wogma rating: Owner's Pride! (?)
Once you move beyond comparing the books to the movies, and label both as separate entities – not only could you enjoy both but you could happily postpone the “real” end to when the movies come out. It’s here, both parts of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows are out and it’s finally over – the movies, the books, the lives, the memories. What is not over though, is your love, anticipation of and growth with the series. Because each time you watch/read them – you’ll love, anticipate and grow even more so.
Read moreThis weekend I attended a funeral. I cried, mourned the death and let myself sink into a grey hovering void. This weekend I saw the second part of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I pep talked myself into letting go; all that jazz about how life moves on and death is an eventual calamity much like the jack in the box – it’s over before you know it. But it doesn’t. Because this end is metaphorical.
Almost the same line is used in every review of a Harry Potter movie – the book was better, and the film missed out on many crucial parts. But for those of you who have been following only the films, this movie is an all-encompassing, wrapped liked a sushi roll, crisp ending to a saga.
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows takes us through the last bits of Harry’s journey as he finds parts of Voldemort’s soul, also known as horcruxes and destroys them. The film picks out the best moments and twists it into a visual glamour. With threads of emotion, it thrills and walks us through many lives, many endings.
It has the emotional tension: between what Dumbledore has left behind and Harry’s doubts, between Snape’s veiled demeanor and Harry’s rage, between Harry’s bravery and Voldermort’s sinister fury. It is Harry’s journey but the story of so many more people: Of the Weasley family, 3 friends from different backgrounds and their intertwining lives, the many professors that put a mark on every Hogwarts students’ life and Snape – who’s beyond levels of comprehension.
The opening and closing shots of the film are grand, as if they are hints of what became and what is being left behind. Eduardo Serra’s photography is distinct and symbolic with the feel that one gets while reading the book. It incorporates a tired, yet reassuring tone that allows you to live each moment of intense and passionate action.
Alan Rickman as Snape and the trio – Radcliffe, Grint and Watson are majorly the reason for the lump in your throat. They manage to carry with them reminiscent performances of every film and mould them into an adventure ride that feel privileged to take with them.
Each character, each loose end is tied into a knot; every sub-plot given its due ending – closure in all senses. This film, unlike the others which bore the pressure of matching up to the books, manages to leave a visual impact, and comes pretty close to the images you formed in your head.
If only the climax were played out with a more growing pace. Although by the end of the film, you’re almost on the edge because you know the end is nearing, you still want to put your time on the moment. The emotional connect is haunting and Alexander Despat’s background score is like melodies flowing into sentences of drama, yet the end seems like a series of quick montages.
Or maybe that’s coming from an emotional viewer’s perspective. I would never get up from my seat. I would sit there, living the entire world of witchcraft and wizardry in my head on loop – but I was forced to walk away.
Watch the film so you can identify the message that the movie is trying to send to you –Beyond the magic, charm, tragedies and memories. When you walk out from this theatre, remember to feel special because you have been a part of the Harry Potter generation.
This article is by guest author Swetha Ramakrishnan. Swetha Ramakrishnan is currently living and working in Mumbai. She's a self-confessed film enthusiast and can most likely be found talking to anyone and everyone about popular cinema and her love for SRK. Swetha Ramakrishnan also blogs at http://swetharamakrishnan.blogspot.com/.
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Yay! Thumbs Up, by Aster : I absolutely enjoyed it a lot
Yay! Thumbs Up, by komal yadav : The best in the series.Just go and watch.
This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.
Not needed, infact please take your kids along
Comments (1)
The visual effect are just out of world and story is very gripping.The best movie ever made on harry potter.
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