The Attacks of 26/11

wogma rating: Add to 'must watch' list (?)

quick review:

The Attacks of 26/11 tries to tackle two questions - Who are these terrorists? And can we face their terror with anything but helplessness? A little tact, a few fumbles. A little beyond the obvious, a few facts edited/changed.

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Director: Ram Gopal Varma
Running time: 115 minutes
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The Attacks of 26/11 - Preview

I find it very difficult to trust Ram Gopal Verma anymore. Despite an intriguing trailer and an engaging first seven minutes of The Attacks of 26/11, I don't feel like raising my hopes of liking a RGV product. I have to admit this is far more about his earlier films than it is about the promotional material of this film.

Also, there is this nagging feeling that I don't want to see a movie yet about how my dearest Bombay was held at ransom. Much less when the narrative seems to be embellished with songs.

I shudder at the thought of everything being over-dramatized, which is obvious even in the camera work and background score of the first seven minutes. And this is despite feeling some relief after having watched them. Maybe super-low expectations is the key here.

Music Reviews:
Bollyspice - "3.5/5"
Bollywood Hungama - "2/5"
koimoi - "3/5"

- meeta, a part of the audience

"What...are these people? What kind of this?" Jt Commissioner Maria (Nana Patekar) is as baffled by the inconceivable ruthlessness of the 26/11 attacks as we were on 26 November, 2008. In another scene he's seeking help from the Central Government while the attacks are on, and his helplessness comes through with an exasperated, "I don't know what to do." The thought behind these two sentences reverberate within, even before they have been said out loud. The large space between these lines is what makes any terrorist attack what it is. Its attempt to address these lines is what makes The Attacks of 26/11 a movie worth watching.

Unprepared, untrained, unequipped - that's how any police force would be when facing a terror attack of this nature. It's not that nothing should be done to prepare, train and equip ourselves better, but an attack without any tip, is bound to catch local law enforcement off-guard - people walking around with limitless ammunition, willing to kill or die. Just like when an airplane crashes into a building or several cases of serial bombing. The first half numbs you with episodes of the 26/11 attacks one after another.

In this half though, weird camera angles, ridiculous focus on various statues (Laughing Buddha being the favorite!), loud screeching violins in the background - all annoy and distract. But the content is so close to home that you can mostly ignore them.

The body count too seems exaggerated, be it at CST station or at the Taj Hotel (even if the film uses the Taj lobby as a symbol of all who died or were injured in all other places on that day.) But, throughout you make small connects with people who you could care for - children of course, but police officers and regular by-standers. The connect is obviously because it could have been you or me or someone we know. And Ram Gopal Verma appropriately cashes in on this connect, even if with little finesse. Whether or not the film would be more human, more engaging, if in the hands of another director - I don't want to know.

In fact, that issue remains throughout. Am I connecting with the film because of the characters and how the film is narrated or is it inherent with my connect to the incident itself? Unfortunately, this is something I will never be able to answer. And this will work in the film's favor forever.

Also, I am sure there are many unsung heroes in this incident that didn't make their way into the film. Surely, there are many changes and additions to the events to provide for that bit of drama needed to make a story into a film. Way too many times in the first half, you wonder, "How do they know that happened?" because everyone involved died. Also, the film covers only the events of 26/11 and not the two days after. Yet, that is the cinematic liberty we can allow to a maker who is trying to go beyond just the occurrences of this one event.

The second half has two main scenes which bring about a balance that I didn't think a film on this event could bring about. It would be safe to say that we as a nation are not in the mood to understand the psyche of the terrorist who has the audacity of holding one of our cities at ransom. So, to try to bring about a sermon setting the right from the wrong might be considered a cop-out or brave; filmy or wise - depending on what your stand is.

Surprisingly, I found myself in awe of (lapping up) Jt Commissioner Maria's word-for-word, thought-for-thought, concept-for-concept response in his spiel. All credit to some awesome dialogue writing and an overpowering dialogue delivery. Not to mention, the thought behind the said monologue, resonates with my attitude towards any strong religious sentiment used out of context and as a justification for hideous acts. Someone said it out loud.

It doesn't matter then whether or not the Jt Commissioner actually had such a conversation in real life. Here the director is talking to us, the citizens of this country. And maybe he hopes to reach out to the oddball Jihadi who ends up watching his film.

And if that does happen, the manner in which it is done reaches the viewer's gut and Nana Patekar's performance in that one scene could be enough to warrant a watch. What a relief it is to see him not resort to his typical style, but take a more restrained route. Even without the monologue, one shot where he is offered water shows you he needs no histrionics for a good performance. Here, the close-ups are used brilliantly.

Sanjeev Jaiswal as Kasab induces enough hatred to not want to watch him in any other film again. Then again, that is more because the character is not fictional. Only a few more films will determine whether or not he is a good actor. For now, that the audience was restless whenever he was on screen and abused strongly shows that he didn't goof up.

Despite all that was good about the film, it is difficult to shake off the disgust felt when I heard that director, Ram Gopal Verma had visited the site of the attacks the day after. Insensitive of him, irresponsible of the people who allowed it to happen. The negativity that his visit had brought about, will stay forever and will always be a black mark against his product.

Yet, such films are important. If not to remind us of the difference between the fundamentals of religion and being a fundamentalist, to remind us of questions we should not stop asking our resilient selves, "Are our shores secure today?"

- meeta, a part of the audience


37 reviewers(?) - 11 yays 11 so-so 15 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by Subhash K Jha (IANS), Apun Ka Choice : ...a stunning wake-up call... full review

Thumbs up, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...The film not only chronicles the terror attacks, but also pays homage to the sentiments of the people of India and especially the heroes and victims of 26/11... full review

Thumbs up, by Rachit Gupta, Filmfare : ...It’s unapologetic about its violent stance. The loud intimidating background score proves it. But more importantly the film is passionate in its recreation of a horror most people would not want to recollect.... full review

Thumbs up, by Martin D'Souza, : ...RGV and Eros International should dub this film in as many languages as possible. Methinks it should have an international release. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Gaurav Malani, indiatimes : ...What could have been an insightful film on the ill-fated incident almost ends up being a detached docu-drama thanks to RGV's tangential take on the attacks of 26/11.... full review

Thumbs up, by Joginder Tuteja, Indicine : ...Call it a dramatic adaptation but one thing can be said for sure that reality would have been much more troubling than what one sees on screen. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Aishwarya, koimoi : ...The style of narration suits the news-mode more than the movie-mode.... full review

Thumbs up, by Divya Solgama, MoviezADDA : ...Screenplay has been decently written ... full review

Thumbs up, by Saibal Chatterjee, NDTV : ...Ram Gopal Varma adopts an otherwise largely matter-of-fact approach. It cuts both ways. ... full review

Thumbs up, by Sonia Chopra, Sify Movies : ...Several colleagues who had covered the attacks live, were disappointed that the film was a poor representation of the actual events. That put aside, the film does manage to involve the viewer and their emotions with its raw portrayal of the attacks and powerful performances.... full review

Thumbs up, by Resham Sengar, Zee News : ...a comeback of sorts... full review

So-So, by Reza Noorani, Bollywood Life : ...Thought provoking yet definitely not the last word on the terror strikes... full review

So-So, by Charu A Mahesh, Buzz in Town : ...However, scenes like the baby crying near his dead mother inside Taj or the wounded girl sobbing between a carpet of dead bodies at VT is quite spine chilling. ... full review

So-So, by Mayank Shekhar, Daily Bhaskar : ... It’s a Ram Gopal Varma movie that’s just better than anything he’s made lately... full review

So-So, by Rony D'Costa, Desi Martini : ...A film like this deserved the RGV of Satya not the RGV we know now. This could have been his fight back film. Alas!... full review

So-So, by Nupur Barua, : ...Ram Gopal Varma is infamous for his crazy angles and disturbing camera movements, but in The Attacks Of 26/11, he lets the visuals breathe and live.... full review

So-So, by Anupama Chopra, Hindustan Times : ...The tragic absurdity of constables fighting heavily armed terrorists with stones and lathis hits you.... full review

So-So, by Mansha Rastogi, Now : ...The film has its soul-stirring moments but they are very few. ... full review

So-So, by Roshmila Bhattacharya, Star Blockbuster : ...Some measured acts, some moments of horror... full review

So-So, by Swati Rohatgi, STARDUST : ...If that be the biggest highpoint of the film considering some of his previous works, even his representation of certain elements deserve to be lauded.... full review

So-So, by Sudhish Kamath, The Hindu : ...he shows a lot more restraint in the second half and Nana Patekar single-handedly lends the film a little dignity.... full review

So-So, by Madhureeta Mukherjee, Times of India : ...What RGV's re-appraisal of that injury does, is remind us that the spirit of the city is indefatigable; inspite of still bleeding hearts. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Anna Vetticad, annavetticadgoes2themovies : ...Newcomer Sanjeev Jaiswal plays Ajmal Kasab, the lone 26/11 terrorist to be caught alive. It’s hard to assess his performance, such as it is, since he’s given little to do in the film apart from resemble Kasab.... full review

Thumbs down, by Deepa Gahlot, cinemaah : ...It feels like the dignity of those people who lost their lives is being violated. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Ameetbhuvan, Desi Martini : ...Two gruesome hours after as i walked out of the theatre, I was wondering how a film like this gets released in the screens while the censor board sits cutting songs and midriffs in scenes from other films! ... full review

Thumbs down, by Ankur Pathak, Desi Martini : ...I don't want to talk about Nana Patekar because I do not understand why he'd agree to do the film in the first place. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Nikhil Arora, Desi Martini : ... These are distressing sequences but must I see a child crying in the middle of this mayhem while the terrorists wait and let Ramu have his dramatic moment?... full review

Thumbs down, by Tushar Joshi, DNA : ...The Attacks of 26/11 feels like a over decorated half baked dish that has the right ingredients and toppings but lacks the taste to titillate your appetite.... full review

Thumbs down, by Deepa Deosthalee, Film Impressions : ... Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan should consider himself lucky he doesn’t get a mention in the film (the NSG is a mere footnote) unlike Hemant Karkare and Vijay Salaskar who are reduced to extras of the dumb filmi cop variety.... full review

Thumbs down, by Trisha Gupta, FirstPost : ...The unstintingly gory recreation of these tragic deaths seems especially a pity because Varma was once gifted enough as a filmmaker to be able to grip us without it. ... full review

Thumbs down, by Rajeev Masand, IBN Live :, jingoistic and almost hysterical tone... full review

Thumbs down, by Alisha Coelho, : ...Poorly acted and amatuerly shot... full review

Thumbs down, by Shubhra Gupta, indian express : ...It had the potential to be both smart procedural, and spiffy action, but '26/11' sinks somewhere in the middle.... full review

Thumbs down, by Sanjukta Sharma, Live Mint : ... a cheap rouser... full review

Thumbs down, Movie Talkies : ...ends up disappointing his fans.... full review

Thumbs down, by Karan Anshuman, Mumbai Mirror : ...But it is RGV who has the last laugh as he guilt-trips you into standing up through his reversescrolling end titles in memory of the lives lost in 26/11... full review

Thumbs down, by Vaihayasi Pande Daniel, Rediff : ...gave me a headache... full review


270 tweeters(?) - 183 yays 23 so-so 64 nays

ZeroCoverage: Watched Attacks of 26/11 today. Can't believe someone is so sick to actually do this to Mumbai citizens. Well made @RGVzoomin. I like!

Zahirul__Islam: "the attacks of 26/11" is a movie watch worthy. It reminds 26/11 mumbai attacks and bring backs tears again.

wastedaman: Balls - Basic pre-requirement to make a movie like "The attacks of 26/11" @RGVzoomin Kudos man !

vivekmodi91: Nice efforts by RGV in attacks of 26/11.every one must watch movie once to experience the threat experienced by victims of the attack

vishpratap41: Epic movie by Ram gopal Varma "Attacks of 26/11" really #TERRIBLE ... it's really a must watch movie for Every Indian.

vishnut30521516: The Attacks of 26/11 was Awsome ......... no words to say............ once again proved what RAM GOPAL VARMA is.....

VishalEOF: Attacks of 26/11: Gripping movie!

viragdubal: The attacks of 26/11 - must must must watch ( all the mumbaikar don't miss it ) #mumbai

VinitBeley: Attacks of 26/11. The real hit comes in second half. Loveable. Realistic approach. Smart camera. Believable performances. Good movie. 4/5

VikasPrkshSingh: The Attacks of 26/11 - One of the few Bollywood movies in recent times that are so intense that they keep the...

VennuMallesh: Watched The Attacks of 26/11 film presenting Real life incidents on Screen is too GooD. people know what happened but RGV shown how happened

vanitas_b: "The Attacks Of 26/11" -- About the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Centers on one of the terrorists and city's police chief. Gripping, graphic.

VAitharaju: The attacks of 26/11 is the best Hindi movie of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vaidehisachin: The Attacks of 26/11 #mustWatch

V2Agrawal: Attacks of 26/11 awesome movie...(y)

UttishtSuman: This mother fuckin critics are at it again-killin a great movie :RAM GOPAL VARMA'THE ATTACKS OF 26/11.Feel like burnin them in a furnace.

urstrulymi3chi: The Attacks of 26/11 ............leaves u in an emotional trauma.......

upsidedakshin: The attacks of 26/11 second half is very good. The end is superb! Wish the film was a lil more faster. Nana patekar is brilliant.

u_chubby_cheeks: Attacks of 26/11 ! Sexaaddddddddd movie! Hats off to the maker's , actors ! Awsum frames , angle's , direction n ek no. Dialogs! Must watch!

trollag92: attacks of 26/11...stunning,hard hitting nd revives d fury in evry mumbaikar..#nanapatekar fabulous job!

Theashishsaini: The Attacks of 26/11 Today watched... Hila Diya movie ne toh... Nana Patekar Superb !

ThatGirl_1394: The Attacks of 26/11 - RGV. Good movie actually. Mohommad Ajmal Amir Kasab deserved that death. #September26

tarun_varma7: The attacks of 26/11 choosa....RGV at his best.....he deserves a standing ovation...

tarak4u2: The Attacks of 26/11: A must watch tale of terror...period!!! Forget that this is a film/RGV film, its a tale...

sweetuniku: The Attacks of 26/11 ~~ what an effort @RGVzoomin

SutariaViraj: Man what an intense movie Attacks of 26/11 is. Highly recommend it to anyone that knows about the disgusting ordeal which went down

sumittake: Attacks of 26/11...must watch...don't rate it...its lyk rating that attack...

sumitsaurabh: The attacks of 26/11 is a must watch for those who have not seen the mumbai attack documentary on national geographic !

Sum_1_special: The attacks of 26/11 ... A gem from RGV !! Don't miss it

suhel: The Attacks of 26/11 - A horrifying & spine chilling cinematic depiction. -ves being the "filmy" OTT Kasab & Nana's preachy monologue. 7/10.

SrinivasReddy_K: Attacks of 26/11 : finally a meaningful movie from RGV....

SPradeepKr: The Attacks Of 26/11 (2013) #Review: Disturbing Yet Brilliant! -

soni_5124: RGV's The attacks of 26/11 makes everybody something to think about!!!!!!!

Slddharth: The Attacks of 26/11: Loved the movie, awesome insight ok terrorism, a little too violent & gory for me though

siddharth4321: Watched RGV's #Attacks of 26/11 Amazing movie & as usual great acting by Nana Patekar @PatekarN

ShutterTux: Saw "The Attacks of 26/11" today. A really good movie. Background score is superb. It feels as if you're in it. RGV's camera angles rock.

Shradzzzster: Attacks of 26/11! Double ups! Must must watch... Nana Patekar, u are god!

sharvariam: Movie marathon today.....Attacks of 26/11 hats off to the makers of the movie and the real life heroes

sharunkumar007: The Attacks Of 26/11 ........ Awsome ........Movie...........!!!!

sharminshaikh: The attacks of 26/11 - A heart wrenching movie showcasing the state of bombay in those cruel times.... #Depressing

SharmaLovneet: Attacks of 26/11 an awesome movie... Jai Hind.... Nana patekarji u proved it again... Proud to be an indian... Thanks RGV sir...

shaileshgam: Now i can analyse - the guys who criticised attacks of 26/11 are same who think dabangg is cult classic LOL

Sethumadhavan: The Attacks of 26/11-shows us flashes of the old RGV and tells us clearly that he is the only one who can make or break himself.

scoop_india: 'The Attacks of 26/11' review: A moving sketch of ghastly terror attacks

SardaarKhan: 26/11 अटैक्स देख् लीजियेगा. रामु जो तीन चार साल से चूतिया काम कर रहा ह,कुछ सुधरा ह, पर कैमरा ऐंगल अपने वाले घुसेडा ह. The Attacks Of 26/11

sandynemmani: 'attacks of 26/11' is gripping,riveting. Yet to recover from the profound impact it had on me.RIP all the victims of terror attacks. :-(

SAMs143NTR: Saw the attacks of 26/11 liked it especially 2nd half @RGVzoomin rockzzzz theater lo public claps kottatam chala rojulu taruvatha chusa.

Salmere: Attacks of 26/11 brutal yet true!first RGV movie I liked!

saikumarsuggula: "Attacks of 26/11" Every indian Must watch Movie .. Direction and taking Brilliant ...RGV

sahebshadysaha: every indian and every outsiders except pakistanis(porkis) must watch the movie the attacks of 26/11 ! still my heart bleeds for revenge !

Rushin002: The Attacks of 26/11 Awsm Muvi ... Not Salaman khan , Not Sharukh khan , Not Amir khan ... " Nana Pateker "Is ever best Actor .... !!

RRajaFilm: The attacks of 26/11 only RGV can.. such an emotional project every Indian should watch.. (kani RGV kosam chudavaddu)

RozyShukla: Seriously attacks of 26/11 the film was amazing! A great job done!

roshan_ms: "The Attacks of 26/11" ... a must watch guyz... Hats off to RGVs efforts..

rohitbhangale: Attacks of 26/11... Very gripping...

rjv009: Terrific emotional saga 'The Attacks of 26/11' . Hail RGV & Nana Pathaikar :-) My Rating 5/5 . Ram Gopal Varma is Back :-)

riktheproguide: THE ATTACKS OF 26/11-RGV 's latest presentation has gripped the nation That ... outstanding without any prejudice ... Terrorism is a culture

remil4remil: Attacks of 26/11. Interval. Hardly any dialogues. Highly engaging BGM. Welcome back RGV. 101% realistic. Took me to tears at times.

reach_anuj: Attacks of 26/11 is a must watch film to get a different perception of terror situation in Control Room by JCP.

ravisarma_dir: *A film every INDIAN must watch!* #The Attacks of 26/11 Great work by our 'Ram Gopal Varma'

Ramakanthwrites: The attacks of 26/11 shows the brilliance of @RGVzoomin Decent flick though.

RahulReddyC: The attacks of 26/11, one can say that dont miss it!, Nanaji kudass.. RGV THUSE GRT HOOO..

RahulBattini: Its The Attacks Of RGV 03/13 about The attacks of 26/11.. outstanding film. go and watch you feel something new and thrill ..

Radhika421: Attacks of 26/11 , amazing movie . #Goosebumps #humans

QvoAki: i just watched movie “Attacks of 26/11” at Bangarole. The movie was quise impressive in that

Punekar_6: Just Watched 'Tha Attacks Of 26/11' . . 5 out of 5 star @rgvzoomin is back with bang.

PromenadeDLF: This weekend, take out time to catch Ram Gopal Verma's 'The Attacks Of 26/11' at DT Cinemas, DLF Promenade.

priyamay04: Attacks of 26/11 super awesome!! Every mumbaikar should watch it!!

PratikPotdar: My Review of The Attacks of 26/11. Go for it.

prasanthvarma: The Attacks of 26/11. RGV is back with a BANG.

PrakashRaju23: Attacks of 26/11 - one helluva good movie!!

Poojamakhija92: Attacks. Of 26/11 amazin. Movie

pigmediacraft: Watched The attacks of 26/11. Highly recommended @AttacksOf2611

pearlwhite: The #Attacks of 26/11 is goooood. Must watch. A surprise from RGV

paramparatweets: Brilliant tribute by @RGVzoomin to the victims of -The Attacks Of 26/11! Go watch it, for the love of life & pain of loss!

nniirrbbhhaayy: The attacks of 26/11 portrays the bravery of the men in uniform and their determination. Well done RGV and team #servewithhonor

NitinKalunge: The attacks of 26/11 is awesome movie.

nileshrander: Attacks of 26/11... Truly, a must watch..

Nikz_MUFC: Every one should watch 'The attacks of 26/11'. Emotions go deep but the rage keeps you on. Amazing, amazing movie. #RESPECT @RGVzoomin

nihal1239: Saw the attacks of 26/11... Awesome movie

Neell_gh: Attacks of 26/11.. Great depiction of the horror incidents.. Finally a gud one from RGV.. Brilliant performance by Nana & Sanjeev

nautanki: Quite liked Attacks Of 26/11. Mostly fast-paced, taut & interesting documentation of all known facts. Yes, I liked it!

nasruddinhasan: It may look funny, bt hve 2 say hats off to @RGVzoomin 4 d film THE ATTACKS OF 26/11 If being an Indian u didnt watched the film, ur unlucky

NanduBhende: In "The Attacks of 26/11", Varma succeeds in making us feel that that we are in the midst of the action & terror. A good job...

Nandita1983: Attacks of 26/11 is a must watch !!! Well executed .. Haunting, even after a day. Nana Patekar at his best:)) #respect

NadeemKhan_18: Only 1 and a half star for "Attacks Of 26/11" ??? WTF....Get out of your homes and watch it folks,don't miss it....its a must watch movie !

Mrr__Perfect: Fabulous Movie! > 'The Attacks Of 26/11'

MrBlackVijayFan: Saw Attacks of 26/11 , Splendid acting by Nana !!! And the guy who acted like Qasab very good performance. @RGVzoomin 's best till date :-)

mohitpaul1986: I rate the movie "the attacks of 26/11" as 4.5 on 5. For acting nana sahib you deserve 5 on 5. Sanjeev jaiswal (kasab's character) 4 on 5

mmvkr: attacks of 26/11 movie taking awesome

Meet_Rajpal: 'The Attacks of 26/11' portrays the tragic incident of the terror attacks with a lot of maturity. Well done @RGVzoomin ..must watch!

Manyukan: So finally a sensible film by Mr Ram Gopal Varma -- The Attacks of 26/11 ! Its not brilliant but Good none-the-less!

mani_ahluwalia: The attacks of 26/11...each n every indian mst watch...RIP for all innocents who lost their lives....

manatelugumovie: The Attacks of 26/11 Movie Review - 3.5/5: Rating: 3.5/5Cast : Nana Patekar, Sanjeev Jaiswal, S... Click for More

madkartz: The Attacks of 26/11 emotional, helpless,scared, angry All feelings felt at the same time in some scenes.. Thats RGV!My Salute Mumbai Police

macsayz: Attacks of 26/11 is an allout RGV masterpiece with some top notch performances from Nana patekar and Sanjeev Jaiswal! Don't miss this one!

lavzfashions: in second half on the whole the attacks of 26/11 is just terrific film.

kunaljp: The Attacks of 26/11, not an easy film to make but @RGVzoomin shows remarkable restrain in depicting several scenes. Compels you to watch

KsLohith: The Attacks of 26/11 has evry reason to watch it :) ## Respect RGV !

KotzzG: Attacks of 26/11 : RGV that we all like is back with this one.. 1st half is (cont)

kinnuPSPK: The Attacks of 26/11 - An outstanding effort by @RGVzoomin. #RGV can only dare to touch this kind of subjects. Dlgs \m/ 3.5/5 #Recommended

KickedOutOfUFO: The attacks of 26/11 brought tears in my eyes.

KhajanchiA: Attacks of 26/11(*) (*) (*) (*) an amazing movie and that's how the Extremists shud be treated (y)

KeWin4991: Attacks of 26/11 izz a must watch film fr u guyz n also for every Indian.. Don't miss it @Jams2691 @Vaibhu291991

kewalramani_s: Attacks of 26/11- Great Idea, not such a Great Execution. Yet a good movie. Nana Patekar was just brilliant.

kavipandit: Attacks of 26/11. Ram gopal verma is back and how. Loved the film and what he has done with it. Nana patekar. Respect.

KartikDayanand: Wrt bloodshed, we have seen worse in countless other films. The Attacks of 26/11 has a good msg at the end, that is all that should matter.

karthik82: Music score in "The Attacks of 26/11" is so overdone, like having every word in a piece of text set in large, red, bold and underlined font.

karan24x7: The Attacks of 26/11...!!! The Movie will Shake u... The Story behind the Nov Blasts..!!

jha_siddharth94: Another reason why everyone must watch "the attacks of 26/11" is Nana Patekar. His role as the then Jt.Comm of Police is par excellence!

jayendra_atre: If u were in mumbai on 26/11, do watch 'attacks of 26/11'. The movie whether good/avg, will get you emotional. We are lucky, not all were.

JanamSatra: The attacks of 26/11 is a must watch movie if u r a true Indian n specially a Mumbaikar. #respect RGV n d fighters of crime

jagira: "The attacks of 26/11" is a good movie. Don't know why critics gave it 2 - 2.5 stars. Do watch it.

jagdish_sutar: #The attacks of 26/11 - A must watch movie (y)

j_Rathi: The Attacks of 26/11 superb film, very well executed...cheers to the immensely talented Mr Nana Patekar ...superb performance. Class Apart.

iswets: watched The Attacks of 26/11.. is one of the better films Ram Gopal Varma has made in recent years.

ishid8: Superb muvie-attacks of 26/11. Wel executed. Wsh der ws mre on nariman house n taj n d terrorist kiled der. But in ol wel done @RGVzoomin ..

IRajjat: "The Attacks Of 26/11" is a must watch film. An specially Nana patekar dialogues awesome :p:D #heavyheart RAM GOPAL VERMA.

InternetTofu: Attacks of 26/11..good movie !

iamharnad: The Attacks of 26/11 is a must watch movie! will watch it again in Telugu @RGVzoomin

Hyd_Nawab: The Attacks of 26/11 is fantastic movie. Shocker, horrifying. @RGVzoomin is back and back with bang.. Great peace of direction. Fantastic.

hthhemanth4: Attacks of 26/11 ....!! Iz a must seen movie.... !! Great jobb done by RGV ... Hattzz off.....:):)

HKaukawala: The Attacks of 26/11: Review: This is not an Entertaining Film, Lekin ye film aapko zaroor sochne pe mazboor...

HimanshuKaush18: The attacks of 26/11..a must watch for every Indian...✌

Him_87: Don't miss Attacks of 26/11. Its a must watch.

hemz4u: I wonder y directors don't make such movies like Attacks of 26/11.Indian directors are always in the process of attaining commercial success

HemaKumarMC: Watched #The Attacks of 26/11 film presenting Real life incidents on Screen is too GooD. people know what happened but RGV shown how happene

harshil_07: The attacks of 26/11. A true homage to the martyrs. It still brings tears to our eyes! :'( :'(

Harismulla007: watched The attacks of 26/11..... Great movie. Nana is as always outstanding../// Well Done RGV.

H4RD1K_: Btw attacks of 26/11 is good.. RGV ne ghaav taza kar diye.. nana pateker is awesome.. dialogs were superb.. @RGVzoomin thanks..

GoonerPratish: Show Attacks of 26/11 followed by RGV ki Aag to the Pakis. They will immediately raise white flag and stop all terrorist attacks on India !

Gods_Evangelos: Saw the attacks of 26/11 today.. speechless.. tears.. we cannot even imagine what happened to the victims.. sigh

GHariKanth: The attacks of 26/11 leaves you spellbound.

gautamverma23: The Attacks of 26/11. Very disheartening but amazing work by Nana Patekar, Sanjeev Jaiswal ( guy who played kasab ) and of course @RGVzoomin

ForeverSleepyyy: RGV's The attacks of 26/11 was just brilliant. Perfectly pictured and could have been better with more scenes of places been attacked.

emexindia: ‘The Attacks of 26/11’ - Great work RGV!

durgeshtweet: The attacks of 26/11 is must watch. This is the 1st time people are coming out of show without any expressions on their faces, includes me.

Drkritarth_YNWA: ' Attacks Of 26/11 ' has a gory 1st half,but the 2nd half really lifts the movie up. Nice watch .

DrcRamchand: Intense, Compelling and realistic……miss “The Attacks of 26/11” at your own risk! @RGVzoomin

dilip_pn: jst watched the mvie "attacks of 26/11"...really well taken mvie...felt painful to see wat really happ tht fateful day in mumbai.. :( :(

Dheeraj333: The Attacks of 26/11 was Awsome ......... no words to say............ once again proved what RAM GOPAL VARMA is.....

dhaval4000: "Attacks of 26/11" ... It's a must watch for Every Indian ...!!

dhar_rnjn: So inhuman , so brutal , the attacks of 26/11 reflects the terror and agony our nation faced , well directed by RGV #26/11 #kasab

DeepXP: Watched The Attacks of 26/11. Good movie. Kind of incomplete but still a good watch.

Deepuzoomout: So, Kiddos Here's RGV for you.. And what he's capable of :-). Not a proof but sheer perfection.. The Attacks of 26/11

DeepthiKommu: RGV's Attacks of 26/11. Wat a brilliant movie. Great job sir. Each scene was so realistic. Wish u a great success & remuneration @RGVzoomin

cvsarathi: #The Attacks of 26/ watchable,gritty and raw and above all it keeps (cont)

CrumpledWings: The attacks of 26/11: a gut wrenching film. I suugest the profits be donated to the martyrs' families. Also, Rakesh Maria, \m/

CrazyBangalan: Watched 'The attacks of 26/11'. A standing ovation to Ramgopal Verma.This film makes up for all the disastrous movies he has made!#MustWatch

cjaswanhram: dont know y but my heart was fully scratched @RGVzoomin after seeing attacks of 26/11, hatsoff master

bogeyno2: Film Review: The Attacks of 26/11 - A surprisingly restrained take on the events of 26/11. #theattacksof2611

bharatkumarkona: Attacks of 26/11.... Sheer class from RGV.... Must watch to everyone for such a brave attempt .... Go and watch it...

bharath0526: OSM movie The Attacks of 26/11[Mumbai]...

being_shevaal: #TheAttacksOf2611 review :: Rating : 9.5/10 #bollywood

Bajirao_Single: Must Watch The Attacks Of 26/11. @RGVzoomin At His Best. Audience Clapped At The End. The Fight Between NSG & Terrorist Is Missing.

back_punch: If argo and zero dark thirty are praised despite the truckload of lies, RGV's The Attacks of 26/11 is definitely praiseworthy

babiprasad: The Attacks of 26/11 Movie excellent My fav......director Ram gopal varma (RGV)

B_W70: Very well made movie The Attacks of 26/11 Must C!!

avulaamareswar: Attacks Of 26/11 Terrfic Mve Must Wtchble.Ram Gopal Varma Is Back Nana Suprb.When he abuses,it suits and respnds to our feelings@RGVzoomin

Attacks2611: Movie Review: The Attacks of 26/11 by Fenil SETA (3.5/5)...

Ash_Arbale: Attacks of 26/11 is most disturbing film on real events that I've ever seen. @Rgvzoomin should be lauded for his sincere effort. Must watch.

arshad_md: The attacks of 26/11 film: No one can dislike it and also a fantastic message in the ending...hats off RGV

arjun9292: Attacks of 26/11 a must watch movie . what a come back by @RGVzoomin . saw ladies crying in theatres. the incident displayed , is amazing!

Archi_palego: Ignore the Ratings. Watch - The Attacks of 26/11. - For Nana Patekar and Sanjeev Jaiswal.

aptumads: Standing Ovation... In Talkie Town , Hyderabad ..for RGV's The Attacks of 26/11. Another master piece from Verma :)

ankitakhandkar: The attacks of 26/11,,, a must watch

anindobanerjee1: The Attacks of 26/11 is a good movie overall.It is a great comeback by RGV whose direction I'd top notch.But the film could have been better

Andhra_Pasivadu: The attacks of 26/11 ... A gem from RGV !! Don't miss it @purijagan @RGVzoomin

AnadkatDeep: The Attacks of 26/11 excellent movie....

amypatel09: The attacks of 26/11 was a good movie

ameyshirodker: Attacks of 26/11....A nice Movie.... but Aani bare jaavpak Shaktale...

akanksha23apr: 'The attacks of #26\11' - ★★★½

ajaykumarchinni: I liked The Attacks of 26/11. Nana Patekar is ultimate. I have not watched his movies till yesterday. Superb acting..

ajay_179: THE ATTACKS OF 26/11 - RGV's taking is awesome ! kudos..!

AdmiraL_Z: The Attacks of 26/11 - Completely blown away. Great, great film making. RGV delivers phenomenally this time! #MustWatch

adeeba31298: "The Attacks Of 26/11" is a Stupendous Movie depicting The Truth. I Love You DAD for the Hardwork You put in Nana(Patekar) uncle's dialogues

ad_assam: The attacks of 26/11 a must watch ! Every indian must watch it :)

achtungparag: Attacks of 26/11 a very well researched and enacted movie. Few scenes will definitely get u goosebumps! Must watch! Nana Patekar rocks! #FB

abhi_ram: still in "the attacks of 26/11" hang over. what a film, WHAT A FILM!!

AapChutiyeHain: After Attacks of 26/11, RGV now has free pass to make 2 more shitty movies. #welldone

02himanshu2013: today i saw the movie attacks of 26/11 nd it is awesme movie

_sreenath: The Attacks of 26/11 is Awesome! A Must Watch Ram Gopal Varma’s best Film Ever #26/11 #RGV

__chirag_: Good movie. Attacks of 26/11.

urvashi13k: The Attacks of 26/11 happened last night! Good one. Could have been better though!

satyajithpinku: Watched Attacks of 26/11,Overrated movie but felt Patriotic urge with whole Audience Hooting & Clapping whenever...

SaheelB: The attacks of 26/11... Movie could have been directed better ... Nana Patekar.... flawless as always! RGV

Oliverice: Saw attacks of 26/11....incomplete movie but spine chilling ..20 yr old youths brainwashed to become terrorists...

mohan_amin: Just OK attempt by RVG's on Attacks of 26.11 but it cud hv bn better. Nariman house n Trident ignored. Nana is always at his best.

meghu27: Watched Attacks of 26/11 ... Could have been better film if the focus was more on situation than Kasab .. Overall .. Ok film ..

KyaHaiBey: Come to think of it The Attacks Of 26/11, the movie, is not that a bad movie. Theek hi tha.

KumarLuv: A film like Elephant leaves you far more shocked than The Attacks of 26/11. Though the scale here is far huge.

kanwarchauhan: Brilliant documentary though. The attacks of 26/11. Rgv delivers a tolerable movie for the first time in a long time

jayantsjy: Ramgopal verma is back with attacks of 26/11,but not wid his full potential

iRahulKapoor: The Attacks Of 26/11 - One Time Watch. Nana Patekar at his best.

imnaad: Saw Attacks of 26/11. Ramu could have made it extraordinary film but he missed his chance... many imp incidents were ignored... overall ok.

Hiten_Chhajed: Watched attacks of 26/11..Not a great direction by RGV bt surely heart touching and some mind blowing acting! Not for the weak hearted thou!

GulatiChetna: Saw The Attacks of 26/11. Average movie but wonder if anything's changed? Can 1 still row up to Taj and are cops still using WW1 guns?

Foodie_Bevdi: The attacks of 26/11 is not that bad a movie after all .. Way to gruesome and raw but some portions are a must watch .

demonshield3: My review for 'The Attacks Of 26/11' on Rotten Tomatoes: 2 1/2 stars >

dedh_hoshiyar: ‎"The Attacks of 26/11" : Its a tribute to the unsung heroes of that terrible incident. Good Movie, but could have been much better.

debsankar1980: Watched The Attacks of 26/11- started brilliantly but lost the plot..and 26/11 is not only about Kasav..ONE TIME WATCH only for Nana Patekar

coolsagy: The attacks of 26/11 is well executed #Bollywood movie, but could have been better with precursors. Nana's performance was commendable. 3/5

chaosparticle: The Attacks of 26/11: Thankfully RGV spared us his excesses with the camera. Sadly, it didn't drive home much.

being_abhi: The attacks of 26/11- Nana and second half saves the film . A gud one time watch. .

bapnajignesh: Here are the ratings for the weekend releases! I Me Aur Main - 3* The Attacks of 26/11 - 2.5* Jack the Giant...

AnchanAbhi: My review for 'The Attacks Of 26/11' on Rotten Tomatoes: 2 1/2 stars-There’s a scene in ‘Attacks of 26/11’ where...

yashbohra5: Attacks of 26/11 is a pathetic movie ! It has hardly anything to do wid d attacks its more abt ajmal n his past n etc etc etc -_- (0/5)

yakuzazoomin: Coming back from The Attacks of 26/11 .. Never ever miss this experience. MUST WATCH !! RGV's Best after RC-1.

VyankateshK: The Attacks of 26/11, too much hype and focused entirely on Kasab. I was expecting to see how they rescued people from the Taj and Oberoi.

virus_soul: 'The Attacks of 26/11' directed by Ramgopal Varma is so worse that I fear they might attack again to teach him how to make a movie !

VaaNara: Attacks of 26/11. Rating 1.5/5 . Poorly written script. unwanted goryness, slow paced shots.mediocre acting.avoid.

TheFookFace: The Attacks of 26/11 is nothing but a dramatic reconstruction with a few verbal tirades thrown in it.

thatdarkcoffee: Attacks of 26/11 is a real bad film. But as a Mumbaikar you just can't afford to miss this film. #Review

TerroristHindu: Kasab and his associates killed 169 people in 26/11. Ok. But in return RGV killed a movie called 'The Attacks of 26/11'

tarushsinghal: A gory experience, The Attacks of 26/11 is stl alive in public memory. d movie deserved better writing. d facts shown in movie is distorted.

susegaado: Please don't watch "The Attacks of 26/11" by @rgvzoomin. It is a sheer waste of time & money.

Sudhie: Attacks of 26/11 is just a watchable movie. It doesn't talk about any of our martyrs. Shame @RGVzoomin didn't consider NSG's heroic efforts.

sreespace: Watched 2 movies: Attacks of 26/11 & Zero Dark Thirty. Similar subjects, but huge difference in director's approach to such sensitive films

soniapsaraf: What is wrong with #ram Gopal verma? What a great topic but such a badly done movie! #the attacks of 26/11....background score is the worst!

shit_iz: Don't watch attacks of 26/11. I normally don't say this about any film but revisiting that night isn't exactly pleasant.

shashank_606: Terror attacks of 26/11 is worst movie I have ever seen this won't b shown on Doordarshan either

schayanriaz: six words for unnecessarily gratuituos and incredibly soulless 'the attacks of 26/11': shame on you ram gopal varma! #heightofinsensitivity

salohhhkneeee: And rgv managed to fuck up attacks of 26/11 also.

sachdevh: The attacks of 26/11 gave me a headache and put me in trauma!

SabChinaHai: The Attacks of 26/11-a shabbily made movie. The narration is bad and so is the writing. Its just the topic which carries it through #imho

rikuroxs: attacks of 26/11 was attack of 3/3 on me..un req close up shots, child crying, hypothetical heroism, no efforts in details..was it sarkar??

Prithvi_Puni: 'The attacks of 26/11' should be a case study on re-recording to film students.Sheer brilliance.

oyechillmaar: The attacks of 26/11 #Fail

nikunjagr: The film, Attacks of 26/11 sucks. RGV must quit.

nandythegreatz: Zero stars is what I'd give to @RGVzoomin attacks of 26/11!!!! Such a disgraceful narrative!

NanditaMehta: Who needed this retelling again? My review of the blasphemy that is 'The Attacks of 26/11'

mehtatejash: --- @the attacks of 26/11 i will not say a well directed story, its not a story.. a real movie.. eyes got wet seeing movie..

meetmourya: RGV's 'The attacks of 26/11' was a sheer disappointment! Keep your expectations low!

mandar_gunde: Saw Attacks of 26/11 .. didnt lke it...lacked point/ message which should have been made..

LungFakeer: Would have been great if the actors had assassinated their director while shooting for 'The attacks of 26/11.

KumailMukadam: The movie attacks of 26/11 shows only genocide, nothing else

JayshreeSundar: Regretfully must admit i saw "the attacks of 26/11" Bad.

J_A_F_B: A block of uninterrupted text on THE ATTACKS OF 26/11, RGV's worst fim since his previous one, whatever that was:

iRushikesh: RGV: the guy who makes Satya, Company, Sarkar, Rakhtacharitra...and ruins it all by making AAG, Department, Attacks of 26/11!

iaddysharma: रामगोपाल वर्मा की फिल्म The Attacks of 26/11 दर्शकों के लिए किसी आतंकवादी हमला से कम नहीं है ....

GuptaAkansha1: They say you learn from mistakes. But Ram Gopal Verma has done it again. Do not watch attacks of 26/11. you have been warned.

EkToastSandwich: RGV's 'The attacks of 26/11' is more of a kasab biopic. MUST NOT WATCH.

DonPurav: Saw THE ATTACKS OF 26/11 its amazing movie tears roll dwn after d movie..

deepagahlot: Disappointing Attacks of 26/11:

Crickofreak: "the attacks of 26/11" expected alot frm RGV. Plz do nt watch!

CouchPotatOism: There couldnt have been a more shabbier way of portraying an incodent then The Attacks of 26/11

cognited: Do not watch The Attacks of 26/11 and please RT to spread the awareness.

CilemaSnob: Attacks of 26/11. rating -5/5. ya, minus 5 ahahahahah this guy is a moron though

cbpcb: I'd wanted 'The attacks of 26/11' to be our version of 'Zero Dark Thirty'. Disappointing to learn that it's far from being so.

callmeamaverick: The Attacks Of 26/11 sir acha nahin tha. Honestly. Good Luck for your next movie. :) @rgvzoomin

BondaPanda: Attacks of 26/11- even with the real incidents RGV ends up making only an horror movie.

blanknoiz: The attacks of 26/11: good topic, bad film.

atulbehera: Watched The attacks of 26/11, now i hate two things even more... Terrorist & Ram Gopal Verma !!!

astroshiva: Two much talked about Inidian films on Terrorism of this year were dissappointments for me. Vishwaroopam and The Attacks Of 26/11

Ashy_Assassin: रामगोपाल वर्मा की फिल्म The Attacks of 26/11 दर्शकों के लिए किसी आतंकवादी हमला से कम नहीं है ....

AshisshRulz: The Attacks of 26/11 : Highly disappointing! Highly Recommended NOT TO WATCH

ArvindChhabra: love movies based on true events n dz why saw attacks of 26/11 but it's surely not made as well @thekiranbedi

ArtviewTweets: do not see 'The Attacks of 26/11'.

annishaikh1990: The Attacks of 26/11. Paisa waste. Aajtak var pan jast detail madhe dakhavlela.. Nana patekar pan gandla hi movie gheun. Lol.

ankitnanavati: Attacks of 26/11. Disappointment. So much more that could have been told was missed. Mr. Ram Gopal Varma, you have lost your touch

AnilAmesur: Just saw The Attacks of 26/11. Such a poor presentation of the facts. No Taj or Oberoi shown. Wish Anurag Kashyap made this.

Amit_7536: After all the fracas, four year later, RGV releases The Attacks of 26/11. Was it all Worth it? Absolutely not.

AdvaniMohit: anyone who says that the attacks of 26/11 is a good movie has clearly not seen black friday by anurag kashyap

acebhavik: Attacks of 26/11 could have been waaaay better....RGV continues to suck....#yawn

abhijitdesh07: The Attacks of 26/11.... slow movie and felt direction lacked ........ In short disappointed by RGV

abdullah_0mar: 'The Attacks of 26/11' directed by Ramgopal Varma is so worse that I fear they might attack again to teach him how to make a movie !

AasthaAK: 26/11 is just dramatic version of the attacks. I wish it was a realistic and insightful version of the attacks. :/ #2611 #Attacks #Movies

a20nitin: The Attacks of 26/11 is not worth a watch Nat Geo Documentary is much better #HarshTruth

2ourcecode100: Attacks of 26/11 sud have been directed by anurag kashyap.I think he is perfect for such movies. RGV ruined everything

__aksa: Ram Gopal Verma has lost it. Attacks of 26/11 tells the story from the terrorists' POV. No mention of the heroes who defended us that day.


3 readers - 2 yays 0 so-so 1 nays

Not Interested in Watching, by Harpreet Singh : Not seen the movie but the prelude told me more than enough !

Not Interested in Watching, by lee walton county florida busi permits : Genova

Yay! Thumbs Up, by buyadx : good movie to show the reality in the current days.

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Suman

Nay! Thumbs Down, by Will

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.

Parental Guidance:

  • Violence: Loads and loads of violence and it doesn't help that it all happened in real life.
  • Language: A fair amount of abusive language.
  • Nudity & Sexual content: None.
  • Concept: The attacks of 26/11 on Mumbai
  • General Look and Feel: A real-life story with a fair dose of drama.

Detailed Ratings (out of 5):

Lead Actors:
Character Artists:

The Attacks of 26/11 - Cast, crew, links

Background Score:
Action Choreography:
Running time:
115 minutes

Comments (6)

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I'm fine with "fictional" stories on such a theme(Vishwaroop,A Wednesday etc) but i certainly have issues with real life tragedies being recreated on celluloid.That's the reason why i've never accepted even universal classics like Bombay,Black Friday and Parzania.Film-makers should stick to fictional stories like Satya,GOW,Company etc.

@Anuj For me it depends on how it is done. How about movies around 9/11?


This film is absolutely sick. Horror films are made for entertainment, and this film has been made in the exact style of cheap commercial horror flicks.

Using a real-life tragedy as entertainment, that is morally wrong.


RGV did Sarkar alright but he also made Aag. So I am going to be honest but switch channels if on TV would be a better rating for this movie. Yes you can't write off a director just because he gave a flop but honestly, the 7 minute prelude was enough that this would be more about showing what actually happened (the bollywood treatment), than showing how it affected our country, lives, economy, relationship with pakistan, etc. (the usual in depth hollywood treatment).
I don't wanna see men with gun shooting innocent people, I would watch Terminator or Die Hard for that.
A 26/11 movie should not be ACTION/ENTERTAINMENT genre.

@Will I didn't see it as entertainment at all.

@Harpreet I doubt he wanted it to be anything other than "what actually happened". I hear your sentiment but this is far, far from being a documentary. I wouldn't have liked a more "human" approach but for the larger theme its trying to stick to, it did well, especially in the second half.


Direction: 2.5
Story: 2
Lead Actors: 3
Character Artists: 3

Dialogues: 3.5
Screenplay: 3
Music Director: 0
Lyrics: 0

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