Chalo Dilli

wogma rating: Watch but no rush (?)

quick review:

It is one adorable road trip! Another awesome performance by Vinay Pathak & a good one by Lara Dutta too! If only there was some control on the urge to do something dramatically drastic in the second half.

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Director: Shashant Shah
Running time: 110 minutes
Genres: Comedy, Crime, Docu-drama
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If you have even simply commuted to work using public transport, you know about that pesky co-traveller. You don't even need a trip longer than just-a-commute to know about that one. And imagine you are anal retentive, almost obsessive compulsive and that intrusive co-traveller is also unhygienic and loud. And now imagine this is you, but you are the third traveller watching one annoy the other. Damn funny, right? And why not? When you aren't the one suffering. And that’s exactly what happens in Challo Dilli. Unfortunately, it goes overboard with the situations in the second half.

You will have a smile pasted for every bit of the first half of the film. And then you see the writer's desperation to make the story a little more than just a regular road trip. You see them suddenly take a plunge into crime & politics. Maybe this is their attempt at picking the pace a bit post-interval, but it didn't work for me.

Maybe because I had settled into the lazy, pleasant stroll that the film had set-up. The shift in the quantity and quality of events thereafter came as a jolt. The subtle hints on the Mumbai vs. Delhi attitude, the city vs. small-town mentality, the upper middle class vs. lower middle-class divide transform into on-the-face comments about the society we live in and socio-politics take over.

But with Vinay Pathak and his all-so refreshing performance, everything looks tolerable. That Lara Dutta wasn't acting as if she had no brains was an added bonus. They had some very nice witty, everyday language going on too.

The well-executed camera work and the engaging background music made the experience even better. Usually, when these departments draw attention, it gets registered in my head negatively. But here they add a lot to the two hours spent on the film.

Go along, be the third person watching all the fun on this funny, quirky journey, even if it’s a DVD watch.

- meeta, a part of the audience


32 reviewers(?) - 10 yays 8 so-so 14 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by Nishtha Bhatnagar, Alpha : ...It captures the local flavours of small towns with immense elan and does a reality check for overworked, high headed city dwellers like us.... full review

Thumbs up, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...speckled with sharp and witty lines... full review

Thumbs up, by Smita, Desi Martini : ...The chemistry between Lara and Vinay Pathak is great.... full review

Thumbs up, by Deepa Gahlot, Film Impressions : ...Of course, clichés fly all through, but since the pace is zippy and Vinay Pathak is in overdrive, his Manu doubly aggravating than the character in Bheja Fry ... full review

Thumbs up, Mixed Bag : ...The bhaisaab-behenji chemistry between Vinay Pathak and Lara Dutta is the strongest pillar of the movie.... full review

Thumbs up, by Subhash K Jha, Now : ...refreshing film with a lot of heart ... full review

Thumbs up, by Sonia Chopra, Sify Movies : ...The Lara-Vinay combo rocks... full review

Thumbs up, by K N Gupta, : ...lovable road movie... full review

Thumbs up, by Janhvi Patel, StarBoxOffice : ...Vinay Pathak is absolutely flawless and superbly entertaining in his portrayal of a typical Delhi guy. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Nikhat Kazmi, Times Now : ...the film has so much soul, specially in the climax, it makes up for any shortcomings in story and vision. ... full review

So-So, by Aparajita Ghosh, Apun Ka Choice : ...A bumpy trip with a few good turns... full review

So-So, by Bobby Sing, Bobby Talks : doesn’t excite me to write about CHALO DILLI anymore due to its Copied status, at the same time I am also willing to praise its highly impressive climax which will be both shocking as well as enlightening for all the viewers with a rightly pumping heart in their bodies. ... full review

So-So, by Sukanya Venkatraghvan, Filmfare : okey dokey attempt... full review

So-So, by Divya Solgama, : ...Still not a bad watch, as this journey has its different moments and halts, leading to safe and one time watch destination.... full review

So-So, by Shubhra Gupta, indian express : ...The second half opens up the story, and gets more characters in just when we are about to drowse off . ... full review

So-So, by S Rohatgi, Now : ...doesn't quite reach its destiny.... full review

So-So, by K K Rai, STARDUST : ...An average flick.... full review

So-So, by Reel Reptile, Upper Stall : ...That nothing else is shocking apart from Lara Dutta displaying actual emotions with considerable facial expressions is another matter altogther. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Amrita Tanna, Bolly Spice : ...Had the creativeness of the roles and plot been given that much more concentration, this movie had the potential to give the audiences comic genius and a story which was heart-warming for reasons that hadn't been thought of before.... full review

Thumbs down, Bollywood Mantra : ...has less engaging moments; hence it turns to be a tedious journey... full review

Thumbs down, by Payal, Desi Martini : ...An odd pair but a convincible one, the two do make a good time pass movie by fault.... full review

Thumbs down, by Gaurav, Desi Martini : ...unique element that this movie brings to the table is that there is no love angle... full review

Thumbs down, by Rony D'costa, Desi Martini : ...if the journey is filled with memorable characters, interesting incidents & some fun filled moments the usual premise can work. Sadly this is not that film. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Mihir Fadnavis, DNA : ...Unfortunately, the deliberately mismatched pair’s screwball template gets mangled, simply because both of them come off as infantile nitwits, undercutting any comic rapport.... full review

Thumbs down, by Nupur Barua, : ...the script, drags and meanders post-interval, and the characters find themselves in situations that seem to be added in just for kicks. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Pankaj Sabnani, : ...The first half in particular, is very tiresome. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Mayank Shekhar, Hindustan Times : ...banal, belaboured, contrived concoction that’s just not funny; certainly not fun.... full review

Thumbs down, by Rajeev Masand, IBN Live : ...predictable... full review

Thumbs down, by Komal Nahta, koimoi : ...for select multiplexes in the cities only.... full review

Thumbs down, by Tushar Joshi, MiD DAY : ...The serious dramatic overturn towards the end punctures the average run of the film towards the very end. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Anupama Chopra, NDTV : ...strains hard to be uplifting and poignant but it doesn’t quite make it. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Preeti Arora, Rediff : arduous journey to nowhere... full review


72 tweeters(?) - 51 yays 13 so-so 8 nays

zeylovers: Just watched Challo Dilli. Nice movie! :) @DuttaLara

zainab_sadiq: just watched #chalo-dilli, pretty good, unique, reaaly funnny. watchh it @osama2 and @Sadafffy

UsmanJavd: This time it was chalo dili - starring one of my fav, lara dutta! Good movie! I enjoyed iit quite a bit!

tarinbansal: Chalo Dilli - #Awesome movie. Perfect compre movie. #FeelGood Lara Dutta :-* #oldLove ;)

supreetbahl: just watched "challo dilli"...Best movie of the year...Brilliant acting and script..Hats off to @DuttaLara and @pathakvinay

sshreyas: Saw "Chalo Dilli". Nice movie, Lara Dutta can act! She looks damn hot too!

skptweets: Chalo Dilli: Acting 10/10. Comic Timing 10/10. Story 8.5/10 Music (esp. for Yana) 8/10. All in all a VERY nice movie. Time well spent.

shantusharma: Long time ! Watched a movie finally in theatre. went with 'Chalo Dilli' . nice entertainment. vinay pathak ! you rock ! #movie

shandilya_nitin: Chalo Dilli is a magical movie, i really liked it....specially bcoz i have seen both Lara's and Vinay's sides in real life @ last 5 months

sands24_7: just saw Chalo Dilli..awesum!! y cant they make such gud movies bout Mumbai!!

samkadam32: Watched Chalo Dilli.. Vinay Pathak has stole the movie single handedly.. Lara looks stunning as ever.. Good to watch..

S_Bhardwaj: "Chalo Dilli" is a nice movie..It will keep u awake enroute for sure.

ridziegal: Watched Shor in the City last night. Was just ok. Liked Chalo Dilli better. #Bollywood

ridhubhatia: Chalo Dilli was a nice road movie... a little inspired from Leap Year but i guess its the genre!

razashaik: Chalo dilli - a very entertaining movie on how life perspective changes with reality.......

Ramanbck: watched Chalo Dili today ..wat a movie guys loved it!!! had a total fun was like a big journey the best part is "wats a bid deal" <3<3<3

rahulrdeo: Chalo Dilli, one fine movie! Loosely inspired by Due Date but a fun movie over all! #MovieICanWatch #India #movie

R_Raphi: I Request all of to chalo multiplex & watch chalo dilli. u will like it. Great movie.

PRanam1: Recently watched Chalo Dilli. Subtle comedy and a sensible message at the end. Decent movie

poojaspunky: #Chalo dilli fantastic:-):-)

pankajramprasad: Watched Chalo Dilli finally . Vinay and @DuttaLara were jus awesome . Very well made movie.

nimeshnagar0707: Chalo Dilli' :- Nice Movie...but it is ripped off from Hollywood's 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles'. So one may (cont)

nikhilsharma26: Just saw "Chalo Dilli", good , light movie :)

musicperk: Challo Dilli rated ★★★½ on MusicPerk

mukesh7373: chalo dilli nice stuff .....

mrsachin7: had a frustrating day....but the movie challo dilli was awesome..liked it very much

mohsriva: Chalo Dilli!!! a must watch :)

megha_jainrocks: recently seen chalo dilli , awsome movie..........

manjuoommen: R@DuttaLara awesome man...gr8 movie challo dilli..vinay hs been like dis always bt whr was dis Lara b4...Lara u rock playin charactr

MadthaRohan: chalo dilli is out standing

koolyuva: Challo Dilli... 4 1/2 stars

King_Akhilesh: Chalo dilli a fun movie must see guys

johnpriya: watched 2 great movies over the weekend.. after Limitless and and amazing performance by Bradley Cooper, Chalo Dilli just do it for me..

jitin84: Chalo Dilli: The best comedy of the year with a darling performance yet again by the one-and-only Vinay Pathak!!! A wonderful watch :)

janki09: Watched #chalo dilli 2day Wid ma perfect Mothers Day njoyed a lot !!!!

IT_Kabootar: A few months back, @pathakvinay was tweeting from the Jaipur winter. Now I know it was for the beautiful work in Chalo Dilli. I liked it.

hemu_8: Chalo Dilli ... I like it :-D

effayeffay: Watched "Chalo Dilli"... Good fun! Vinay Pathak is brilliantly obnoxious.

CyberBlabber: again: "Chalo Dilli" awesome. great performances. very apt depiction of the varied human nature in the multi-cultural landscape of India.

cotuc: Vinay Pathak rocks. Liked @DuttaLara too in Challo Dilli. Good movie. Paysa wasoool.

coolshranjay: saw chalo dilli......a great acting show by both the actors......LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!


chaudhary_kapil: Chalo Dilli: Inspired from Due Date....funny and watchable....Vinay Pathak as usual awsome...lara was good but Yana was awsome..

atulsingh001: Watched "Chalo Dilli" a good entertaining movie. may be inspired by "Due Date" including lots of hindi filmy tadka. #fb

ashithakur: Dekh li ji #Chalo Dilli :) nai dekhta na, to "Badi baat ho jaati". Must see movie hai. Sirf Hasna (cont)

ashish_pathak80: Just watched "chalo dilli" just two words for movie...simple and superb......

anshulnitk06: chalo dilli ...gud movie for those who are not critic...

Anirudh_Shukla: Shor in the city and Chalo Dilli are cool movies to see... Haunted is not at all watchable....

akinak87: Saw 'Chalo Dilli' yesterday. The 'Bheegi Basanti' production house makes you wonder for a bit, but a fab movie nonetheless!

adityakapoor: Chalo dilli - hilarious, vinay pathak gets my salute.

16geetika: Chalo Dilli....a cute, entertaining movie. And Vinay Pathak is such a fine actor!

shailip: Chalo Dilli was a pretty ok movie. Vinay Pathak is awesome.

rijujacobs: Chalo dilli... a feel good movie..vinay does what he is best at....lara...u've got a rich jus a producer...overall...time pass

namansaraiya: Just saw Chalo Dilli. Vinay Pathak, you beauty. Jab We Met re-incarnate. Needs stronger/shorter script. Over-all, decent. 3/5. #LateReview

md610: Chalo Dilli is a watchable movie.

Lath_rit: Saw chalo dilli can't understand why everybody is so mad about it. Its good but something just gets bored and slagging at the end.

Kruspace: Vinay Pathak made the otherwise weak Chalo Dilli worth a watch...the start 2 d picturesque road ride was promising but cld not hold ground

journopriyankka: Chalo Dilli was ok-toke........

hemrajsingh: Saw 'Chalo Dilli'. A good one-time watch. Don't expect a great deal. Reminds of 'Due Date' though. :)

Forever_Tarun: chalo dilli, one time watch hai ji. Kaun si badi baat ho gayi, no need to make it emotional in the end. Lara is good

Divyavaani: So chalo dilli is just kaam chalaoo..

biswamitra123: Chalo Dilli-a good muvi to watch..irritates u to the core and u r left wid no options other than to laugh..

arjun_mehra: Chalo Dilli- Lara Dutta's voice shouldn't have been dubbed. Vinay Pathak is a gem n the only above avg thing in the movie.

araushan: CHALO DILLI could have been little better....

suyognabar: Chalo Dilli not as gud as its hype... I guess @pathakvinay das vidaniya & straight were much better.....

shakwrites: 'Chalo Dilli' was like trying to take a decent short story and stretching it into a 400 page novel. Highly counter productive. #review

RootKanal: saw chalo dilli. vinay pathak is a saving grace. and so is akshay kumar for a change :S

pathiknagda: Chalo dili lasted 05 mins it sucks big time vinay pathak goes on n on and lara dutta tries to make faces thats it movie over

motihariwala: Walked out of Chalo Dilli. Really bad. I mean it. Real real bad.

khullarkapil: Chalo dili boring movie

GunjanArora25: Chalo Dilli is a stale dish with ingredients of boring jokes, predictable scenes and unending crap!

_Manashwi: Weekend viewing: #Fast5 (whatever happened to 'fast' cars?); Chalo #Dilli (despite its moments felt like d 2hr flick went on for 2hrs45min)


6 readers - 5 yays 1 so-so 0 nays

Yay! Thumbs Up, by A Dhingra : 100

Yay! Thumbs Up, by : You will have a smile pasted for every bit of the first half of the film. And then you see the write

Yay! Thumbs Up, by : You will have a smile pasted for every bit of the first half of the film. And then you see the write

Yay! Thumbs Up, by : You will have a smile pasted for every bit of the first half of the film. And then you see the write

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Vibhu Mohunta : With Vinay Pathak back at his best, Chalo Dilli delivers fresh humor and is a mood changer for sure!

So-So, by difficult game play : Nilopolis

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Plot Summary

Two unlikely co-passengers meet and are forced to spend a road trip together.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: Not really.
  • Language: A few swear words.
  • Nudity & Sexual content: An item song set in a village bar.
  • Concept: A small-town man and a urban-bred woman are forced to spend time together.
  • General Look and Feel: Pleasant and light

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:
Music Director:

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