wogma rating: Don't bother (?)
Hugh Grant and Carrie Bradshaw... oops, Sarah Jessica Parker, don’t make a particularly romantic pair. Sure, Did You Hear About the Morgans? has it’s funny moments, most of which are credited to Hugh Grant . But even he can’t overcast the fact that the film has a shoddy, predictable storyline. It just stands as a lazy film that even the makers didn’t care to watch more than once.
Read moreThey say the right cast can make a film, in least, a charming affair. So when you hear of a film starring Hugh Grant (childhood poster boy for me) and Sarah Jessica Parker (soul sister from the Sex and the City series) you think the film would be a perfect late night breeze watch. Well, let’s just say, you should use the money you would spend on the DVD to re-rent Sex and the City or Notting Hill, and stick to those.
Did You Hear About the Morgans? is about a separated couple Paul Morgan (Hugh Grant) and Meryl Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker) and their struggle with their relationship. For the first half hour, you see Grant, who’s a big-shot lawyer, trying to win back Parker with his goofy, boyish charms. Parker however, can only play Carrie Bradshaw (lead character from Sex and the City) in every performance. As a successful real estate agent, she plays her usual confused, blingy New Yorker.
All hell breaks loose, when as a part of witness protection, they are sent to a faraway town in Wyoming for a week, to lay low. The film then progresses to show a city-town conflict, and how the couple strives to get along and make their marriage work.
Granted, Hugh Grant’s witty, puppy-faced humour works in part but on the whole, the film stands as a lazy attempt to make a romantic comedy. Did You Hear About the Morgans? is neither funny nor romantic. It’s not even a film I would want to unwind with at the end of a long day when I don’t want to indulge in intelligent, symbolic cinema.
Beyond a point, there’s only so much of Carrie Bradshaw you can pair with extremely British Hugh Grant. He’s largely very wooden and conscious, while she just reminds us how disastrous people can look while they age. The jokes are second hand, the plot is repetitive and predictable and everyone in film seems to want so desperately to make it a funny affair, it just starts to get annoying.
A small note about the hunter couple, Clay and Emma Wheeler (Sam Elliot and Mary Streenburgen) – to say they’re the saving grace of the film is an understatement. They serve as a pleasant contrast to the bratty, city-bred characters that Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parkerplay. One of my (read: the rare few) favorite moments in the film, is when the Wheelers ask Meryl Morgan what meat she likes and she says she’s a vegetarian who supports PETA. Mary's reply is one of the best!
The DVD of Did You Hear About the Morgans? Has 3 featurettes, including one with director Marc Lawrence on why he chose the lead pair. Also the director of previously successful films like Miss Congeniality and Music and Lyrics, his insights on casting seem convincing, and you wonder where it all went wrong with this film. Other features include, deleted scenes (funnier than the film, because Hugh Grant is funny otherwise!), extended theatrical trailers and an audio commentary with Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker.
The only way you should watch this film? 1. If you got this DVD for free, (I would ask you to reconsider) 2. If you’re bored, 3. If you’re really, really bored. Besides, I think its imperative you ask yourself this question, Do You Really Want to Hear about the Morgans?
This review is by guest reviewer Swetha Ramakrishnan. Swetha Ramakrishnan is currently living and working in Mumbai. She's a self-confessed film enthusiast and can most likely be found talking to anyone and everyone about popular cinema and her love for SRK. Swetha Ramakrishnan also blogs at http://swetharamakrishnan.blogspot.com/.
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