Hate Story

wogma rating: Watch if you have nothing better to do (?)

quick review:

The story - beyond the lead lady turning into a prostitute - might still have worked, I can imaginably have given that much to the writers. But, the film that it has turned into is certainly well worth hating. From acting to music to pretty much everything else, Hate Story pushes your patience to the brink.

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Director: Vivek Agnihotri
Running time: 135 minutes
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Hate Story - Preview

Hate Story has only one intention in mind - to titillate. At least that's what it looks like from the promo.

While director, Vivek Agnihotri's earlier film Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal rubbed in racism and jingoism, Hate Story seems to be using another 'sales tool' - sex and blatantly too. The story line reminded me of Laga Chunari Mein Daag - basically the lady having no other option but to sell her body. A little too convenient, is it not?

Hate Story just sounds and looks too in the face and as if the writer or director is lashing out in anger at someone. Though, I must say the cine-freak in me is really curious to know how a woman messes with a tycoon in the first place and then manages to take revenge from a person without changing identities/looks/anything at all.

The music as expected from a film of this genre and texture hasn't been received too well.

Music Reviews:
Milliblog - "NW1W = Not Worth One Word"
Bollywood Hungama - "2/5"

- meeta, a part of the audience

Isn't it a shame that a woman has been so wronged by such an obnoxious man and I feel bad for her only conceptually? Only my imagination of what it must have been like evokes any kind of emotion out of me? And this is in the first half hour of the film. My exasperation only gets worse as the Hate Story progresses.

In the entire film, there are only two things that are just about okay. One is Gulshan Devaiya's stammer and the other is the attempt at making the story a business-mind game. But these are barely things that I can call that 'work' or 'are going for the film'. They just happen to be there for me to be able to say at least a few things nice about the film. Okay fine, Nikhil Dwivedi broods just about right.

Talking about Paoli Dam's performance would involve recalling her whispering and sighing in attempt to seduce, which I'm trying my best to resist. And..."ha ha ha ha ha ha" this is a ROFL at those who went in expecting sizzling, explicit sex based on the promos. Little do they know they've seen all there is to see in the trailer itself. In fact, the uncensored version of the trailer has even a little more than the film. And another, "ha ha ha ha ha ha" at me - for wondering, even for the slightest moment, if Hate Story would finally be the Hindi film that shows two people can be comfortable with their bodies and themselves while having sex.

Now, the whole idea behind having the lead lady turn into a top-notch call-girl is obviously to be able to market the film. Then, I am giving it too much benefit of doubt by thinking, "Sure they didn't tell me exactly why she HAD to turn into a prostitute, but maybe it was the easiest way for her to get what she wanted."

One thing Hate Story does a god job of, is to expose the fragility of the male ego. One male after another falls for this woman whose focus is only her revenge and not one relents even after they know the truth about her. But then again, you don't need to see a movie for that, do you? runs for shelter

Oh, the other selling point in the trailer seemed to be the free use of cuss words. Character after character uses the f-word more awkwardly than 12-year olds who use that language.

Unfortunately, everything in Hate Story sounds and looks contrived with the sole motivation of getting the audience to the theater - by hook or crook. And it doesn't quite work.

- meeta, a part of the audience


27 reviewers(?) - 4 yays 5 so-so 18 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by Subhash K Jha, Apun Ka Choice : ...If in 'The Dirty Picture', Vidya Balan wore her sexuality on her sleeve, in 'Hate Story', Paoli uses her sexuality like a favoured currency in the stock market.... full review

Thumbs up, by Smita, Desi Martini : ...She looks good but her acting skills dont match up completely.... full review

Thumbs up, by Nupur Barua, fullhyd.com : ...What stands out is the performance by Gulshan Devaiah. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Gaurav Malani, indiatimes : ...Hate Story uses lovemaking as its potent tool and there's sufficient skin on show though in sync with the story.... full review

So-So, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...his approach to the narrative flabbergasts you and at times also renders you speechless, but a cohesive script would've worked wonders. ... full review

So-So, by Rony D'Costa, Desi Martini : ...The film is a regular revenge story which engages in parts especially when Paoli Dam is on screen with fewer clothes on.... full review

So-So, by Rituparna Chatterjee, IBN Live : ...Hate Story works partly because of its bold heroine and partly because it really is an interesting thriller that keeps you hooked till the clumsy end.... full review

So-So, by Shaheen Parkar, MiD DAY : ...She appears to be extremely comfortable in front of the camera whether with her clothes or without them.... full review

So-So, by Srijana Mitra Das, Times of India : ...Better acting and more music under-wiring this plot would've helped... full review

Thumbs down, by Anna Vetticad, annavetticadgoes2themovies : ...But latent possibilities are buried here under a contrived script in which all proceedings are manipulated to fall in line with the writer’s ultimate goal... full review

Thumbs down, by Bobby Sing, Bobby Talks Cinema.com : ...Gulshan as the main villain, does well in the first hour but again gives away to a loud act later on. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Kartik Iyer, Bolly Spice : ...Sadly, due to a weak script, the film has turned out to be an ordinary vengeance story.... full review

Thumbs down, by Charu A Mahesh, Buzz in Town : ... A plot that was almost revealed in the promos, leaves little to imagine for the viewer.... full review

Thumbs down, Daily Bhaskar : ...Vivek Agnihotri has been successful in creating the thrill element for the audience, but a predictable storyline makes his efforts tasteless... full review

Thumbs down, by Blessy Chettiar, DNA : ...Unless the voyeur in you insists, stay away from the theatres.... full review

Thumbs down, Free Press Journal : ...The plotting is in fact not in the least credible or believable.... full review

Thumbs down, by Fatema H Kagalwala, India Entertainment : ...There is a lot of pace in this very Sheldonesque story, but unlike the stories that had the pulp novelist’s intuitive understanding of character motivations, it gets so convoluted in its own smart-ness that the effect is rather dulling than exciting. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Shubhra Gupta, indian express : ...We are not going near the plotholes because that would be a long list. Suffice it to say that they are so glaring in places, that you miss out on some not-so-bad parts of this film, chief of which are a few strong scenes by the main performers. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Mrigank Dhaniwala, koimoi : ...Mohan Kapoor is fine as the corrupt minister.... full review

Thumbs down, Movie Talkies : ...lack of logic seems to be the name of the game... full review

Thumbs down, by Mansha Rastogi, Now Running.com : ...Over all, you might have more reasons to hate this story than enjoy it. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Raja Sen, Rediff : ...a hate crime against the sex-starved... full review

Thumbs down, by Sonia Chopra, Sify Movies : ...The background score borrowed from old Vikram Bhatt films is distractingly mediocre. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Swati Rohatgi, STARDUST : ...Nikhil Dwivedi gets wasted yet again. Wonder if there’d ever be a film where he actually gets to perform.... full review

Thumbs down, by Anuj Kumar, The Hindu : ...Thanks to the jerky narrative, instead of empathising with the characters you start laughing at them.... full review

Thumbs down, by Mr Care, Upper Stall : ...There's a genuinely interesting, bold, story somewhere in this that's waiting to be told in the hands of a capable maker. ... full review

Thumbs down, Zee News : ...Bengali actress Paoli Dam may titillate you with her bare back in the posters but will leave you unimpressed with a performance which lacks any kind of spark.... full review


66 tweeters(?) - 29 yays 10 so-so 27 nays

vravjani: Hate Story n Vicky Donor ........................... r awsum movies !!! :) :))

Vkcuriousxxx: Hate story is a good movie

usmanraja: Watched hate story last night was very interesting hmm. Teaches u lessons big timee

tweetamittweet: Hate Story is a really good film!

Tomm_Dogg: I rated Hate Story 7/10 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2309987 #IMDb

tahakags: Hate story... Nice movie:)

TactifierJatan: 'Hate Story' awesome thriller movie..!! A very diff script..!! Must watch..!!

surya2gr8: i FUCK the people...... who FUCK me........... :P -hate story... worth a watch.. :)

sekhardalmia: #Hate Story,nice script.Njoyed...Goodnyt folks

sant066243: Hate story is a good movie.simply mirroring the bad politics in corporate world

rohansingh87: #vikram bhatt's movies are different and they reflects somewhat a true image of life. #hate story is such a movie.

ravoorikrishna: morning...guys i have seen the film HATE STORY yesterday its really good to watch....

RaehanRahman: I love "Hate story-the movie"

oye_gujju: yup nice movie dear>> RT: @shruteeism: So a friends reviews about Hate Story is good. Nice.

Nikita_erudite: Liked Vicky Donor as well as Hate Story:)

madBoyAbanil: I hate love story...... But i love hate story..... @hateStory_film

LovedTweet: Hate Story Review: It's Bold, yet Gripping! http://bit.ly/HX9lCi

KumarPrashaant: So happy for the way VICKY DONOR and HATE STORY have been received by audiences. I enjoyed both very much and... http://fb.me/1P096aHr0

kalluru: watch hate story movie for paoli dam u luv it!

idevraani: Today wtchng #hate_story it ws awsm....

iamjpk: Hate Story. Sexcellent.

Hiren_Amin: Just saw movie HATE STORY...Actually it's not a hate story... A must watch movie...

hhuzefah: enjoyed vicky donor n hate story .. ayushmann khurana and paoli dam with their amazing performance... :)

gopaldey88: Hate Story f***ing entertaing... paoli is next silk paoli...

filmysushanth: Just watchd hate story movie....we cant hate movie n d story...just loved it....:) business politics n politics in d business...:)

BetterReading: Liked "Hate Story", esp its story.

AsawaKrishna: vicky donor & hate story nice films **** stars

anujbidhuri3737: hate story ..sexy n hot muvi . ;) naomi :*

amitkolte: Vicky Donor and Hate Story.....good movies for the weekend

vijayRathod10: Hate story is not a bad story....woman can do anything to take revenge...

Souvikbasu_19: Yesterday watched Hate Story,story line was not gr8,Paoli's acting was plus point to the movie.Skin show decent.

singhcd: Hate Story -(cont.)apart from preaching.So when the film is so foolish, why it is still watchable? Simple - it is fast paced.(cont.)

Saurav_Patel: Hate Story...Predictable story...but some good performances...Paoli was exceptional...

saahilchadha: Saw Hate Story.. Interesting

Pratyancha: Hate story. Not that bad actually :O

JaskaranGautam: Now talking about Hate story it an average movie and just revolves around kavya and her revenge and how she uses men to take her revenge..

CHANDNIKATARIA: Watchd Hate Story, I wondr y d end hd 2b so stupid!!?? Gud efforts by vikram bhatt but wud wan2 wish him bettr luck nxt tym!! :p :p

bhaskart69: Watched "Hate Story". Okayish movie. Felt the Vidya Balan would have been a better choice in the lead role.

arppaul: watched 'Hate Story,....Paoli is too bold to watch..bt d story of this film is not bad at all..:-)

ze_us: 2 things - Vicky Donor is being a tad too over rated.. And secondly 'Hate Story' has no grt steamy scenes.. Moral, Go watch 21 Jumpstreet!

younus257: HATE STORY is so bold.. tat its cold.. What else can Bollywood produce. Its not erotic.. its neurotic

vishyblues: Hate Story - is thanda and boring all the helping of soft porn thrown in by ignoring logic's ends up in zero sex appeal http://www.indiaglitz.com/channels/hindi/review/15372.html

Vishal_tekwani: I hate love stories. Now i hate hate story also

vijaygeorge4u: 'Hate Story' lacks a genuine storyline. There is nothing beyond some skin show of Paoli Dam.

varungrover: Little known fact: Hate Story's original title was "Hate Story, Screenplay, Dialogue; Love Paoli Dam"

theuttkarsh: Hate Story is a hate crime against the sex-starved

SRGtweets: But Hate Story had a typical Bollywood style which made it a flop in the middle of the 2nd half ... Ppl expected more from Paoli !

sjoshipura: Hate Story 's Direction is ok ! Background Score - Poor ! Dialoges - Nice ! Paoli (is) DAM Hott ! Sensuous ! Avoidable !

shyamve: Hate story was irritating and screwed... Paoli has shed clothes through out..

Shiven_007: Hate Story:Awful Movie

shadymumbai: Vicky Donor is as good a movie As bad a movie Hate Story is ....

realslimswamy: Hate Story is so insipid and so long that if you enter the cinema hall with popcorn, you will leave with corn-sprouts.

rakeshkumarkar: Hate Story ... what is it..!!??? Deadeningly #boring and outstandingly #mediocre ..!!

r1kartik: Could have been so much better than the eventual result. Please dont give Vivek Agnihotri any more movies HATE STORY http://kartikr.blogspot.in/2012/04/hate-story.html

Praxticus: Vicky Donor..... nice movie.... liked it much more than the shitty hate story!!

PARAGROCKSTAR1: Hate story is very worst movie of the year

Meichirosena: Did anyone watch the "Hate Story?". You'd love to Hate it.

magiclegspratik: If you watch Hate Story with a lot of expectations about it being an erotic thriller you are bound to be disappointed Rating: **

karrnb: Vicky Donor is like Hrithik Roshan . Smart ..Fun ..And gets a smile on u.. Hate story is like Rakhi SAWANT.. Saggy ..irritating and screwed

iSuvigya_dubey: Hate story. I've dared to watch it. And I advise you NOT to watch this movie.

chocolatychandu: watched Hate Story this weekend and guess what ? I really Hated the Story...

BolegaGossips: Vikram Bhatt's erotic thriller Hate Story lacks novelty! http://ow.ly/aqqDj

ArunChakraDel: Bengal's Didi's name is referred twice in the film, 'Vicky Donor', already a far away winner over 'Hate Story'

anky666: Hate Story was as expected. But made up for that by meeting my bestest people later. There is something special about school friends. ♥

Aadii_: Hate story is nothing but another story to Hate. Apart from one reason, the girl failed to justify her Profession & LUST!! #bollywood

25hb: Hate story is a 1 star porn movie.


3 readers - 1 yays 1 so-so 1 nays

Yay! Thumbs Up, by SocialDhaba : It's a good one time watch movie...


Nay! Thumbs Down, by Kaustubh Waghmare : Hate Story, interpretation : Hate The Story. Hate lots of other things as well.

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: A woman is dragged to a remote village to get an abortion and hysterectomy
  • Language: Lots of A-rated language - including the f-word and the c-word or versions thereof.
  • Nudity & Sexual content: The lead lady turns into a prostitute and is shown seducing man after man.
  • Concept: Revenge of a woman scorned.
  • General Look and Feel: B-grade wannabe sex film.

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:
Music Director:

Hate Story - Cast, crew, links

Official Sites:
Background Score:
Action Choreography:
Music Director:
Running time:
135 minutes

Comments (4)

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‘Hate Story’ is a story a revenge, a revenge that a stinking rich Businessman Siddharth Dhanraj Gir aka Sid (Gulshan Devaiah) takes form a journalist Kavya Krishna (Paoli Dam) who executes a sting operation on Sid’s multi-billion company Cementec Infra with a little bit of assistance from her best friend Vicky (Nikhil Dwivedi). He almost kills Kavya and that’s when she decides to take her revenge.

Stars - 3.5/5

@Dattaprasad oh absolutely! it was fun enough in a multiplex too!

@Kaustubh Thank for your review! You make some very valid points. The good news is that you don't have to wait, this week's other release "Vicky Donor" is a riot. A few of my Punjabi friends called to specifically point out how authentic it felt, not to mention I watched the film with a Bong friend and she was in splits at the Bengali bits. Of course, the genre is completely different, but a good movie is a good movie :D



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