wogma rating: Watch if you have nothing better to do (?)
The social cause is an excuse to pad violence around. And a thick padding it is. Anything new? No; including the unnecessary segues, inane sub-plots, comic relief attempts, ill-placed songs, loud background score, overdone slo-mos, and so on. (Streaming partner: Amazon Prime)
Read moreThe only thing that I am likely to remember about the film is the obnoxious child. And an inconsistently written one, at that. Otherwise, it would be difficult to find a kid who is so callous and empathetic at the same time. I agree, with the burden the character has to carry, she’d have ended up being too saccharine to make an impact. So, the makers decided to make her a quirky non-standard, ace-class brat! Clearly, I have very little to say about the film since I have spent the first paragraph on a poorly written side character.
Or we now have a hardened part of the audience, due to the onslaught of violent films.
The writing of this side character, Khushi (Zara Zyanna), is like everything else in the film—something covering up for something else. Her brashness is a cover-up for the overdose of cuteness she would have become, which is the real purpose of the character—to be cute and nice.
The social cause in the story is a cover-up for the violence. It could have been any story, the attempt at goriness would have been the same. Sure, there are nasty visuals, but there are not enough in number to gross you out completely. I am not complaining. At the same time, I am pointing out that there’s nothing too novel with the action sequences. Or we now have a hardened part of the audience, due to the onslaught of violent films.
Interestingly, this one had some room for variety in the acting department. And no, it is not because of the unnecessary diversions and distractions in the story. The main story itself had enough opportunity for the actors to show us what they have. Not saying, the story was very unique or even interesting. Just that, given the age-ol’ revenge and more revenge, the potential to add to the performances was explored by the cast.
But that is grasping at straws in this relatively uneventful, Hindi-film year. Also, a rather damp squib end to the year, no?
- meeta, a part of the audience
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