Bhoot Returns

wogma rating: Don't bother (?)

quick review:

With next to nothing happening in the first 70 minutes and a disgustingly horrifying last 20 minutes, Bhoot Returns pretty much yells 'don't watch me'. Even if the aim of the film is to disgust and horrify you, the approach it takes doesn't make the film any more palatable.

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Director: Ram Gopal Varma
Running time: 90 minutes
Genres: Horror
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Bhoot Returns - Preview

Another comeback by a lead actress from a decade or so ago. This time it's Manisha Koirala. She picks the horror genre and we have no less than Ram Gopal Verma directing the film. Very interesting combination, I say.

A mother who is afraid of her daughter because the daughter seems to be possessed. Interesting concept too. The trailer also suggest that they have avoided the usual trappings of a horror film that can break the film. It does look like a reasonably horrifying film.

But, then again it is Ram Gopal Verma. Just because I am hoping against hope that he won't torment with tight close ups and pounding music, he is unlikely to keep them at bay. I am so wary of the extra dimension at his disposal. I am all game to get scared even though I don't enjoy horror, but I don't want to be annoyed by a dominant department of film-making. However, I guess, at least this once they are used in the right genre.

One thing that does bother me about any horror film involving kids is the effect that might have on the child artist. Is it fair to them? Is it fair to their childhood, to have them know of concepts way beyond what is appropriate for their age? Are they at the very least protected and well taken care of psychologically during the making of the film? It is almost impossible for me to keep that nagging feeling away while judging how I liked the film.

- meeta, a part of the audience

Just the experience of watching a film like Bhoot Returns in the theater is annoying, where the audience is so sure of having come for a comedy film masked as a horror film that it can never stop giggling. Save a few minutes in the the last quarter of the film there wasn't a minute of silence in the audience. Continious chitter-chatter and/or laughter was on because of what was happening on screen or rather because of what was NOT happening.

The plot barely moved an inch in the first half. Night turned into day and day turned into night, with the nights getting longer but the material stayed pretty much the same. The attempt at replicating the Paranormal Activity effect again was superficial and quite plainly didn't work.

While days passed, the dialogue was outright hilarious because it was so inane. While some of it might have been intentionally comic like say the hide-and-seek sequence, but it looked all too silly. For a change though background music, albeit loud, had been used a little differently and created a tiny bit of tension. The use of 3D on the other hand, was rather comical. It was employed either to give a wide-angle effect or to make items in the foreground obstruct the view to things/people in the background.

While Manisha Koirala did a decent job of being scared, her character Namrata is disturbingly not your standard loving mother. Even if a mother is self-centered, it is difficult to imagine her yelling at her child who is so obviously in need of help.

The rest of the cast was just about okay but the dismal tele-marketing kind of dubbing for Madhu Shalini was extremely distracting. Not to mention, the only reason for her existence in the film seemed to be to add some X factor, for there's nothing she, as the possessed child's aunt did that either parent couldn't have done.

Personal judgments and role definitions aside the much advertised horrifying climax was a bit too uncomfortable to digest. And maybe that was exactly the aim of the film – to make its audience uncomfortable at the very thought. Yet, it makes me sick to even think that there might be people out there who are okay with what the conclusion implies. My usual complaint about having child artists play roles of possessed humans stays though, I guess, I can be relatively relieved that it is kept down to just one sequence which was not that intense either.

While one can thank Mr Verma for keeping the film short at 90 minutes, the re-return of the Bhoot seems imminent. And that, I am certainly wary of.

- meeta, a part of the audience


29 reviewers(?) - 0 yays 3 so-so 26 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

So-So, by Latika Payak, Bollywood Life : ...All elements – creaking doors, scruffy dolls, footsteps in the night – that make a horror movie spooky are right there. But the spook quotient fades after you see the same moves night after night in the haunted bungalow.... full review

So-So, by Nupur Barua, : ...Sandeep Chowta, known for his background music, is not much in his element. ... full review

So-So, by Rohit Khilnani, Rediff : ...The first half of the film has quite a few nail biting scenes but post interval, the movie gets over on a rather abrupt note. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Anna Vetticad, annavetticadgoes2themovies : ...This review will be as much of a bare-bones affair as the film in question: Bhoot Returns is scarey in the first half, but fails to add a single new dimension to the old new-occupants-in-a-haunted-house tale.... full review

Thumbs down, by Naresh Kumar Deoshi, Apun Ka Choice : ...Ramu shockingly cranks out a few clichéd horror genre tropes that have long given up the ghost for any avid viewer. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Bobby Sing, Bobby Talks : ...A cheap mediocre quickie by RGV, which wrongly uses kids in an objectionable manner.... full review

Thumbs down, by Samreen Tungekar, Bolly Spice : ...The story develops in the most predictable and tedious manner. While the duration of the film is only two hours it somehow feels much longer.... full review

Thumbs down, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...After raising the bar of horror films with BHOOT, RGV lets you down badly this time. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Mayank Shekhar, Deccan Chronicle : ...You watch the house. You see the little girl. The camera turns into another mad angle. The sound hits you on your head. The same sequence gets repeated. You wade through the hollowness.... full review

Thumbs down, by Rony D'Costa, Desi Martini : ...what you see is Rgv's tribute to the props in movies. He is the only film maker who gives so much importance to props in his movies. They are almost like characters.... full review


Thumbs down, by Kanika Sikka, DNA : ...Bhoot Returns is missing the the scare factor and, god forbid, if you watch it with an audience that is easily tickled, you may not enjoy even the high points of the movie.... full review

Thumbs down, by Rachit Gupta, Filmfare : ...Bhoot Returns is a sorry excuse to shoot tiring, long and static shots with a deafening background score.... full review

Thumbs down, by Martin D'Souza, : ...There is a roar of laughter in the audience. There are many such occasions where you can actually have a hearty laugh. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Divya Solgama, : is no Dum in this film what-so-ever, except for the sheer power of the torture this movie succeeds in giving you with its 90 minutes of mind-numbing boredom. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Rajeev Masand, IBN Live : ...In an interview he gave me two weeks ago, Ramgopal Varma said he thinks horror films "should never have a story". According to him, an ominous setting alone can do the trick. That’s pretty much all he’s willing to offer in Bhoot Returns... full review

Thumbs down, by Shubra Gupta, indian express : ...But that and the occasional scary moments are offset by predictable writing and pedestrian acting by all its protagonists ( including Koirala on the comeback trail) except for the little girl, who does her job effectively. ... full review

Thumbs down, Indicine : ...For a change, RGV gets the camera angles right. The 3D effect is decent too. The background score should have been better.... full review

Thumbs down, by Roshni Devi, koimoi : ...Loo Break: Anytime.... full review

Thumbs down, by Shaheen Parkar, MiD DAY : ...Not for a nanosecond do you feel that tinge of fear.... full review

Thumbs down, Movie Talkies : ...RGV Disappoints…Yet Again! ... full review

Thumbs down, by Aakash Barvalia, MoviezADDA : ...The screenplay of 'Bhoot Returns' was decent enough to engage the audience in the company of its scary quotient, but sadly the sequences were becoming stretchy enough to toned down the excitement level.... full review

Thumbs down, by IANS, NDTV : ...I am sure students of filmmaking courses could churn out a much better product.... full review

Thumbs down, by Mansha Rastogi, Now : ...With no innovation in storyline or chilling antics, Bhoot Returns turns out to be nothing but a mockery of the horror genre.... full review

Thumbs down, by Shilpa Jamkhandikar, Reuters : ...Varma manages to replace his usual ear-shattering background music with nothing but the sound of a clock ticking. That only reminds you of all the time that has passed in this film without a single scary thing happening. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Sonia Chopra, Sify Movies : ...fails to jolt... full review

Thumbs down, by Angela Francis, Star Blockbuster : ...It is too verbose for a 3D horror film where more visuals are expected.... full review

Thumbs down, by Sudhish Kamath, The Hindu : ...If only Bhoot Returns your ticket money ... full review

Thumbs down, by Madhureeta Mukherjee, Times of India : ...the cliches creep in, even before horror does... full review


39 tweeters(?) - 3 yays 2 so-so 34 nays

TheVishalDureja: Enjoyed the Day ! Saw Bhoot Returns in 3D :D.. so scary man !!

ShaikhTamanna: Watchin Bhoot returns again...& cant believe its givin me chills agains...Hatts off to Manish Koirala's performance so spontaneous !

devakatta: Bhoot returns was a very engaging & chilling experience. A bit surprised at the low scoring reviews

SwapnilPwagh: Bhoot returns jst timpass

PreetiTalks: Bhoot returns: Really very awful story and acting. But amazing 3d effects...

ZingCine: Stay away from ‘Bhoot Returns’: Ram Gopal Varma’s repertoire of films can be classified in basic two categories,...

zarjis31: Bhoot Returns is yet another dull gem in Ram Gopal Verma's everlasting Hall of Shame....:P

ZainSkh: Why does Bollywood even make a horror movie bhoot returns total flop

wassupbollywood: Bhoot Returns is a Disaster.

VinaySuper: saw BHOOT RETURNS, very slow pace and too long moments of silence !

Vedansh7: Bhoot Returns is the most fuckng horror movie ever seen ..

sweetdame27: Bhoot returns is da most pathetic movie... No content.. Even a kid can made a better movie.. RGV hv u lost it.. A big no no..

shalabh_agg: bhoot returns: RGV cannot make a movie bad than this one,

sandy_giri73: Dreamum wakepum= bhoot returns in theaterum... Horribly madepum...amusingum...leaveum theatereum...enuff saidum"

saimadcharm: Bhoot returns pakao!!

rohitbhangale: Bhoot Returns ... a strict no no...

piyushrajsaxena: Bhoot returns... :-D Less horror more comedy. Puri movie 6 artist ne to kardi. Good sound effect but failed to make a fear imperssion. Lol..

PiyushMishra_: Gosh i commited a big blunder last nite,watched bhoot returns,still tryin to figure was i suppose to be Horrified..:O

pareekaishwarya: Sir Bhoot returns s horrible.disgusting..pehle aapna direction sahi kijiye phir kisi great elder actor k bade me boliye..

pannkajt: Bhoot returns 3D review Dumb...Disappointing...dead.

nomi08: Bhoot returns because indian ghosts always fail to scare. #RIP Horror.

nayan2627: #BhootReturns or Crap Returns - Read My Review - Ramu enough of your filmmaking now . . .

KrunalBhalja: If u watch bhoot returns, you will be scared but thats because you will be the only one in the theatre! #PatheticRGV

khyati_91: Worst muvi of d year..#Bhoot Returns

jeetbasu: 'Aiyya' loud...messedup..disappoints! 'Bhoot Returns' less said the better..phew! Torture!!!

IrelandManoj: u r breaking records for the worst films . now bhoot returns . who is giving you all this shitty stories .

ingloriousankur: Bhoot Returns, Fear is still missing

HtNaMuS: It seems rgv dont even have a professional camera to shoot his bhoot returns.. Ppl plz sponsor .. :-P

gauravhassija: The genre of bhoot returns should be changed from horror to comedy. The movie was no good at all.

edwardcrazzy2: REVIEW Bhoot Returns Low Budget Lazy Filmmaking With Sloppy 3D ...: Disappointing that for the 'follow up' to hi...

CrackpotCrumbs: That awkward moment when your dreams r scarier than rgv's bhoot returns

ashukr1234: first horor movie at theaTer is bhoot returns and it is totally rubbish..... i think ramu can go to hell with shabbo.....

aru_nav_das: Why isn't @RGVzoomin making films like Satya instead of making Bhoot Returns? This man's graph has gone down from good to worse.

anisa_316: Bhoot Returns is absolutely rubbish. How is it even in the horror category when there was nothing scary in there -_-

angry_sperm: best comedy film..: BHOOT RETURNS...

amritahaldipur: "Aiyyya. Bhoot Returns. Bhaago. Instead, let's fly to the theatres to watch Makhi" - my reaction to this week's releases.

ameya0: Bhoot Returns what a comedy :P =D #RGVneedstolearndirecting

Akkimundhada: Bhoot returns sucks.....

adityasavnal: Bhoot returns is better than Department. But that is hardly a consolation


2 readers - 0 yays 1 so-so 1 nays

So-So, by jackkphil

Nay! Thumbs Down, by manav : 90

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: Murders and ghosts.
  • Language: Clean
  • Nudity & Sexual content: None
  • Concept: That of a ghost befriending and taking over the mind of a child.
  • General Look and Feel: Dark and gloomy

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:

Bhoot Returns - Cast, crew, links

Background Score:
Action Choreography:
Art Direction:
Running time:
90 minutes

Comments (6)

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this movie will SUCK!!

@Lil I was hoping at least the acting will be good. Let's see...


Said so

@Lil :P


I am a little curious, so asking :

Rajeev Masand calls the film 'time-pass entertainment' (though I agree, accompanied by a 2 star rating), and yet its tagged as a 'thumbs down' wala review. Any comments?

@Harsh At first read (I must admit a quick one, since there were 4 films this week), his review read it as he didn't quite like the film. Thus the thumbs down, also of course encouraged by the below 2.5 rating. 2.5 rating goes straight to so-so.

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