Behen Hogi Teri poster

Behen Hogi Teri

wogma rating: Don't bother (?)

quick review:

The only thing different about this “parents vs. lovers” love story is represented in the title. The title itself is one big eyeroll. So that's that.

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Director: Ajay K Pannalal
Running time: 120 minutes
Genres: Romance
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Behen Hogi Teri - Preview

I did not like the title. I've always found that phrase demeaning. Not offensive, but not nice either. I hoped that the movie would be a satirical take on the phrase, but it seems to be just another boy convincing girl to fall in love with him and then the couple convincing the families to let them get married. As old as it gets.

It doesn't seem to have any other spark or endearing moments either. The performers are great but again I doubt they hold any real challenge. Strangely enough, when a movie seems too familiar, it gives me hope that there will something different about it. Why else would all involved take the project on?

- meeta, a part of the audience

The very premise induces cringes in plenty – why are young men asked to treat all the young women around them as sisters? Sure, the issue of honor killing is touched upon, but it seems more as an after thought, when the writers realised that the premise is not virtuous enough to hold ground for an otherwise done-to-death “family vs. lovers” theme.

That no man really wants to treat women around him as sisters sounds more like a frustrated rant of a many-year-old, suppressed angst.

There is a certain freshness in how the logistics of certain situations are explained. For example, the lies that need to be told to get one's way. In fact, these logistics implicitly point to how well characters know each other. For example, the stories a character makes up to get the parents to behave in a certain way. Both these aspects are rare in films and even more so because it is executed using the “show, don't tell” rule. There is some snappy dialogue to support this through too.

But this goodness lasts only a few scenes and is washed away with other sequences. In contrast, some scenes are just too superficial to make any sense. And a few others are replete with exaggeration.

None of the characters require any real out-of-the-world acting. The performers just need to not go overboard and that they manage – more or less.

Given the one line plot of a love story that is as standard as it gets, it boiled down to the angle this particular premise takes on the plot. That no man really wants to treat women around him as sisters sounds more like a frustrated rant of a many-year-old, suppressed angst. Now, would that motivate you to watch the film?

- meeta, a part of the audience

19 reviewers(?) - 1 yays 12 so-so 6 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by IANS, Sify Movies : ...Overall, with the background score and the songs smoothly blending into the narrative, the film seems like a seamless canvas. ... full review

So-So, by Sreeju Sudhakaran, Bollywood Life : ...Behen Hogi Teri may not be as funny as the trailer has promised us, thanks to a sluggish second half and weak female characters. Nevertheless, it is still an entertaining watch, with all due credit to Rajkummar Rao’s terrific performance, a great supporting cast and some really funny scenes. It may not be the comedy of the year, but Behen Hogi Teri doesn’t end up being a decent time pass flick, that you can surely enjoy if you can overlook the flaws. ... full review

So-So, by Shruti Choraria, Desi Martini : ...While your heart develops a soft corner for all the characters in the film, Gattu's father, Darshan Jariwala and Binny's brother, Ninad Kamat could have been far more better. But the only reason to smile at the movie is Rajkumar Rao. The movie is packed with performers of various calibers, but Rao - the only reason to even attempt this - is better than everyone and their brother... full review

So-So, by Sarthak Mehta , Desi Martini : ...The movie is a good source of entertainment for all those doing nothing this weekend and are looking for some sort of entertainment but not that good to go out of your way just to get a glimpse of this cliche rom-com.... full review

So-So, by Rachit Gupta, Filmfare : ...Behen Hogi Teri is a decent popcorn flick. While it doesn't do anything wrong, except may be make it's lead man a bit too much of a coward, it also doesn't ever break free from the feeling of familiarity. Like countless romantic comedies before, this film just feels like another romantic film made on a template. Perfectly average, nothing special. ... full review

So-So, by UDITA JHUNJHUNWALA', FirstPost : ...What the writers (dialogue by Sanchit Gupta) and the director do get right is the idea of how ‘rakhi’ and the concept of sisterhood is a terrible manipulation for young people unrelated to one another.... full review

So-So, by Ruchita Mishra, : ...The dialogues of the film are catchy and surely guys of every area, be it rural, urban will connect to one line, 'kaun sa ladka ladki ko deke bolta hai isko mein apni behen banauga'.... full review

So-So, by FENIL SETA, Kia Gia : ...On the whole, 'Behen Hogi Teri' could have been this year's 'Tanu Weds Manu Returns' or 'Happy Bhaag Jaayegi'. It has so many things going in its favor – great performances, a premise that's straight out of life and a small town setting. But there's too much confusion and misunderstandings in the second half that should have brought the house down. Instead, it leaves the audiences dazed. ... full review

So-So, by Ahana Bhattacharya, koimoi : ...Behen Hogi Teri is another example of Rajkummar Rao’s excellent performance; he will surely win your heart. Despite its shortcomings, the film is entertaining and makes for a nice weekend watch. And yes, the title is interesting! I give it 3 stars! ... full review

So-So, by Sonil Dedhia, MiD DAY : ...Haasan, as a feisty Punjabi girl, is a misfit. You can see her effort, but she appears stymied on most of scenes. 'Behen Hogi Teri' has some funny moments and attempts to upgrade the rom-com genre in Bollywood, but it doesn't offer anything new. Take a chance with this one only if you enjoy the genre. ... full review

So-So, by Kunal Guha, Mumbai Mirror : ...It's easy to forsake this film as regressive and the society portrayed here as dated and disconnected from reality. But then, when have screwball comedies in Hindi cinema subscribed to being politically accurate or sensitive? If they were, No Entry would be shunned for objectifying women and Thank You would be banned for making light of domestic abuse. So, leave your brains and other organs at home and take your SO for this date film before you're pronounced man and behen. ... full review

So-So, by Prasanna D Zore, Rediff : ...While your heart develops a soft corner for all the characters in the film -- Gattu's father Darshan Jariwala; Binny's brother Ninad Kamat -- Behen Hogi Teri's climax could have been far more better than what it is. ... full review

So-So, by Nihit Bhave, Times of India : ...But the only reason to smile at the movie is Rajkummar Rao. The movie is packed with performers of various calibers, but Rao - the only reason to even attempt this - is better than everyone and their brother. ... full review

Thumbs down, by ARNAB BANERJEE, Deccan Chronicle : ...Filmmakers like Basu Chatterjee and Hrishikesh Mukherjee in the past and even Dibakar Banerjee in the recent past have understood the genre of the middle-class comedy so well that we keep revisiting their films even today. The trouble is this is neither a satire nor a dark comedy. It doesn’t even have great performances to keep your interest alive throughout. By adding many stereotypes, it hammers its point. The end result is disappointing. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Zinia Bandyopadhyay, Desi Martini : ...Verdict - It has a plot-line that is relatable AF, but drags enough to become a bore fest!... full review

Thumbs down, by Johnson Thomas, Free Press Journal : ...The lack of chemistry between the leads is also galling. It’s clear from this outing that Bollywood writers are beginning to sell third rate crap to gullible producers.... full review

Thumbs down, by Sweta Kaushal, Hindustan Times : ...Rajkummar brings out the best of the guy-next-door stock character. Be it convincing Binni of his love or getting beaten up by his own dad, Rajkummar plays to the tune of the film and never misses a beat. There isn’t another actor who would have fit the role as well. Shruti, on the other hand, looks like she has been picked out of a different universe and stuck in that of the film. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Namrata Joshi, The Hindu : ...Isn’t Behen Hogi Teri more a nostalgia trip for what was the norm a few decades ago than how things could be now?... full review

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1 readers - 1 yays 0 so-so 0 nays

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Mahesh

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: A few fist fights
  • Language: Some abusive language muted
  • Nudity & Sexual content: None
  • Concept: Boy woos girl only hit a roadblock in the form of her family
  • General Look and Feel: The regular brightness associated with rom-coms.

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:
Music Director:

Behen Hogi Teri - Cast, crew, links

Running time:
120 minutes

Comments (1)

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Behen Hogi Teri movie looks very interesting. This story looks realistic like in every society there is a boy, who like the girl which is lives in same society. But Because of the family, some tragedy happen and this tragedy becomes to the Hera Pheri. The Starcast looking fresh, This is sure this movie is full on entertainment. To get more news related the upcoming Bollywood Movies & Celebrities go to Bollywood Hungama here -

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