, that eventually that is who will be left in the theatres in the audiences

rjanup: I me Aur Main : 2/5 Mirchis - Rj anup http://www.facebook.com/anupuae/posts/565111980165584

RJ_Adaa: Shocking 'I me aur main' reviews uptil now, 1/5?! Damn.. That's bad! Have u seen it yet?.. Do u agree with a 'one' star?

RaviYadav143: #j0hn_abraham should learn from his own produced movie #Vikkydonor before making "i me aur main.....pathetic movie.....

Rajyasree: The less said about I, Me aur Main the better.

Rahealrao: I, Me Aur Main - nothing but a mind as well as a butt numbing experience.

Ppucchi: I me aur main is complete nonsense.

Pooja_sh_85: I me aur mein - pretty average,only Chitranga luked good

one_by_two: Last night I, Me aur Main went to see I, Me aur Main. Ten minutes into the movie both I and Me tried to strangle Main !

nitinrajsharmaa: Kisne bnai h i me aur mai? Mje laga comedy circus wala! jitna paisa lagaya h, isse accha "DAN" kar dete! Kyun !

ninja_chaacha: I me aur mein - it's a disaster guys. Chitrangada is the only thing to look for in the movie.

niks_mahajan: What a bore, silly movie I, me aur main..... But kyu...

niharika0: i was xcptin more 4m " i, me aur main " :-(

Naach_Gaana: Sanket’s Review: “I me aur main” serves well as a sleeping pill. (http://t.co/nWj5rKRWrN)

MilioniShah: I me aur main. (N) Bad movie.

melangeindia: Movie Review : I, Me Aur Main "I Me Aur Main has mediocre performances and a loose screenplay which is wrapped... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=607626019251506&l=9cc82a0151

megharuparel: I Me Aur Main..I didnt understand the Film...Nothing is in the movie to watch.. & Music..hahaha I m not speaking on it!!

mayureshbali: today I watched movie "I,Me aur Main"..nt that good!!!!!John shd atleast think b4 contracting any type of movie..plz dont tk it personally

letsgotothemovi: Movie Review: I Me Aur Main, rom-com with potential let down by characters: Story Line: Another cliché story. ... http://t.co/HD9dG9i2m9

Lathiwalabhoot: Yuck RT"@NikitaKacker: I, Me aur Mein... I liked cuz it was short and real..."

JadeyPerson: "I, me aur main"? John you could do SO much better! :/

infinitynbey0nd: I, me aur main ... Dont even bother to think tht this movie exists #movie #boring #0stars

iamvas: I Me Aur Main, has its moments but falters badly with its plot.

iA_Myth: John Abraham cant act . Period . Prachi desai cant look hot . Period . I am a idiot who watched "I,Me aur Main" . Period .

hearthacker_srk: Don't watch i,me aur main :d so boringggggggg... Mera dost sogaya hall mein aur usko uthane mera film dekhna hogaya :p

harshachopda: Fatang day with lot of time pass and experimentation and a boring movie I me aur main... @fa12all majja aa gaya :D

gauravmunjal: Please don't watch I, Me Aur Main.

Fraaz_K: I me aur main suuuucks

FarihaOsmani: First was I, Me Aur Main - the movie was only a treat for John Abraham fans. Apart from that pretty bad. Prachi's dialogues were worst!

Div_03: I me aur mein was such a BLAH !!!

connectaditya: I, Me aur Main Review - No, Never aur Kabhi Nahin - 1.5/5 - http://connectwithadi.blogspot.com/2013/03/i-me-aur-main-review.html

ChoudhariVicky: I me myself a must not watch movie

CharmieCharming: I,Me aur main-boring movie..just chitragandha is super sexyyy..n prachi desai is too cute!

chandrapalbunde: I ,Me aur mai bakwas movie(:

BOLLYWUDcritic: watched I, ME AUR Main last n8... felt too sleepy as it lacked a punch in its story... KINDLY CHOOSE GUD SCRIPTS JOHN...

bollywoodajjtak: I Me Aur Main: Nothing Interesting about it!!

Bh00mika: I Me Aur Main is a Mere Waste of Time...!!!:/

avikri: i , me aur main .. yukk crappy movie .. feel the movie is a cross-breed between Two and a Half Men and Friends...... https://www.facebook.com/avikri/posts/4324064390783

AsilDeshmukh: I,Me Aur Main.. Bakwaas ending :/

anushribotadra: I, me aur main!! Pathetic..

AnishPradhan: I, me aur mein- Boring! But #Chitrangada- HOT!!

Ammarr10: how to waste 2 hours: I Me Aur Main

amardeep392: I me aur main bakwass movie john abraham work like wthout money...no emotions in th movie ....

Adaaliz: 'I me aur main' is da worst version of #ranbir kapoor's 'bachna a haseena'

abhian: "I, me aur Main" Pathetic all around. Avoid it and spare yourself torture of 2 hours!

1 readers - 0 yays 0 so-so 1 nays

Nay! Thumbs Down, by vlekken op buik : Hooglanderveen

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: None
  • Language: Clean
  • Nudity & Sexual content: A topless John Abraham. And a woman is pregnant before marriage.
  • Concept: The coming of age of a self-centered man.
  • General Look and Feel: Crisp and slick.

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:
Music Director:

Comments (2)

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Very rarely do you give a "switch channels if its on cable" rating to a movie thats not OTT Comedy-types *now goes ahead to read the review*

@Harsh Is it? Never realised that :D Should do an analysis across genre, no?

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